Chapter 13

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Chris showed the old and current players five voting booths.

"You are to write the name of camper who has impressed you in their terrible screeching they call voices. And don't vote for yourselves."

One by one, each player was going in and out of the booth.

"Noah!" Emma screamed as she hung her arms around her neck. "Uh, hey Emma. Is your sister here too?" Noah greeted.

"Yeah, but she's voting right now, " Emma replied, "who did you voted for?"

"Well, I'm voting for my friend, Cody."

"Of course. You rescued him at the beach, " Emma replied.

Noah felt uncomfortable with the position so she pushed Emma off. "What are you doing here anyway?" Noah asked.

"Chris told us that he will be adding two players, " Emma replied, "I wish I could win so I could spend more time with you."

Emma slung her arms around Noah's arm and fluttered her eyes. She and Noah broke up because Emma thought that he was a distraction. But what do think she's doing now? She is trying to win him over again!

"Well that's nice, " Noah replied as he removed himself from Emma's grasp. "I'll go and vote now..." Noah said as he went into the booth.

Cody's heart ached to see Emma back. He wondered if Noah and Emma were still in a relationship. He sighed and walked away.

Brisk and Izzy saw how Emma tried to wrap herself around Noah again, and how broken Cody looked liked. They looked at each other and determination not to let Emma and Noah be together again. 

Kitty came out of the booth to bump into Cody. "Oh hey! You must be Cody. I'm Kitty from the Ridonculous race," she greeted and offered him a handshake. Cody remembered the sow and shook her hand, "nice to meet you." When Cody grabbed her hand, Kitty twirled him around and wrapped him up around her and took a picture. "Thanks for the pic, " Kitty said and walked away. 


Chris was on the stage and the players were on benches, ready to hear the announcement. 

"You all cast your votes. And the winner for today is... " Chris opens the envelope. The suspense was killing the players. Chris read the envelope and smiled, "Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson!" People applauded, whistled, and cheered. "Cody, may you and your team stand on the stage?" Chris requested. Team Cheetah then walked towards the stage and congratulated Cody. "Congratulations! You and your team will be in the 5-star Hotel and Resort for two weeks!" Chris announced. Team Cheetah was ecstatic and started to pack instantly. 

"And as for Team Eagle, you will be resting here with Chef for two weeks while the other campers and I will be on the other side of the island. The players will have to compete to be included in this show again. I will only take two campers, and that's all," Chris announced. Then they all separated. 


Courtney traveled to the other side of the island to find Scott. On the other side of the island, there was an average hotel. Courtney saw Scott come out of the hotel. She rushed towards him and tackled him to the ground. "I miss you so much, Scott!" Courtney exclaimed as she continuously kisses his cheek. "I miss you too, babe!" Scott said as he sat up. Courtney then pressed her lips unto his. Scott returned the gesture and they both enjoyed themselves.


Gwen was exploring the hotel and then bumped into Duncan. "Duncan! What are you doing here? You aren't eliminated yet," Gwen asked.

"Well, I was looking for you," Duncan replied as he cups her cheek. 

Gwen rolled her eyes and removed his hand. "I'm not going to get back together with you again," Gwen said as she walked past him. Duncan wouldn't let her go so he walked with her. 

"Why? Are you dating Trent again?" Duncan asked.

"I can't. He's dating Justin," Gwen replied. Honestly, she doesn't care. She supports Trent and Justin's relationship.

"Wait, what?! That's gross!" Duncan exclaimed. 

Gwen stopped in her tracks and looked down. "What's the matter?" Duncan asked, earning a slap across the face by Gwen. 

"This is why I don't want to date you! I honestly thought you were a cool guy! But what you said to Brisk and what about Trent and Justin is the reason why I don't want to date you again! Oh, and another thing, I have a boyfriend!" and with that, she stormed off. Duncan was left there, speechless. What is wrong with society? 


Lightning snuck out of the hotel and ran towards the campsite. On the way there, he bumped into Jo. They actually bumped, just to be clear. Jo stumbled and fell on top of Lightning. Lightning blushed at the current position, but Jo just scowled. She got up and shot Lightning a glare.

"What do you want, Lightning? Aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the island?" Jo stated, clearly annoyed. 

"Well uh..." Lightning blushed and then continued, "I was going to talk to you." Lightning wasn't sure what he was talking about, but he was sure of one thing. 

"Well, you're talking to me now. Now, what do you want?" Jo asked, impatiently. 

"You see, here's the thing. I want your sha-lame advice. I have a girl that looks and sha-acts like 'ya. What'ya gonna do?" Lightning asked. 

Jo scoffed, then laughed. "Well lightning boy, I would impress her of course. For example: coming back to this show," Jo confidently said. 

"Great idea! Sha-Lightning out!" Lightning said as he ran back to the hotel. 

Jo thought that it was strange but shrugged it off and restarted her night jog again.

While Lightning was running back, he was talking to himself. 

"Stupid Lightning! Why can't you just ask the girl sha-out? She was sha-just there!" Lightning scolded himself saying stupid over and over again. 


Vote for more chapters. I was thinking of maybe making my own book. You know, non-fictional? Do you guys agree or not? Or do you guys want me to make another fanfiction? I can make Miraculous Ladybug, Sonic The Hedgehog, My Little Pony, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Crossovers, and many more. I'll just tell you if I don't know that. Thank you for reading! 

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