Chapter 17

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It was the next day. The day when the remaining contestants win for a shot of $1500000!

The nine remaining contestants stood at the starting line while the other players sat on the bleachers. The ex-contestants too.

"Welcome Campers! Today we are going to have duo sessions!!" Chris said as the remaining nine campers stand by the center. "You are going to pick a contestant to accompany you on your final challenge! So I say chose wisely!" Chris said as he let the other contestants take a view. 

The first one to pick was Lightning. "Easy I pick Jo," he exclaimed confidently. Jo was happy to compete. But she doesn't want to leave Sierra's side. "Guess I'll have to see you later, bestie," Sierra said as she let go of Jo's hand. "Yeah..." Jo said as she walked towards Lightning. 

It was Carrie's turn and she was having trouble who to pick. She wanted to take someone smart, logical and has a high chance of winning. Yet she wants that person to be nice and funny. Her eyes traveled through all of the campers and landed on Noah. She wasn't sure if it's right to pick him or not. "I'll take... Noah," she said hesitantly. Noah walked over to her.

"I'm taking Bronze!" Jr. said with no hesitation. Bronze smiled and walked towards him. 

The ice skaters argued about who will take Brisk until she was taken away by Ryan which ended up Ryan and Stephanie arguing that he was supposed to pick a boy. The ice skaters then instead picked Izzy and Gwen. Stephanie picked Duncan. Sanders and MacArthur took Zoey. Scott, of course, picked Courtney. They hugged each other and make-out... Do you guys still want to continue with the Scottney ship?

"Okay. So Lightning and Jo, pick your card from the basket," Chris instructed. "After you," Lightning gestured as Jo rolled her eyes. This isn't the Lightning she competed with or knew. She dug her hands into the basket and grabbed a random card. The other teams follow. 

When everyone got a card, Chris let them read it. "And what is in the card will be your challenge for today!" Chris said with a smirk. 

Jo and Lightning read their card and it says, 

"You must go to the swamp and get three creatures inside a cage.  Then you must hang it in the center of the swamp in a tree and find a bird's nest. Once you found it, you must go back here and secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

Carrie and Noah's read,

"You must go to the other side of the island and catch a mouse in the jungle. Once you caught it, tie it with a red bow and bring it back here to secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

Joseé and Gwen then read theirs. 

"You must jump off the cliff and dive into the shark-infested water and retrieve a key. You then have to use the key to open a chest hidden in the forest. You must then pick two items to carry towards here. Once you reach here, you will be able to secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

Jacques was a bit uncertain and Izzy just read it for him.

"You must go to Boney Island and find a box with gold inside. You must bring the box back her to secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

Jr. and Bronze:

"You must go search around the island for puzzle pieces and put them all together.  Once you found them and finished assembling them, you must find the bo and put it in there. once you put it in there, go back here and present the box to secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

Ryan and Brisk:

"You must go to Boney island and find a red, yellow, and blue flag with the host's hot and gorgeous looking face (no doubt Chris wrote this) and come back here with the amazing flags you brought to secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

Stephanie and Duncan:

"You must go to the hotel, on the other side of the island, to break into Chris's room and steal one of his pictures. Bring it back here secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."


"You must go to Boney Island and retrieve a chest from the other side of the island. You must go back here with the chest to secure your spot for the official entry of Total Drama: Supernatural."

"Ready campers! On your mark..." The campers looked at each other as Chris pulled out an air horn, "go!" Chri shouted as the horn lew off. The ones going to Boney island found boats on the dock. 

So, which one will retrieve their needs first? Wanna know? Vote for my chapters. And I'm not gonna update 'till I reach 30 votes!

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