Chapter 33 (Part 2.3)

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A/N: This is the last part of the actual suspense. After this is going to be good ol' drama and minor games again. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Also, I have been thinking to have a Q&A. Just ask your questions in the comments. Thank you!


Bronze's POV

We all sat in the elimination area. Since we found Cody first, Brisk's team won. I looked at the others who were nervously sitting around the campfire. My eye caught Emma wrapped in a blanket and Sky, the only one willing to support her, sitting beside her, patting her back. Like she was the one who was traumatized. I doubt it. 

That serum I was all too familiar with, gave the holder will to move as pleased, to eat as pleased, and to even change back as pleased when they have the right amount of control. Honestly, she would be more ashamed to be right by her side right now, but she isn't. 

"Hello, campers! And welcome back to the elimination round!" Chris greeted. I could not help but glare at him, and nor did the other campers. He put our lives in danger just for the sake of ratings. My sister got injured because of him! Why did we even sign up for this?! My family is already rich and famous! What else will we do with the money?!

A small hand intertwined with mine. I looked below and saw a pale fragile hand. I looked at the owner and slightly smiled to see Dawn. I admit that she has been a comfort to me ever since the start of this show. But I don't have feelings for her. 

"So, a few rules I forgot to mention before the voting..." Chris chuckled, and I could already feel the hate glowing in my eyes as I let it flashed an icy blue. 

To tell you the truth, levitation isn't my main element. And Brisk's wasn't speed. 

"You can't vote Emma off," Chris said, to which Jo replied to a loud "WHAT?!" 

Jo pointed over to Emma with angry eyes and kept yelling, "that thing willingly turned herself into a monster! She hurt Sierra and Cody, not to mention Brisk having a broken leg because of her! Ans she even kidnapped Noah and assaulted him!"

Emma was just looking at the ground. Her face was expressionless. Sky patted her back and glared at Jo. Unlike Jo, she has nothing to be angry at. Jo was right. Her words were laced with hate.

Chris just shrugged as if it didn't occur to him. Or he doesn't even care! Which wasn't really far from the truth, I'm sure. 

"Anyway, since Emma ain't going, she gets an automatic marshmallow," Chris smirked he tossed Emma a marshmallow. It landed on her lap, but she didn't even touch it. I don't know what she even was starring at. I looked at Dawn who was gazing at Emma and based on her worried expression, it was nothing good.

The others got a marshmallow and what was left was Sky and me. She looked at me and smirked, and I returned it with a glare. That smirk was instantly washed off her face.

I'm normally a calm guy, but this camp is driving me crazy, not to mention Duncan kissing my sister and trying to kiss her again! She may be my competition in basically anything, but she's still my twin, my blood, my dearest sister.

"So! We have the almighty Bronze and Sky!" Chris announced, playing with the marshmallow in his hand with that crap eating grin that I hate so much. "Hm... I think it's pretty clear who's saying goodbye tonight..." Chris said. 

"Bronze!" he said, "you're safe!" he said as he threw over to me. I caught it and held it with a satisfying smirk. I looked over at Sky who was fuming. 

"What?!" Sky yelled, "how is this fair?!" 

"Oh, it's completely fair," I said, my tone being calm yet icy and sharp. Sky glared daggers at me. "You put us in danger!" Dawn said. 

"Especially Sierra!" Jo said as he stood up. The others looked at her as if that was important. It wasn't. But to her, it is. 

"A... And Noah and Brisk!" Jo rebounded with a huge blush on her face. 

Sky rolled her eyes and scoffed. "That wasn't ME! That was Emma!" 

Emma looked at Sky with an angry expression. It doesn't surprise me Sky would make another turn when all fingers point to her. That's what she did to us. It won't be a shock she would do it again.

"Whatever," Chris said. Chef came into view and pushed Sky to the jet ski. Before Sky could protest, the vehicle took off, with Sky having to hold on tight for the jet ski was going a bit too fast.

I sighed as I stood up, letting go of Dawn's hand. "Where are you going?" She asked. I looked back at her and saw her beautiful eyes full of worry. For me. It pained me.

Those eyes reminded me of her. And it scares me.

I cupped her cheek and smiled at her. Her cheeks gave off a small blush that I adored. "Don't worry," I said, "I'll just go for a walk." No, I wasn't. It wasn't far from the truth though. I was going for a walk.

She smiled at me. Her eyes still not letting go of that worried expression. She slowly caressed my hand and hummed in delight. "Okay..." She said softly.

I let go of her. I gave her another glance before heading out into the woods.

A/N: If ya'll haven't noticed, I have new books. I also have been updating less. But that ain't compared to my last hiatus. Anyway, school just came and I won't be updating much. I guess you all already know that since I put "HIATUS" in the title. I'll come back when I brainstormed some ideas and when I handled time management with school and "The New Normal."

Again, thank you all for supporting my story this far. I'll see you when the time comes around.

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