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I will have to be posting this again. My exams are coming up and I, again, have writer's block. Please understand.

Whoever votes for this chapter will have a shoutout in the 20th chapter.

Here are a few of my favorite songs to make up for it.


Chris: So everyone, we are going to have another singing competition!

Heather: Again?

Chris: It's to keep the viewers entertained. So we only have a few people to sing. We have Noah, Brisk, Dawn, Izzy, Trent, Emma, Kitty, Gwen, Duncan, and Courtney.

Noah: Why do I have to sing?

Chris: Because the authors said so. Now sing!!!

Noah: Why does life hate me so? And for the record, this is especially for Emma!

Emma waves in the crowd excitedly as Noah took the mic.

Emma clapped. Noah sighed as he thought that she doesn't get the song in any possible way.

Brisk took the mic from Noah and started singing.

Brisk gave it to the nervous Dawn.

Dawn: what am I supposed to sing?

Brisk: Anything that fits you.

Dawn sighed and took over the stage. She looked around and closed her eyes.

Izzy jumped up the stage and took the mic. Seriously, what is wrong with that girl? She could've just asked for it.

Izzy: Thank you!

Izzy bowed and dropped the mic. She jumped up and disappeared.

Trent picks up the mic and smiled. He saw his boyfriend, Justin, wave at him. He smiled and started to sing.

Emma: Give me that!

Emma came running in the stage and got the mic.


Everyone was silent. Noah has excused himself to the bathroom, while Brisk was pulling out guns.

Chirs: OKAY! OKAY! That was shocking, I know, and this girl has issues. But I won't be sued just because someone was mad.

Kitty: Sorry about my sister everyone.

Kitty took the mic and started to sing. But something feels wrong. She looked around the crowd and saw Mickey.

Kitty: Hey, Mickey! Wanna help me here?!

Mickey blushed and looked around. He stepped on stage and was handed a microphone. The music started and Mickey just kept saying I'm not allergic. I'm not allergic. I'm not allergic

Kitty and Mickey went down the stage and handed Gwen the mic. She went up to the stage and was greeted by a silent crowd.

Gwen: Hi everyone!

Leshawna: Wooh! Go, girl!

Duncan took the mic from Gwen and looked for Courtney. Sure enough, she was in a corner, making out with Scott. He sighed and started singing.

The crowd was silent. "Heartbreak, " is when Duncan got rejected by Courtney and Gwen. Being single is not his forte.

He looked for Courtney at the backstage and saw no one.

Duncan: Courtney!

Courtney: Oh! Right

Dunc- Wait, I meant Courtney broke out the make-out session with Scott and went up to the stage.

Courtney: Thank you, everyone, for tolerating our author this long. She had run out of stories for chapter and got new ideas for another story. Don't forget to FOLLOW, SHARE, and VOTE. Goodnight, people!

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