Chapter 35

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Heather's POV

"So, what's it with you and Alejandro?" Noah asked as he handed me some chocolate milk. 

I looked at him, trying to contain the blush that was threatening to form on my pale face. "What do you mean?" I replied, sipping on the container and looking away from my friend. 

Noah shrugged, sipping on his own drink. "I noticed you seem to disappear once or twice this week with the mucho guy following," Noah responded. 

Mucho... Pfft. 

"Aaaaand, now you're blushing," he replied, an unamused look placed on his face. I looked around, anywhere but the boy sitting beside me. "Pfft. Me? And that Alejandro? Hah..." my voice faltered, and I could see at the edge of my sight Noah making a victory smirk. 

My cheeks became redder, knowing I had been partially caught. Then an idea popped. 

I turned back at him, a sly smile plastered on my face and he just returned it with a confused look. "Oh, Alejandro and I are on mutual terms..." I began, "but I'm sure it isn't as interesting as what you and Cody had been going on-" 

Noah spits his drink before I finished and his face turned into a dark shade of red. He tried to hide it by acting as if he were trying to wipe his mouth with his arm, but his efforts were in vain since I could still see the red in his ears. He's practically glowing. 

"W-we just started... Nothing exciting..." he admitted, his eyes fixated on the ground as if he was in deep thought, but his arm was still covering his face. Does he know I can still see his red features? Eh, maybe not. 

He let his arm down and then sipped at his drink. He sighed. "Emma tried to stab Cody yesterday..." he informed.

 "What?!" I practically yelled. Actually, to the things she did, this shouldn't surprise me. But it did. 

"Ugh... She caused such a ruckus last night that she woke up the whole cabin," Noah said, rolling his eyes and then sipped his drink, squeezing the box letting it spill out of the hole and drip onto his hand, but he hadn't noticed. He was glaring at nothing and I could sense the metaphorical cloud above his head getting bigger and began to strike lightning in his chocolate hair. 

"I wish I could curse the danged Emma but I can't because the author forbade us from cursing because she's on a "no cursing" policy in her books."

"What???" I asked. What he just said did not make sense. Author? Book? Policy?

"Nothing," Noah said and continued to sip on his drink. 


Third POV

"Afternoon campers! I hope you all had a great morning cuz you ain't sleeping tonight!" Chris cheered. 

The other campers groaned and wished they had overslept more. 

A wrecking ball came swinging in and smashed the four cabins of the players, to which they were all in shock and fury.

Bronze went dramatic and collapsed to the ground on his knees. "MY GUITAR!" He screamed.

Chris chuckled.

"Don't worry. All your stuff is in the boat..." Chris said, dragging on the other end, leaving the other contestants waiting and/or wondering where the boat was. "That will explode tomorrow 6 in the morning if you aren't going to rebuild your cabins in time!" he finished. 


"My books!"

"My clothes!"

"My gems!"

"My photo album of all the ships on the island!" 

Everyone looked at Izzy, weirded out of why she would have that. Izzy shrugged. "What?" she asked. "You all are boring to play with, but exciting to ship!" that was her excuse. 

"I suggest you start working because your timer starts now!" Chris announced as he hopped on a golf cart with Chef and drove off, leaving a few supplies that could barely make half a cabin. 

The two teams looked at each other before they all ran and grabbed as many supplies as they could. 

Team Eagle had an advantage as Noah, Brisk, and Duncan snatched and shocked the others holding their wanted supplies then having Duncan store them in a barricade. 

Bronze growled in frustration, retreating back to his team. His twin chuckled and sent a raspberry his way and then went on to discuss how to build their cabin, leaving Team Cheetah with a few nails and broken wood. 

With Team Cheetah

"Ugh! Those nibbling little pieces of leftover stardust..." Bronze retreated to a corner, very frustrated, and was mumbling censored swears. 

Dawn sighed as she watched him. She rarely sees him like this. That guitar must be very precious to him. 

"Alright people!" Lightning called, taking charge, "we are going to sha-do this and sha-win this!" He posed every time he said, "sha" which was annoying to those who weren't still warmed up to him. 

"And, how exactly?" Heather asked, raising a brow to show her doubt.

"We don't have supplies, and the things we do have are broken and used," Junior perked. 

He too was upset that Bronze has lost his guitar. It must be something very valuable to him. He would be upset if his action figures were being thrown into a run-down boat that could sink any minute then explode. 

Wait... It didn't have to...

"Uh..." Lightning was left gaping. How do they build a cabin from scratch? 

"We started with the base," Bronze said, loud enough for everyone to hear and have their attention on him. 

He grabbed a dried twig and started to draw on the dirt, brushing away a few rocks. Players came by his corner, ignoring Lightning who was also confused and paid attention to what Bronze had in plan. 

"We start off with the base, having boulders or something hard and solid secure the stability at the bottom."

"Like logs and rocks!" Dawn piped up and smiled when Bronze nodded his head in approval. 

"Then, we need something for the walls. We could reuse the scrap from the old cabin and stick it together."

"Like a puzzle," Junior said, also wanting to be recognized by the brunette.

"But we need something to hold them together," Bronze said, then his gaze drifted to Sierra. By this time, Lightning was crouched with the group, waiting for the right time to participate. 

"Dawn, I need you to make weed-like vines strong enough to hold the wood." Dawn did a cute salute. 

"And Sierra," Bronze called out. Sierra pointed at herself, confused.

"Me?" she perked.

"Yes," Bronze confirmed, "I need you to weave them so they can either stuff the gaps or hold them around the structure."

"Why can't Dawn just sha-make a big vine or something," Lightning interjected. Bronze glared at him. He was never really fond of the character. 

A few moments passed between the two boys, and Dawn answered Lightning's query, "I can't make them strong enough...  the bigger they are, the weaker they become." Lightning nodded, supposedly getting the concept. 

The group scattered and tried to find any wood or boulders they might run into. As everyone was busy trying to participate in the group and get their stuff back, no one really kept a close eye on Jr as he subtly disappeared in the forest. 

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