Chapter 26

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AN: Remember what I said about other challenges? Well, this is it" 


Zoey couldn't tell them her deepest darkest secret

Brisk told everyone that she was lesbian. 


Sierra got a clam with a pearl from the ocean.

Jo told everyone what she thought of Bronze (which was not helping Lightning with his self-esteem)

Lightning tried to battle Bronze (which he lost and was painfully injured)

Sky told them what her favorite ship was, (which is AleHeather)


Emma saw everything. The way Noah kissed Cody, and how he returned it. She wanted to kill Cody so badly. She wants to push him off the dock and drown him. But not now. Maybe later...

Not only Emma saw it, but Izzy too. She took as many pictures as she could. She hangs upside down from a tree, giggling nonstop as she pressed the shutter button. After their moment was done, she noticed Emma in the shadows at the side of a cabin. 

"Hmm..." Izzy took a picture of her then she disappeared. 

It was evening and the campers were around the campfire again. So now, the only people left were Owen, and Cody. 

"Well campers, looks like we have our final choices!" Chris smiled as he looked at the two boys. One scrawny kid and another humungous all-eating child. Chris pointed to the marshmallow to each kid, mocking their hope to stay and try to win. 

"After the challenge today, I think the winner is clear," Chris smiled while holding the marshmallow. 

The tension was intense. Noah and Brisk were praying for Cody while Izzy is crossing her fingers for Owen, even if it costs her ship. 

"Congrats, buddy!" Chris yelled as he wrapped an arm around Owen. "I won?" Owen asked. 

Chris chuckled and said, "nope!" as he tossed Cody the marshmallow. "The jet ski is waiting for you big bud," Chris chuckled as he watched Owen go.

"Wait!" Izzy exclaimed as she ran after Owen. Owen stopped at the dock as Izzy ran to him. Izzy gave him a big kiss. Owen returned the favor. Noah looked at Brisk. He knew she has a crush on Izzy for a few weeks now. Brisk just starred at her. She sighed and walked away from the campfire. She didn't bother to watch more NoCo moments. 

Noah watched her leave, probably heading to the cabins. Duncan tapped Noah and asked, "what has gotten into her?" 

Noah sighed and in response, he whispered, "she has a crush on Izzy for a few weeks now."

Duncan looked at the way Brisk went. He stood up and followed her. 

Cody saw that Duncan and Noah had, somewhat, a special bond. He was worried Noah just liked him for pity. He decided to just "give him a break" for the rest of the night, or what he meant to say was avoid him until dawn. 

Duncan followed Brisk towards the girls' cabin. He knocked on the door and received no response. He sighed and opened the door. He turned on the lights and looked for Brisk's bed. Surely, he found it near the end of the hall. He sat on her bed and said, "y' know, that ain't the right way to help your broken heart." He chuckled as he said this. 

"Go away, Duncan," Brisk mumbled. Duncan sighed. He wrapped Brisk with the blanket she was covering herself in and then made it into a sack. "DUNCAN! WHAT THE HECK!" Brisk tried to punch/fight herself out of the sack Duncan made. 

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