Chapter 28 (PART 1.1)

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A/N: Before we start on this story, I would like to apologize for the long wait. Because you see, I have been in mourning. So let this story continue on. Also, this may be a three part story but still individual chapters. The following story will contain bloody or gory themes. You may skip the chapters that may have the same themes for your own innocent mind. If you even have an innocent mind.


The campers were sleeping peacefully in their beds until an earthquake happened. They all started to run outside, scattering like it's the end of the world. 

Chris chuckled riding his Golf Cart and said, "like our wake up call?" 

The campers groaned. It was Friday, so they have a new challenge today. The campers groaned. "Go to the forest after brunch," Chris said as he drove off. They all headed to the hall to eat their brunch. 

While in the hall, Brisk and Bronze kept feeling that something was off. Once, they looked at each other, eye to eye. With the same feeling, they nodded. 

"What was that about?" Duncan asked Brisk. Brisk looked at him and said, "something's up. Something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Noah joined in the conversation. 

Brisk stayed quiet and looked at Emma. She could smell something on her. Venom? Potion? Poison? She can't identify it. 

Then something scratched her leg. They looked at it, and it was bleeding. "What the-" Duncan was cut off when something scratched his arm. Then something scratched Noah's cheek. 

Bronze was alerted and stood up, but then, something scratched the back of his head. "Bronze, are you oka- ow!" Jr. looked at his shoulder as blood came out. He was terrified. "What is going-ow!" Dawn then felt her thigh bleeding. 

Heather stood up and shouted, "okay, who is doing this?"

Everyone stayed quiet. No one answered. Heather glared at everyone. "Chika, calm down," Alejandro tried to soothe the Asian but he wasn't much of an effect. 

"Alright campers! Time to go!" Chris said over the speaker. Everyone started to go outside. Bronze and the ones injured stayed to get these wounds healed. He chanted a spell while putting his palms over the wounds that are bleeding. 

"You know, you can teach Noah how to patch up wounds right?" Bronze told Brisk. Brisk rolled her eyes and said, "I'll teach him after he focuses on his weaponry."

After a while, the others rejoined with their teams. "Finally," Chris smirked. Then an eerie feeling came over the whole team. Chris is planning something. Something not good. 

"Now for today's challenge, you will have to capture an animal. Whoever catches their animal first will be the winner!" Chris smiled, but then his cheery smile became a grim smirk, "I'll assign you animals now."

Chef then grabbed Cody. "Hey let me go!" Cody exclaimed, which is to the alarm of Noah. "Hey!" Noah said, charging up his hands, but then, two guards that are wearing rubber held him back, "let me go!"

Then, Emma stepped out of her group with a stoic face and beside Chef. Chef then gave her a needle with red liquid. Chef then took out another needle of his own. Emma then injected the liquid in her body as she tried to contain the pain. 

Then Brisk, Bronze, and Noah knew what was going on. "No!" Noah shouted, but Chef then injected Cody with the liquid. Cody screamed in pain, and Noah just watched, his heart shattering bit by bit. 

He couldn't take it anymore. With adrenaline rushing in his body, he flipped the guards off of him and power-zapped Chef away from Cody. He held Cody in his arms, checking his vitals. "Cody..." he whispered.

Cody's eyes opened, but it wasn't his teal eyes Noah saw, it was bloodshot red. "RAWR!" Cody scratched Noah's face, causing him to back away from the boy. He touched his face and felt his warm blood on his cheek. He looked at Cody who was growling like a dog. His heart shattered. 

He then looked at Emma who was bending down, totally in pain. She started to grow white fur and white long ear started to grow on her head. Her face, being covered by white fur as her clothes start to rip from the sudden of her body enlarging itself.

It was the same for Cody. His ears started to grow point. A tail sprouted near the end of his spine. His body started to enlarge as he shivered from the transformation. Everyone backed away, terrified. But Noah stayed in his place, watching as his beloved turned into an animal. 

Chris chuckled and said, "those are your animals! Ready to catch them?"

Noah attacked Chris and said, "you are a monster!" 

"I'm the monster?!" Chris asked rhetorically, "look what you did to my face!" as he pointed to his black eye. Noah was infuriated, actually more than that. There is almost no words that can describe how he is feeling right now. 

Noah's eyes started to glow white. He slightly floated in the air. He then came flying to Chris, ready to end his life, but then vines and blue chains started to hold him back, until he was bounced back to his team. 

Chris chuckled and said, "better find your animals in the next three night, or else, those two will STAY animals, and both teams will have to choose someone to eliminate." He drove away with Chef. 

Noah couldn't believe his ears. Cody could be an animal forever. He started crying. He doesn't know what to do and what should be done. Heather bent down and hugged her friend. "It's going to be okay..." she whispered.

Noah gripped tight on her as he cried on her shoulder. 

Brisk put a shoulder on him and said, "we will find him, and bring him back, Noah. Whatever it takes."

"Of course we'll get him back! We need BOTH OF THEM for the million!" Sky said, crossing her arms. Both teams glared at her, as they were trying to comfort Noah. 

Jr. commanded the wind to flip Sky as punishment. Duncan sighed and said, "she's right. In some way. We have to get them back. And make them normal again."

The rest stood up and nodded. "Ugh!" Sky complained, "we are supposed to do this by TEAM!" We are not-"


Sky was thrown back by what they said, especially when her team turned against her. 

With six campers having special abilities, they made a plan. Noah, Dawn, and Bronze. would catch Cody, the werewolf, while Duncan, Jr. and Brisk will catch Emma, the were-rabbit. 

Team Cheetah will be with would be with Brisk while Team Eagle would be with Bronze. They then split up and looked for their targets. 

What they don't know is that Chris will be levelling up the danger for them.

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