Chapter 4

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With Sierra and Jo...

"And then Chris's plane exploded!" Sierra was almost done with her story experience from Total Drama World Tour. Jo wasn't really paying attention to her story. She just doesn't want to hear her complain about how Cody betrayed her blah blah blah. She then spots something glinting.

"Ssh. I see something, " Jo said, just to excuse her ears. She pointed at a camera near the oak tree and smirked. Sierra smiled as well. "Ooh! Cody is going to be so proud!" Sierra squealed as she ran to climb the tree.

When she started to climb, the tree began shaking. "Aaah!" Sierra cried. She was then tossed by the tree. "I got you!" Jo exclaimed as Sierra landed on Jo's arms.

Normally, Jo didn't care if her teammates got hurt, but this girl is... Different.

Jo put Sierra down as the tree began running. "After it!" Jo yelled as she and Sierra ran after it. A minute if chasing it, something sprung from the trees, knocking down the mutant tree. "Yes!" Jo exclaimed but the tree then stood up, and on top of it was Brisk, Cody, and Noah.

"Sierra?" Cody asked in shock, checking if his eyes were correct. "CODYKINS!" Sierra exclaimed, with such joy that Cody finally noticed her for the past two days. "He's on the other team!" Jo exclaimed.

"Sorry girls but this tree is ours! " Brisk then pulled the branches and leaves to control the tree.

The tree lifted one of its roots to crush Sierra, but Jo pushed her out if the way. "Brisk! You almost crushed, Sierra!" Cody exclaimed. "Wait, you actually care about that brat?!" Brisk asked in amusement.

"She's not a-"

"Can we please just go now?!!!" Noah exclaimed, gripping on the branches, in fear if falling. Brisk rolled her eyes and steered the tree towards the cabins.

When they left, Jo helped the heartbroken Sierra up as she encouraged her to look for more items. Sierra wasn't her cheery self so she just nodded.

It was a little while when Sierra last spoke, and the aura around her felt depressing. "So Sierra... What are your favorite moments in Total Drama World Tour?" Jo asked, to bring up a light conversation. Sierra stopped on her tracks and said, "what's the point?"

Jo was a bit confused. "Cody will never like me!" Sierra cried out loud, remembering Brisk's remark. "Whoa, whoa, hey Sierra. It's gonna be alright. If Cody doesn't see the awesome and beautiful Sierra you are, then he's a total loser, " Jo encouraged without thinking. And "beautiful and awesome?" Jo is really out of character when it comes to Sierra.

Sierra wiped her tears and smiled. "Thanks, Jo. You're actually nice once someone gets to know you better, " Sierra said with a cute smile.

Jo's cheeks were rosy red and her heart was pounding like crazy! Am I doing this right?

"No problem Sierra... Now let's go hunt for stuff, " Jo said, changing the subject to save her the humiliation.

With Bronze and Dawn...

"So Dawn, you have been reading our auras quite often. Might want to tell me how you do it?" Bronze asked, trying to strike a conversation. "Well, you're the first person to ask me that, " Dawn commented, "and the way I read auras is actually very natural to me since I was a child. My parents never paid attention to me and always fought, and other kids criticize me for having black albino, so my only friend back then planted."

Bronze listened carefully and replied, "I know how you feel. I don't think you need to know the whole story. You might already know it because of my aura, right?"

Dawn nodded and Bronze smiled. He and Dawn were almost the same; no parental support, not many friends, not too many victories. "If you want, I can help you gain a new ability..." Bronze offered. Dawn smiled at the thought of it. His aura was begging for her to accept. "Of course, " Dawn said, and Bronze out a smile on his face.

Dawn then stopped at her tracks. "What is it? Sensed something?" Bronze asked. Dawn nodded and looked at her left. She walked towards there and said, "it's in distress, " as she uncovers the bush to find a butterfly-like plant mutant something tangled up in the branches of the bush. Bronze looked beside Dawn and pointed his finger at it. The branches and twigs turned a glow of blue and slowly and carefully untied themselves to free the little creature.

When it was free, it flew up to Dawn's finger. It flapped its wings to try and communicate. "You are much welcome little thing..." Dawn said the creature.

Bronze then thought something of its usefulness. "Maybe we can bring it back to the scavenger hunt. It is some kind of mutant right?" Bronze suggested. Dawn looked expectantly on the butterfly and it flapped its wings with much joy to its aura.

"Excellent, " Dawn said as she carried the butterfly with her finger.

Meanwhile with Noco and Brisk... 😏

Brisk was searching inside her bag for the items on the list. Chris did say to not look for it in the other teams' cabins, but he never did say that it's not allowed to look inside their own cabins...

Brisk finally found what she was looking for. A tape recorder, a two solo photos, a duo photo, and a group photo, and candy. She never leaves home without her candy.

She rushed back inside and climbed the mutant tree. "Found what you need?" Noah asked, in sarcasm. "Yes, I did. How about you two? Enjoyed making out?" Brisk asked with a smirk on her face. Both boys were redder than a tomato. "We did nothing of the sort!" Noah growled. "Hehe. Of course, you didn't..." Brisk said with disappointment in her voice as she stressed the tree towards the elimination center. That's where they will count the tie.

(Sorry to skip some parts other team parts. I am focusing on the new ship and Noco)

Now all of the teams were campers were there. "Alright, campers. Now let's see what you got, " Chris said as he examines the items.

Team Eagle has a mutant plant, mutant, camera, tape recorder, picture of a duo, picture of a solo, picture of a group, bird's egg, bear's fur, barrel, candy, transparent jar, pearl, three crabs, microphone, bucket

Team Cheetah has a mutant plant, poison, camera, picture of a group, barrel, jewels, bird's egg, bear's fur, skeleton, three crabs, fish, net, transparent jar, a letter from an admirer, bucket.

"Team Eagle has 87 points, while Team Cheetah has 72 points. Guess who'll be meeting in our first campfire!" Chris announced.

Team Eagle was ready planning a party to celebrate their first victory. Team Cheetah sighed and went to their cabins and waited for night.




Welcome to the end of chapter 4. Thank you for your patience. Chapter 5 will consist of Sierra singing a nice song. Thank you. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

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