Chapter 31 (PART 1.2)

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A/N: This is part 2 of the hunt. Cody is part 1, and Emma is part 2. The following will have mature content such as blood and violence. Please save your innocent mind from this. If you even have an innocent mind -_-. 


Jo's POV

I sighed as I looked at my supposed-to-be team for the night. Sierra told me that there was nothing to worry about. That Emma won't just go in and kill her. She had to assure me over and over again. That they have Noah to protect them. But's that's the fricking reason why I'm so worked up! Emma wants Noah! This will all end up with maybe everyone getting hurt!

"Hey. You okay?" Duncan asked. During the whole chasing Cody ordeal, we managed to find some common ground and then we became friends. The delinquent's an idiot when it comes to Brisk, but he got some strategies on how we can get Emma. 

This was the second day of the hunt. We figured that Emma is somewhere inside the forest if she has anywhere to stay. We just hoped we could find her. And I also noticed I haven't seen Sky around after the whole Brisk-was-about-to-die ordeal. I'm just hoping she ain't Emma's food, because I don't want to see bones in this island. Who would?

I simply nodded at Duncan's question and stayed silent the rest of the hunt. I can't help but worry about Sierra. I hate to admit it, but I'm in love with her. And it hurts me that she only sees me as her bestfriend and nothing more.

My mind wandered off in thoughts of Sierra the rest of they way, and I was snapped back to reality when heard some rustling noise behind me. Must be some sort of critter if Bronze hasn't noticed. I kept walking, following my group, and occasionally hear the rustles of the bushes around us. Why am I the only one noticing them?

"Hey," I called for Duncan's attention and he quickly turned to me, "did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" he responded. I think I'm going paranoid. I just shook my head and held my head with my hand in my forehead as it felt a little heavy. I don't know if anyone can see this, but indigo smoke came out of my parted lips as my head felt heavier. "Hey..." Duncan  said as he put a hand on my shoulder, "you okay? You see to be out of it."

I shook my head as I removed the Duncan's hand, "just a little headache." I went to catch up with the group as we headed farther from the cabin where Brisk, Cody, Noah, and Sierra were. I was getting a bad feeling that in less than a minute, they'll be in danger. Mostly Sierra. 

And I wasn't far from wrong.

When I took another step, we heard a scream from the direction of the cabin. My heart was pounding. It was Sierra's. She's in danger. Without second-thought, I sprinted towards the direction of the cabin. I could hear nothing else but the sound of my feet hitting the ground and my heart throbbing out of my chest.



Sierra's POV

I was changing Brisk's bandages when I noticed that she was starring out the window. "Brisk, are you okay?" I asked. I paused at first to hear her reply, but she didn't. I sighde and continued wrapping her leg. 

"... Have you ever thought that you wasted your life? That you just... Throw away the other opportunites that were given to you so you could focus on a dream that will never happen?" Brisk said. I was speechless. 

I never knew she could be so deep. She was always the type of character who makes rash decisions without thinking twice and would be filled with all sorts of energy. 

I looked out the window and saw dusk coming. She continued, "I never thought I would be in this stupid show. I honestly just accepted it because my parents told me, or us, to." She sighed and closed her eyes. 

I studied her figure and she looks calm. I continued to wrap her leg. Then I finished. I put the extra materials back at the med kit. I looked over at Cody's side of the cabin and saw Noah sleeping with his head down on Cody's bed with the rest of his body was seated in a chair. Noah cares so much for Cody a whole different level than I did. I missed something that made me push Cody away. I missed something that turned me into an obssessive fan girl. I guess Noah didn't missed that thing that I did. I'm happy for them, but I feel a little jealous seeing that Cody cares about Noah just as much as he cares for him. 

I got out a sketchpad and pencil from my bag and was about to sketch when something burst into the wall. Noah and and Brisk was startled awake. I opened my eyes and saw the glowing white fur of Emma. "Brisk! Noah!" I yelled as I ran up to them. I was smacked away by Emma's giant paw and my back hit the wall painfully. 

My limbs were numb and all I could do was watch. I saw Noah try to charge lightning bolts at Emma as I saw Brisk fall from her bed and tried to stand up. I wanted to help. I tried to force myself to stand up but my limbs can't get up. I tried to force my leg up but then I heard a crack noise. I screamed in agony as my vision blurred. I watched from the side-lines as Emma took an unconscious Noah and ran out of the cabin. 

"SIERRA!" I heard Jo's voice called. My vision blurred more and all I could see were white and blue colors and black dots. "Sierra! Stay with me!" I heard Jo's voice call out. "Sierra!" was the last thing I heard before I completely black out.

"Please... you're... me...

I... you..."

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