Chapter 14

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The players were awoken by an alarm clock going off in their rooms. "Stupid alarm clock!" MacArthur screamed as she smashed the alarm clock into the wall.

She exited the room as other players were crawling out of their chambers. "Good morning Campers!" Greeted Chris. They replied with unpleasant groans. "Good morning Chris!" And of course, the ice dancers were the only ones to have a good rest. "Report to the dining hall, then we'll discuss your challenge for today, " Chris said over the speaker. The campers groaned and got ready for their day.

"Welcome campers!" Chris greeted as players were entering the dining hall. They all sat at chairs as Chef hands them their slop.

"For our challenge for today, we will have a triathlon! You all must go to the camp on the other side of the island, without resting. Then you must grab five blue colored rocks hidden around camp, and you must bring them to the cliff! After that, you must jump off the cliff and swim towards shore, and then race back here."

The players looked at each other. At least there weren't any sharks like the first season, right? The sports horn blew and everyone was now running off.

MacArthur was sending daggers at Joseé and she was returning back the action. Lightning was chanting "I can do this, " over and over again. Cameron was panting. Emma was speeding up while Kitty was trying hard to catch up to her.

"You really wanna win this, huh?" Kitty asked. "Yes! I really do!" Emma replied. Kitty looked at her sister who was full of determination and said, "maybe Noah isn't into you now?".

Emma's face was filled with anger. "What did you say?!" Emma said in disbelief as she was gaining more speed.

"Of course he still likes me! The day I broke my heart was the day I regret the most, and there is NOTHING in this world to make him mine again!" Emma declared. Kitty slowed down and stopped. What has gotten to her sister? She wasn't this crazy about any guy, ever. Why now? "Kitty! You are out of the race!" Chris said as he went past her.

Emma was sprinting like a cheetah that she caught up with Lightning.

The remaining competitors who are still on the race were Scott, Rodney, Samey, Amy, Emma, Lightning, Eva, Mac Arthur, Joseé, Jaques, Gwen, Carrie, Ryan, Sanders, Stephanie, Crimson, and Dwayne Jr.

They all started to look for the stones. Emma found first. It was actually very heavy.

"Seems like you need help, " a voice said behind her. She saw Bronze as he smiled at her. Emma scowled and said, "no I don't, " then she put all of her strength and started to carry the heavy rock.

Bronze looked around and saw Junior. He was allowed to help one competitor and they would end up in his team. He wasn't much of a picker so he tried to help him.

Joseé was pushing the rock up the cliff as she saw Junior and Bronze coming up the stiff cliff. "That is cheating!" Joseé barked. "Says the one who cheated in Season 7!" Bronze retorted. Joseé growled. As Jaques came around.

"Help me with this!" She demanded.

"It is an individual competition, remember?" Jacques shot her a smirk and continued to walk up.

"Hah!" Came MacArthur who has a blue boulder on her shoulder, "guess your partner abandoned you!" MacArthur said in victory as Joseé saw Sanders on MacArthur's other shoulder carrying a rock.

Joseé's eyes burned in anger. She screamed and started to push the rock continuously with adrenaline.

Meanwhile, Lightning set the rock down on a blue mat. Then stretched. He was about to jump but Junior got ahead. "Oh no, you're not gonna beat me, boy. Lightning's sha-win this!" He exclaimed as he jumps off to catch him.

Junior reached the shore but Lightning best him to it. Emma then swims next and her frown enlarged to the point they could send the wildest snake to go away. She then ran faster, and faster.

The three wee head on. Emma was intensely glaring at both of them while Lightning was only glaring at her. Junior only focused on winning.

"And the winner is..." Chris paused for a moment and the first to finish was...


Did I make it too long?

She cheered in joy! She grabs the camera and exclaimed, "Hi Noah! I can't wait for your return! I'm coming back for you!"

Lightning finished second while Junior finished fourth. She lost to Carrie.

5th Joseé

6th MacArthur and Sanders

7th Jaques

8th Scott

9th Stephanie

10th Ryan

"And we're down to the eight players! The others are disqualified!" Chris announced as the others sighed, groaned, and yelled. They all were instructed to go back to their hotel and wait for the boat back home.


The cast that was on vacation for two weeks was forced to watch the whole thing live.

Everyone was speechless. Especially the last part. Noah was left there speechless.

Brisk was constantly screaming in the pillow with rage. Emma is not to return.

She ran to her room and got a target sign. She ticked it up in front of the wide flat screen tv and said, "Noah, target."

Noah put on his sarcastic smile and pointed his finger towards the target. His teammates watched in amazement as he shot an electric charge from his fingertips.

After that, Brisk came back with a baseball bat and then smashed the tv in pieces. "Okay Brisk..." Courtney said as she tried to pull her away from the tv, "I don't know why you're this mad, but it's gonna be alright. Surely whatever you're mad about won't happen right?"

"I doubt that, " Izzy cut in.

"If I were her, I would do the same thing, " Izzy said as she rolled her eyes.

The players then scattered around their hotel resort to relax. Cody caught up with Izzy. "What did you mean?" He asked.

"I meant that if I had her IQ, attitude, and passion, I would have done the same thing with my anger issues, " Izzy said as she stepped on the elevator.

"For once, you're actually sane, " Cody smiled as he stepped in the elevator with her.

Izzy then started laughing hysterically. "I spoke too soon."

"Oh Cody, " Izzy began, "I was always was sane. People thinking me as insane is just how I get my ways and excuses. To be honest, I have an IQ of 188!"

Cody couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"If you know how to get by life, you got to know how to maze-up your life, " Izzy opened the emergency door and then jumped out.

Cody gaped as the door opened to Izzy's floor.


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