Chapter 23

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The next day was another break day. Honestly, it seems kind of boring because the only days they get challenged is on Monday and Wednesday. But today, Brisk was determined to fight a new trainee. She asked Noah for some paper and pen and made him take the day off. Then she started her search. 

She made a list of the contestants on her team and then judged them by how the spent their everyday task and what mistakes or cool things they did. What the heck is wrong with this girl? First was Duncan:

;Observes well, skillful, predictable, sometimes stupid, but can be useful. 

She moved on to the next one, Courtney. 

;Changed, more patient, was better with someone to control her like Alejandro. 

She chuckled at the last part. Then she moved on to the next one, Cody.

;Distraction to Noah

Was all she could wright and then walked off. 

;Zoey was already very skillful.

;She would love to have Izzy on the team but she's a distraction to herself, that's for sure. She also can't believe she is being led on by her brain more than her emotions. Kind of new. 

;Owen just wants food.

She reread her list  and got her eyes on Duncan and Courtney. She still doesn't trust Courtney, so she chose Duncan. "Why him of all people?" her mind asked her. She shook it off and went to find Duncan.

She went to find him. She doesn't know why, but she went to the place where Duncan kissed her. The memories came back as she walked closer to the spot. 

Sure enough, Duncan was there, carving his name on the tree they used to hang out with. And let me clarify, there are more times they hanged-out without your eyes reading it. Sorry. I'll make that a special. 

"Sup Duncey," Brisk greeted with a smile. Duncan turned around and chuckled. "Why is it the Princess of Lesbians herself," he mocked as he did a bow, "your majesty."

Brisk rolled her eyes. "I'll get straight to the point, wanna train with me and Noah?" Brisk asked briefly. Duncan blinked. He laughed, "that's a nice joke, Vi." 

While he laughed, Brisk stayed nonchalant. By the look of her face, Duncan stopped laughing. "Wait, you're serious?" Duncan asked. Brisk rolled her eyes and walked away. 

Duncan doesn't have any interest in having superpowers, but something told him to go with her. So he did. He ran after Brisk, telling her he'll join. 

Brisk smiled. She was happy Courtney didn't have to join.

They both went to Brisk and Noah's training area. Brisk put down the book and stones and instructed Duncan to do as she say. 

"Put your hand in the middle of the book. You can take them off when a stone shines."

Duncan did as told and put his hand on the book. The stones didn't do anything. Duncan was confused on how long it will take. Brisk frowned. She doesn't like it when the stones do this. It mostly means they're not worthy, or they don't have any ability. Or the stones are just too old. 

Brisk sighed and put her hand on top of Duncan's hand. He blushed but it wasn't noticeable. Brisk chanted a spell in order to increase or force the power of the stones to determine Duncan's power.

After she finished, the stones finally glowed. 

Green and black.

"That means Earth or commonly known as Rock," Brisk clarified as she took off her hand from Duncan's. Duncan took off his hand and starred at the book. Duncan asked, "what's the book for, anyway?" 

Brisk shrugged, "our family usually use it as a guide, but we can make our own spells and materials. So for our training, we will only use this as a basis, since I haven't encountered an Earth-wielder yet."

"I feel lucky," Duncan smirked. 

Brisk rolled her eyes as she stood up. 

And a few moments later, Noah came from the bushes, talking with Heather. Brisk furrowed her brows. Seeing the sight of Heather makes her fists itchy. 

"Hey Brisk! I hope 'ya don't mind me bringing a friend," Noah said as he walked in the area. He noticed the delinquent and frowned. "Why the heck would you bring Heather?" Brisk asked, rubbing her temples. Seeing Heather gives her a headache. 

Heather frowned as she crossed her arms. "I don't see why I can't bring Heather but you can bring Duncan." Noah remarked.

"That's because he's in the our team! Heather will most probably learn our techniques and tell it to her team."

"She CHANGED, Brisk!"

"Well, either way, I don't like snakes running around my area!"

"Fine! Fine!" Heather raised up her hands in an L form to surrender to Brisk's commands, "she doesn't want me here, Noah. I could respect that. But I will prove her that I changed." And with those words, Heather left. 

Noah frowned. "If Heather won't be here, at least one day! I'm going to quit!" Noah declared. 

Brisk rolled her eyes, "I'll allow her to come one meeting. And that will be after Chris's next challenge." 

Noah sighed. He doesn't like Brisk as his mentor. She's always making unnecessary rules for him.

"Anyway, Duncan will be joining us from here on," Brisk announced. That made Noah's eyes widen. He thought of all the pranks he could pull on him and how much pain he'll be with this delinquent. Brisk and Duncan can even team up on him. But on the bright side, Duncan's a newbie and he might have as much pressure Brisk will give as him when he first started. 

This  will now be the start of another torture for Noah.

Near the training site, Heather watched as she walked away. She was hurt by how Brisk treated her, but she could understand. She was a bit excited though. She can watch them after Chris's challenge. She was about to walk away, when Emma appeared in front of her.

She yelped at the sudden sight, then she fell down because of her big heels throwing her off of her balance. 

"What do you want?" Heather asked angrily.  Emma giggled and bent down to Heather's face. "I know what you want," she whispered, "and certainly, you know what I want."

Emma's smile sent chills down Heather's spine. Her whole aura seemed like something bad will happen to her like a horror movie. Emma the said, "I can scratch your back if you'll scratch mine."

"First, ew. Second, if you want Noah, I won't help you. Noah's my friend and I know how he feels about you; he's NOT interested."

"Are you sure you know what he wants? Are you really his friend?"

Heather was about to answer her, but then Emma cut her off. 

"Do you know what he's thinking? Are you really forgiven? Everyone knows how you acted. Including Noah. Are you even thinking straight when he said-"

"Shut up!" Heather pushed her away, before she could say anything else. She stood up and said, "I KNOW Noah is my friend! And none of your words could change that!"

She then turned to walk away, but Emma's laugh echoed behind her, and her voice taunting her, "Noah isn't as truthful as you think, Heather."

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