Chapter 9

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Beth and Bronze still don't have a marshmallow. Dawn was silently praying that Bronze would get the final marshmallow. Of course, she cares for Beth but Bronze is different. If you haven't noticed, the girl got feelings for the guy.

"Beth, your inability to successfully go past the obstacle course is a total shame. And Bronze, you instead helped Dawn up than to put the finishing touch to your team's victory. So sad."

"But you did say, two players, right?" Bronze reasoned. "Meh, " Chris shrugged to see the logic of the boy, "fact stated." Chris then tossed the marshmallow to Bronze. "Beth, the dock of shame is a that-a-way."

Beth lowered her head as she walked away. "Bye guys!" Beth said as she climbed on the jet ski. Bronze walked up to her and smiled. "If it makes you feel better, " Bronze said with a kind smile, "Brady's waiting for you." Beth blushed as she kissed Bronze's cheek. "If I wish I could remember anyone here, I wish it was you, " She said as the jet drove her away. Bronze didn't mind the kiss actually. But Dawn did.

Brisk was walking around the woods. She took out a pocket knife and started to carve something on a tree. "I thought carving names are my thing, " Duncan said behind her as she felt his grin. "You're not the only one that went to juvie, " Brisk said as she leaned in on the tree.

"What are you doing here anyway? Want to smack those lips of yours again?" Brisk joked as Duncan blushed. "Don't tell me you want to make out again. You had it bad for me don't you?" Duncan teased and Brisk rolled her eyes.

"I'm a lesbian."

That was the last thing Duncan expected. He was grossed out. The girl that he kissed was a lesbian!

"I don't want to disrespect you but I'm not really cool with homosexuality, " Duncan said as he stepped away. Brisk rolled her eyes again and walked off.

What was she thinking? Telling that delinquent that she had gone to juvie and tell him that he's a lesbian? She sighed and just walked off.


The next day, Brisk found herself in bed. She was supposed to be sleeping under a tree. How did she get here? She climbed off her bed and saw Zoey walked in.

"Oh, Brisk. You're awake, " Zoey said as she walked up to me.

"Who took me here? I was supposed to be in a tree or something..."

"Izzy did." The mention of her name made Brisk's cheeks flushed. "Izzy?" Brisk asked to make sure she didn't hear it wrong, and she certainly didn't. "Izzy found you unconscious near a tree and she carried you here. I asked her if she wanted me to help tuck you up so she could go to sleep early but she declined, " Zoey explained.

Brisk's heart raced and she took a breath in and out. Brisk looked at Zoey and shot a weak smile. "Thanks for the information, " Brisk then goes outside to get some fresh air.

She went to the dining hall and saw everyone seated. She took her slop and sat at her team's table. "Hey, Brisk. How'd 'ya slept?" Owen asked as he ate the so-called-food. "I was being carried by an angel..." Brisk blurted out. She blushed at the realization of her words. "Hehe. Thanks! I was the angel!" Izzy said with joy in her voice. Brisk blushed at Izzy's laugh and then she stroke a conversation.

In the afternoon, Brisk remembered she needed Noah. She found him reading a book far from camp. "Hey Noah, " Brisk said, walking towards him. "What do you want?" Noah asked without looking from his book.

"Are you dating Cody?" Brisk smirked. Noah blushed as he stared at her. "N-no..." Noah said as he covered his face with his book.

Brisk chuckled at her joke. "I need you, " Brisk demanded as she walked towards him. "What do you need me for?" Noah asked raising an eyebrow.

"I need you to help me enhance our team. "


Brisk pulled the spell book and the six gems. She set up the gems as what Bronze did with Dawn.

"What is all this?" Noah asked, closing his book.

"Like what I said: help me enhance the team. I promise you won't get eliminated. "

"Right. So this is like your ritual of alliances? Do we need a knife of some sort?"

Noah asked sarcastically. Brisk rolled her eyes and sat down on the ground. "If you won't do it, I'll just move on to Cody. I bet he might like supernatural abilities, " Brisk smirked when she saw the reaction Noah had when she said Cody's name.

"Just place your hand in the center of the book, " Brisk ordered. Noah rolled his eyes and placed his hand on the book.

A surge of energy went up to his arm to his whole body, but he restrained it. The red and blue gem glowed. Noah looked shocked. He didn't expect that the book was to respond, let alone glow. "I guess you're an electric type, " Brisk smiled. Noah was... Speechless. "Do you still want to do this?" She asked as he eagerly nodded. Brisk smiled and ordered him to stand up.

Noah did as to what he was told and followed Brisk's instructions on how to summon a lightning bolt, control devices, and electrocute what he touches.


"So... What's your element?" Noah asked while they were taking a break. "Isn't it obvious? Speed of course, " Brisk enthusiastically replied. "And that you use it win and all, but what about life-threatening experiences?" Noah asked.

Brisk choked at her drink at the mention of life-threatening. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"For example, when a whole apartment is on fire, or plane crashes."

Brisk sighed in relief that he didn't mention the job to save someone while being taken, hostage. If you really want that part, be patient.

"Well, when the building is on fire, I catch people one by one and carry them outside. When the plane crashes, I'll make a giant tornado so we could land on the ground more comfortably. "

Noah laughed at the last part. "I can also run on water and go in two places, " she boasted. Noah laughed and Brisk laughed with him. "And if you have electrical powers, you can jam security cameras that Chris might put, like that one, " Brisk pointed at a camera hidden in the bush.

Noah smirked and she smiled back. They both stood up and Brisk taught him how to shoot electrical bullets from his fingertips. "Aaand... Fire, " Brisk marked as Noah's hand lighten to a purple glow and shot lightning out from his fingertips.

"Wanna learn something else?"




I know. Boring chapter. Give me votes so I could make a musical.

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