Chapter 22

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The next day was a break day. Brisk was looking for the right person to train. "Looking for something?" Cody asked when he saw Brisk looking around the dining hall. "Just, looking for someone," she replied. Then she got an idea. What about Cody? She was about to ask the question, but she doesn't want to be rash. She was always in a hurry. She thought first, will he be an asset or a burden? Will he learn fast like Noah? Right! He can be a distraction to Noah!

She shook away the thought of taking in Cody as her trainee. After the meal, she looked around again. No one caught her attention, which is sad. She sighed and sat down on the stairs of the cabin. She was thinking of people on who to train. No one seemed to pass her expectations.

"Thinking of someone, Vi?" Duncan asked as he sat beside her. Brisk looked at him for a while and then looked back. "Maybe..." She replied.

There was a long stretch of silence, not very comfortable either. "I thought you weren't cool with homosexuality. What do you want to form me?" Brisk asked as she looked at Duncan. Duncan sighed. "First, I want nothing from you. Second, people can change," he replied. Brisk snorted a bit, "yeah. Like the time you went soft?"

"Hey! I blew up Chris's mansion!"

"Yeah, and then got soft because your heart's broken by Courtney."

"Courtney isn't my first girlfriend and she won't be my last."

"Tch..." Was all Brisk could say as she rolled her eyes, "another question, where did the name " Vi" come from?" Duncan smirked, "well..." He started, "I saw how when you power-up or something like that... You're eyes turn purple and you leave a purple light trail behind you." Brisk smiled, "how nice of you to observe. I guess you're not THAT stupid."

Then, she remembered Noah, "oh crap! I gotta go!" Brisk said as she ran like a normal person. She was saving her energy for her training with Noah. And while she ran, Duncan smirked. He knew Brisk was training Noah, and he seems a bit jealous. Why did she choose Noah and not him?

With Bronze...

Bronze was walking with Jr. in the forest while chatting. Bronze stopped when he saw Dawn practicing. Her eyes were in the shade beautiful glowing green as she tried to make a seedling grow faster than the rate she was doing.

Not knowing that she was being spectated, Jr. watched in amazement, as Bronze let out a proud but sympathetic look. He's wondering how Brisk is doing. He actually enjoyed these bets they were doing.

Bronze walked up to her lightly and when he was behind her, he gently grabbed her hands from the back of hers and carefully corrected her. Dawn was a little shocked by the sudden moved but she didn't mind; she didn't mind the sweet smell of Bronze, nor his warm hands touching hers.

As soon as she got corrected, the seedling she was practicing on sprout instantly. She smiled with her wondrous success. Then, she noticed Jr.

His aura was yellow, meaning he was feeling joyful or amazed. "Oh! I almost forgot! How insensitive of me!" Bronze excused. "Dawn, Jr. will be training with us," Bronze suddenly announced.

Jr. aura changed into different colors. He was happy, scared, excited, and overwhelmed all at the same time. "Train with you guys? I can't! I-i'm still a k-kid! A-and I might hold you back!" Jr. stuttered. Bronze put a warm hand on his shoulder and gently smiled, "don't be overwhelmed by us. You have as many talents as we have. Beside's, I was a kid back then too when I started learning. Younger than you actually." Jr. still didn't know how to act. "Y-you... Will really make me train with you guys? I'll get superpowers?" Jr. asked. Bronze chuckled. "Sure kid. You'll be like Superman or Aquaman after the show. And if you'd like, we'll keep training after the show ends. How does that sound?" Bronze offered.

Jr. couldn't believe his ear. His eyes sparkled and he felt like a kid on Christmas receiving the biggest gift in the world. "Yes! Yes!" He replied. He was so happy, that he jumped up and down, like a little kid on Christmas morning. Bronze smiled and began arranging the gems. 

Jr. excitedly put his hand on the book. Excited on what he's going to get. 


"Wind," Bronze smiled. Jr. retreated his hand, but he didn't smile. "What's wrong?" Dawn asked. "Well," Jr. began, "I was hoping that I would be something cool, like rock element or be able to summon lightning bolts and other cool stuff. I didn't expect it to be something so small as to be wind." 

Bronze put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Jr., it doesn't matter if people say that wind is a lame, powerless, or any other negative things. You could make it special. Because it's your own special ability," encouraged by his words, Jr., smiled and was filled with determination. 

"Shall we begin?"


A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K VIEWS! LOVE YOU ALL! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

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