Chapter 3

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It was a fine, relaxing morning. With the campers asleep. Until Chris blew a horn, waking up every camper. "Morning campers!" Chris greeted as the campers came out of their cabins to hear what Chris's challenge was. "For our tiebreaker today, we will be going scavenger hunting," Chris smiled as the teams groaned in despair.

"So, each team will be getting 25 items to scout and 2 hours of time. The item that you will be scouting has a majority of points. The most points win."

Chris gave both teams a least with all the possible items that can be found on the island:

Group Photo (10)

Bear's Fur (8)

Racoon (7)

Tape Recorder (9)

Solo Photo (8)

Duo Photo (8)

Camera (4)

Bird's Egg (5)

Fishing Rod (3)

Mutant (10)

Mutant Plant (7)

Poison (5)

Letter From An Admirer (3)

Fish (3)

Net (2)

Bucket (2)

Candy (3)

Gold (7)

Jewels (5)

Pearl (9)

Microphone (4)

Barrel (5)

Three Crabs (3)

Transparent  Jar (2)

Skeleton (8) 

"Oh, and an additional note, no searching non-teams cabins. Good luck." Chris blew the horn and everyone started to look around. 

With Team Eagle...

"Alright, we take teams of three, " Courtney stated. "Dibs on Noah and Cody!" Brisk yelled pulling Noah and Cody together. "We are not objects you know, " Nosh implied and Brisk just giggled, "of course..."

The team was...

Brisk, Cody, Noah

Scott, Courtney, Duncan

Zoey, Owen, Izzy

With Team Cheetah...

"Okay, listen up everyone, " Heather said, playing leader, "we are going to search individually, so we can cover more ground." "Why can't we go in teams? It would be much easier, " Sky suggested. Some people agreed and started walking away, ignoring Heather who was constantly commanding them.

"I would go with you, mi amor, " Alejandro offered with a smile no girl can resist. Heather just rolled her eyes and walked away from the attractive male.

With Noah, Cody, and Brisk...

Brisk was talking to Cody about movies, skateboards, and other things they have in common. Noah just walked in front, listening to what Cody and Brisk were talking about.

Just then, Noah caught something on the tip of his eye. "Hey, guys... Look at this..." Noah said, catching the attention of the two.

Hanging from the oak tree was a camera. "Hehe, this would be a price of cake, " Brisk said walking up to the tree. But as soon as she touched it, the tree grew legs and went out of their sight. The three were speechless. "At least, we found a mutant plant..." Brisk chuckled nervously.

Brisk looked at the list and then smiled. "I have some items we have in the cabin, but what do you guys think of being a blur?" Brisk said with a smug look on her face.

Noah shrugged while Cody was ecstatic. "I'll take that as a yes, " Brisk said as she held both boys' arms. "If you want... I can teach you your own ability..." Brisk said. Noah was about to ask but was cut off when Brisk ran with him and Cody. Cody was enjoying himself while Noah grabbed Brisk's hand for dear life.

Brisk finally stopped. Noah was almost traumatized. "There it is..." Brisk said as they hid behind a bush. "We need a plan..."

With Heather and Alejandro...

"So mi amor, what should we look for first?" Alejandro asked. "I told you to stop calling me that!" Heather yelled as a rustling behind a bush. They looked behind it and saw a flower in a chocolate puddle. "I guess that counts as mutant..." Alejandro commented. "Let's just get it, " Heather said as she walked towards the flower. "My Amor! Wait!" Alejandro exclaimed. But Heather just ignored him.

When she bent down to pick the flower, the flower coughed and blew fire out of its supposed mouth. "Aaah!" Heather screamed. Alejandro pushed Heather out of its way.

Heather opened her eyes to see beautiful green ones above her. "My amor, are you alright?" He asked. Heather felt the blood rush to her cheeks, which she fought the urge to kiss him right now 😏.

"Get off of me!" Heather pushed Alejandro away, which she is now regretting. She looked away, trying to think of a way to hide her blush. Alejandro smirked and enjoyed the embarrassment plastered in her face. What the two can only agree on is to how they would get the plant out.

With Duncan, Courtney, and Scott...

Duncan was sick of hearing Scott constantly compliment her with weird words. He was also sick of Courtney complimenting him back. "You two are so sick, " Duncan said in utter disgust. "Then why did you come with us?" Scott shot him a smirk.

Duncan stopped in his tracks and pulled Scott by his shirt. "SHUT UP!" Duncan yelled. "Duncan! Let go of him!" Courtney yelled as she tried to seperate the two. Duncan unintentionally pushed Courtney, which he is really regretting.

"Courtney!" Duncan then ran up to her aid. "Courtney are you ok?" He asked as he offered her a hand. Courtney starred at his hand with an angered face. Then she slapped him. "You just pushed me you, idiot! How can I be okay?!" Courtney yelled, which in by qeue, Scott appeared and pushed Duncan out of the way. "You're sick man!" Scott yelled. He helped Courtney up and she stared at the boy who was in the ground. "Let's go, Scott..." Courtney said, turning around. Scott followed her ahead.

Courtney then sparred Duncan one last glance, before leaving.

Duncan wrapped one of his legs up until it met his forehead. As a wave of regret flooded over him, his eyes began to tear up. "Why did I let her go..."




Hello everyone. Thank you for reading the author's note. I just really want to thank all of you for the support. I think I know why none of you continued this far. It's because my prologue and chapter 1 is uneventful and boring right? Well sorry if my story is lame. Heads up! There's a little musical in one chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Thank you!

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