Chapter 8

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It was a Wednesday morning, and everyone was called to the campfire sight.

"G' day campers! For our challenge for today, we will be swimming with sea life! Get on with your bathing suits and meet me at the beach at 20!" Chris announced as he left. The campers groaned. Dawn, Izzy, and Brisk weren't worried. They had a... Night walk last night...

The campers went to the beach to find a horrifying obstacle course awaiting them.

"As you might guess, our challenge is this obstacle course. You might get threw the sandpits with crabs, pointy stones, razor-sharp shells, and fire-breathing plants. After that, build a raft with this old proves of junk. Then go to Boney Island, retrieve your colored flags, and come back here with the flag and win. You must have at least two campers to survive."

Chris smile widened as he watched the campers' faces grew in fear. The only ones smiling are Izzy and Brisk, who happened to have a plan for their OTPs already. If you know what I mean.


The campers made their marks. Some were grinning, smiling, and chuckling. And the others were a nervous wreck.


And the campers were heading off to a fast start. 

Brisk and Bronze were glaring at each other for the whole round. Alejandro and Heather seem to work together. Heather and Jo too. Noah and Cody seem to look out for each other. Izzy is Owen's guardian. Scott seems to Courtney's shield. Sky skillfully dodged the obstacle courses but I did not say that it was easy for her. Zoey was using her instincts to dodge the obstacles. Have you seen this girl go wild? Too bad not all of them made it to the raft boats. Even though they work in pairs, Izzy and Brisk still try their best to protect Noah and Cody. Dawn, however, wasn't in a rush. She just walked through the whole course with the ground glowing all around her. She winked at Bronze and he smiled to see Dawn using the ability he taught her in her advantage. 

The ones that survived are Izzy, Brisk, Bronze, Jo, Sierra, Cody, Noah, Heather, Alejandro, Duncan, Courtney, and Dawn.

Brisk used her speed to get the biggest and heavier wood she could find, while Bronze and Dawn used their abilities to get the wood two times faster. "Hey, Izzy, " Brisk called as she stopped on what she was doing. "Remind me later to train Noah, " a small smirk crept onto their faces and they continued their work.

Team Cheetah was first as they sailed to Boney Island. "Hurry it up, people!" Heather exclaimed. Some glared at her, while the others didn't pay much attention. When Team Eagle was finished, they got on the boat and let Brisk be their engine.

"We are going to win this!" Jo exclaimed as she rowed faster. "You spoke too soon!" Izzy laughed as they went pass by the other team. Jo growled and blamed it on Bronze, "why don't you use your magic stuff to get us to Boney Island?!"

"Because I don't have the strength too!"

"What do you mean strength?!"

"I mean I already used up my last sort of energy for the day!"

Dawn felt a little guilty because she can sense that it was because Bronze was training her every day. She looked down the water as the two argued. She looked at herself and thought, "maybe I could help." She reached down and tried to reach nature from below. Finally, she got a seaweed to grow and push them.

Jo stumbled from the new current speed. She looked at the back and saw Dawn smile as her hands glowed. Jo smirked as she saw the new chance of a victory.

Team Eagle got their flag and was heading back. Then they saw Team Cheetah as they doubled their speed. Dawn was doing a great job. And on the way, Bronze was smirking at his sister with his I-am-better-than-you face. Brisk clenched her teeth. Why does he get to win? Why does he have an amazing girlfriend? Why does he always compete with me even though he can't?! Then an idea struck her head.

"Somebody, make me angry!" She demanded. "What?" Noah asked, with disbelief. Who would want themselves to be angry?

"You heard me!"

The team thinks of what she can get angry of and then Cody started insulting her physically. "I said make me angry, not annoy me, " Brisk barked as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah right, " Izzy said as she rolled her eyes with a frown.


"You seriously act like a child. And did you look at your clothes? You're not even acting the way you're supposed to. And don't get me started on how many friends you should have. Zero."

Izzy talked so diva-like. She was acting like a total brat.

"Shut up." Brisk orders as she hid her have with her bangs.

"Of course, shut me up, when you all wanna do is to compete with your brother! You left all of us behind the this is over! And I bet that your parents will be very disappointed at you for not having the million when you return home. "

"I said shut UP!"

Brisk raft as she ran faster than before. The players needed to grab onto the raft to ensure their security. Cody even fell off.

When they arrived at the shore, Brisk was about to choke Izzy. Luckily, Noah was there to hold her back. "Look, Brisk. I'm sorry, mostly. But look! We're here! WE ARE CLAIMING VICTORY! I am helping you win the million! 'Sides, you asked for it, " Izzy reasoned. Brisk's fury eyes returned to its normal cheerful eyes. "Now let's go!" Izzy said, grabbing Brisk's hands, which she blushed. Brisk looked at Noah as he climbs on the raft. "You guys go ahead. I'm going to rescue Cody, " Noah said as determination spoke. He then started to row away. Izzy and Brisk smiled at their succession to bring the two closer together. Then they saw the other team's boat.

Izzy and Brisk took their flag hand in hand as they ran towards the borderline between the beach and the forest. Dawn and Bronze suddenly caught up. Brisk and Izzy ran faster. Brisk, Dawn, and Bronze were all out of energy so it was a foot-race. Dawn tripped on a rock. Bronze bent down to help her but it caused them the win.

"And the Eagles win!" Chris smirked as Izzy and Brisk hugged each other. "Well, see you at the ceremony Cheetahs."

Bronze stood up with Dawn. "I wasn't worth it, " Dawn said as she lowered her head. "Actually, Chris said two players have to win, " Bronze smiled as he gazed in Dawn's blue eyes and as she gazed into his hazel ones. Then she blushed and turned away. Bronze wasn't really disappointed, because... He still has someone in his heart...




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