Chapter 15

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It was a Monday morning and Heather was sneaking into the woods and brought out her phone.

Heather: Hey. How is it going there? Are you gonna bring something for me when you come back?

Heather chuckled as he replied.

Noah: Sure. What do you want? A pillow?

Heather: Why not something edible?

You might be wondering "how did Noah and Heather become friends?"

Want a backstory? Sure.


Heather and her family moved. Due to divorce. Heather sighed as she helped her mom unpack. After they unpack, her mom instructed her to buy groceries in the store. Heather sighed. She didn't know this place too much so she just wandered around the neighborhood.

She came across an arcade and saw a familiar face come out.

"I'll see you guys later!" Noah said as he waved goodbye to his friends.

He saw Heather in front of the arcade and rolled her eyes. "I guess the Queen Bee is stalking me now, " Noah remarked as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not stalking you!" Heather barked. "I'm just here because my mom wants me to buy groceries."

"And that explains why you're in the city I live in?"

"How was I supposed to know?!" Heather yelled as she stormed off to where she thought was the supermarket.

"It's that way, Health, " Noah pointed out.

Heather groaned and continued to walk in that direction.

"You know what, " Heather stopped and looked at Noah, "can you give me a little tour of this place?"

Noah seemed shocked. The diva schemer herself was asking for his help? Is something wrong with this world?

Noah sighed and started to walk along with Heather.

During the walk, they talked about lots of things. Noah also warned Heather about the schools she was up for. Heather appreciated the help. It's nice having friends you know around. It's also nice to have someone who knows what you're going through. "It's okay, " Heather thought over and over, "he gets me."


Noah: Sure. I'll see you on Wednesday.

Heather closed her phone and smiled. She walked away to think of how to win this.

While she was texting Noah, however, someone was spying on them.

Alejandro scowled when he saw the name of the person. How could she text him? They are basically enemies. Why would Heather, his Heather, have an alliance with Noah? This doesn't make sense at all.


Noah kept his phone in his pocket and continued his way towards the front yard. Brisk ordered him to meet her there for training. Noah was progressing fast, unlike most beginners. 

Noah saw Brik setting up dummies for him to target. Brisk saw him at the tip of her eye and waved. Noah stood beside her as he examined the dummies. 

They were painted in red and has a mark at the center and their heads. "I also prepared a special surprise in the end, " Brisk said as she dragged Noah to his spot. 

Noah stood there and pointed at the dummies. "Not yet!" Brisk said. Noah looked at Brisk's direction and saw that she has a button and was setting up some wooden walls. After she was finished, she pressed the button and the dummies began to move. Noah's eyes widen. He didn't have a moving target yet. 

He calmed himself down and aimed. He shot electric shots. Some missed and some hit the dummy by not the target. After he hit one dummy, it would fall, but not collapse. Noah was down to the last one, and so he thought. He shot the last dummy on the head, right on the target. 

Noah shot a victorious smile. "It' not done yet!" Brisk shouted from the other side on the wall. And on the last count, on the far edge, stands a wooden standee of Heather. Noah gaped. 

He can't shoot his friend! He took a deep breath and shot a bolt, but purposely missed. 

 "Really, Noah?" Brisk's voice echoed in his ears. The walls fell and the dummies were dragged out of the way.

"It was standing just there! How could you miss it?! Are you nearsighted or something?!"

"Well, they were moving around," Noah talked back, as he crosses his arms. 

"I meant Heather!"

Noah stayed silent as Brisk continued to nag about how terrible Heather is and how Noah should hate her. Noah said nothing and walked off. 

"Where do you think you're going?! I didn't dismiss you yet!"  Brisk shouted as Noah went further away. Noah ignored her and continued on his way. 

While he was walking towards his room, Owen walked with him. "Hey, Noah! How where you're training with Brisk?" he asked. Owen knew that Noah had special abilities and was training with Brisk since he started. 

"Peachy," Noah replied. 

"What did she made you do?"

"She made me want to shoot my cardboard friend, that she thought I hated"

Owen got nothing to say. He also knew that Noah and Heather are friends. Honestly, there is nothing Owen doesn' know about Noah. 

"So, how about we meet up with Izzy later at the pool?" Owen offered. Noah looked at him and shrugged.

"Sure. Wouldn't hurt."

Owen left Noah to go to his room alone. 

When Noah arrived in his room, he saw Izzy looking through his phone. Noah banged the door loudly to alert Izzy that the owner of this room is here.

"Hey, Noah!" She enthusiastically greeted, "tell me how long you and Emma broke up."

Izzy continuously scrolled down his phone as Noah stomped his way to her and grabbed his phone.

"It's none of your business! Out!" Noah demanded.

Izzy just smiled and shrugged. She walked to the door and exited the room.

Noah looked at what she was looking at and it was a picture of him and Emma. Noah frowned and started to delete every picture he took with her. Yes he was still angry.

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