Chapter 30 (PART 3.1)

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The following story will contain bloody or gory themes. You may skip the chapters that may have the same themes for your own innocent mind. If you even have an innocent mind.


Brisk stepped out of the light, but she wasn't human anymore. She was a large black wolf with a purple tip near her eyes.

Emma got on all fours and the to started to circle each other. "DeAaD...  doOGh" Emma taunted. Brisk growled. Her hazel eyes shining in the moonlight. 

This gave time for the others to run, but somehow, Dawn, Duncan, and Bronze stayed. It was dangerous for them. 

Then Emma charged at Brisk. Brisk jumped high on the ground and landed on Emma's back. Emma tried to get her off, with no such luck. Brisk bit her back, causing Emma to howl in pain. 

Emma threw Brisk to the ground, roaring. Brisk stood up and coughed up blood. She looked towards Emma who was charging at her. When Emma was close enough, she steeped out of the way, causing Emma to hit her head in some tree. 

She was furious. Brisk ran away, as Emma chased her. 

"Dawn, go back and try to heal Cody. Duncan, you come with me," Bronze ordered. The two teens nodded and then went their separate ways, with Dawn levitating them towards the direction Brisk was heading. 

Brisk stopped at the cliff. The cliff Duncan and her danced in. She heard a low growl, and saw Emma. Emma slowly walked towards Brisk, with a sneer on her face, telling her that it was her end. 

Brisk backed away until she was at the edge of the cliff. Emma pounced at her. Brisk ducked and kicked Emma off the cliff. She sighed and was about to go back. 

But Emma climbed up. Emma looked backward, seeing the angry red eyes of the devil. Brisk started to run, but Emma got her tail. 

Emma threw Brisk towards a hard tree. She walked towards her and held her by her neck. Brisk couldn't do anything. She was weak. Emma scratched Brisk's eye, letting it bleed, making sure it will leave a scar. 

When Emma saw that Brisk's eyes were about to close, she walked towards the cliff, dragging Brisk's limp body with her. She held Brisk's animal body high as she was smiling, enjoying that Brisk will soon fall to her death. This is what she deserved. After all of her interference of her and Noah. 

"Brisk!" Duncan shouted as he pounded the ground, causing a block of the Earth to push Emma off, but carrying Brisk with her. 

Duncan looked at the cliff as he watched the two fall in the water. 

Under the water, Brisk could hear her name being called out, and the called water whispering in her ears to sleep. 

"BRISK! PLEASE!" muffled cries was what she heard before all she could see was darkness. 




"I'll watch over them with Sierra. You can go and catch Emma."

"No! I'm not trusting yo with her!"

"Duncan, Noah can handle-"


Brisk's head felt fuzzy. She could hear muffled voices and clear ones. She forcefully opened her eyes. She saw the brown ceiling. She starred at it first as she hear the conversation on what she could guess to be her students and her brother. 

She looked beside her and saw Cody, sleeping. And he was still in his werewolf form. 

She looked at her left and saw her student, her brother, and Sierra. 

She wanted to sit, and so she did. She lifted her limp body upwards and leaned on her back. 

She examined her body. It was full of bandages. And she was shirtless. Her chest was wrapped up tight, almost like a binder. Half of her right arm was bandaged, from her shoulder to her elbow. Her left hand was also bandage to her wrist, and she could see the red blood wanting to gush out. 

Her pants were torn and her right leg was bandaged. How could I run with this body? Was all she could think of. 

Brisk looked at her friends and locked eyes with Sierra. "Brisk!" she yelled, rushing towards her. She caught the attention of the boys who were arguing.

Sierra sat at her right and asked, "how are you feeling?"

Before she could answer, Duncan ran to her and hugged her. "I thought you were a goner..." he whispered. 

Brisk really doesn't know how to respond. She looked at her brother who was glaring at Duncan, clearly not approving for Duncan's affection towards his sister. 

"You can stop now..." Brisk said. Duncan pulled away and looked at Brisk's beautiful hazel eyes. 

Duncan smiled, "I guess I'm not the only one who has a rock for a brain." The two laughed. 

But it was interrupted when Bronze put a hand on Duncan's shoulder, "we should go now."

"Wait... You haven't caught Emma yet?" Brisk questioned. Noah sighed and said, "sadly." 

Brisk looked at Cody and asked, "did Chris say anything about an antidote?"

"That bastard didn't say anything!" Noah yelled, making Cody stir. 

"What are you guys waiting for?" Brisk grinned and said, "catch Emma for me."

Bronze grinned and hugged her. Brisk was taken aback. Bronze hadn't hugged her for a long time. She smiled and hugged back. She loved the joy and warmth of having an actual brother, not a competitor. 

Duncan and Bronze exited the cabin, in hunt for Emma. 


That's it for chapters 28-30 of the hunt! Don't forget to vote and follow this story! And please follow meh. 

I also was thinking of posting another fanfiction. It's umm... A crossover of many cartoons. Are you guys interested? 

And I will also be focusing on this story, and will be trying to experiment on a story that has 1st Person Point Of View, or POV. So, I'll be not going to update this story for a little while. 

And, if you like. I could make a Q&A if you like. Just comment your questions down below and I'll check it out later. Thank you all for supporting my story!

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