Chapter 32 (Part 2.2)

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A/N: The following will have mature themes and will have mentions of molestation. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A CINAMMON ROLL. I don't want to damage your pretty mind! :(


Duncan's POV

My eyes widened as I scanned the cabin. It was broken in one side and the lights were flickering. I, with the others who followed close behind, went inside the cabin. My eyes were wide in horror. The beds were broken, the glass was shattered, Brisk who was bleeding and on the floor, Cody was changing in and out of being a wolf and human while being chained to his bed, and a wall was completely gone.

The first thing I did was rush towards Brisk. I held her up and started to feel a pulse near her neck. I sighed when I felt something beat in her neck. I was about to call her name when I was shoved by her annoying brother, "move!"

He began chanting barely audible. I wanted to glare at him, but I know that he can heal Brisk. I still don't like that guy and I don't really have a trust factor when it comes to this.

A while later, Brisk opened her eyes and was gasping for air. "Brisk! I exclaimed as I hugged her. I saw Bronze glare at me but I don't mind. What matter most was Brisk.

"Brisk..." Zoey gently sat down beside of her with a worried face, "what happened?"

I swear, I saw a purple glow in her hazel eyes. Like it flashed or something. She sighed, "Emma came to take Noah. I tried to stop her but I was too weak..." I could feel the tension I her growing. So I did something that makes me calm every time I start to panic. I put my chin on her head and started to hum a little tune my mother used to sing me once.

Izzy came by and saw Brisk almost in tears. She bent down beside her and hugged her, petting her hair ever so slowly. "It's okay, Brisk..." she whispered as Brisk hugged her back.

I can't help but feel jealous. I was already there. I already kissed her, comforted her, and followed her, yet she doesn't seem to notice me. Why does she have to be a lesbian?! I'm better than any girl here!

My fists start to tighten and I thought it was best for me to leave. I joined the other group members in discussing how to get back Noah. And they were also concluding that Sky might be there as well.

Noah's POV

My eyes groggily opened, a pained groan escape my mouth. My body felt like I had slept on rocks! I tried to move my hands but then I noticed that they were tied up. Great. Just great! I looked around, trying to familiarize the foreign darkness.

I saw Sky sitting on a table as she munched her way through a bag of chips. Wait- a bag of chips?! Where the hell did she got a bag of chips?! Sky saw me stir and then she called Emma, saying that I was awake. That traitor! Was she here all along? How long have she teamed up with Emma?

Emma walked in with a huge smile on her face. Her eyes wide with insanity and her clothes torn and crumpled. That didn't shocked me. What shocked me was that she was human again. Sky got off from the table and was exiting where Emma made her entrance.

Emma giggled and she pounced at me, embracing me in a hug. "I'm SOOO glad you're awake Noah-poo! Do you know how long I've waited?! You know I'm not a very patient person," she said as she rubbed circles with her finger on my chest. I felt disgusted and violated.

"Get off of me!" I screamed at her, trying to get her off of me, but no use. She was sitting on my waist and I can't get her to come off, like a leech of some sort! "Noah..." she cooed, "why are you pushing me away? Don't you love me?"

"I love Cody!" I replied with anger, hate, and disgust filled my voice, because this girl is STILL assuming that I like her. But I don't. And that has been clear since we broke up. A slap was what I was met with after I finished that little declaration. "No! You love me! And only me!" she yelled.

She forcefully grabbed my face and basically slammed her face to mine. I tried to get out of her grip. I tried that trick Brisk taught me once. Summon power from the wires that were beneath the Earth. I tried, but nothing worked.

Her kiss was getting more aggressive, and she even went as far as to stick her tongue in my mouth. Yuck!

"You love only me..." Emma whispered into my ear, and the I suddenly couldn't move. She raised a needle from behind her hands and all of the color in my face faded. She continued to kiss me and I tried my best to keep my mouth shut. I tried fighting with that goddamn venom she put in me. UGH! Why didn't Brisk teach me more lessons sooner?

She then started to go down my neck and was ripping my sweater with her summoned claws. Oh no! No! Nononononono!!! NO! With all my might, I pushed her off, and now I was laying on my stomach.

She looked at me with those crazed eyes filled with disappointment and sadness. And I jut glared at her. She looked down in the ground, then she looked t me again, with those red eyes I hate so much. Her frown showing her fanged mouth, and her legs and arms were transforming into what that of the were-rabbit's.

She stood up and she picked me up and slammed me into a rocky wall. "If I can't have you..." she whispered and I know these line all too well. Please! Oh dear God, let me live!

"No one will-" before she could finish her sentence, a rock hit her side and she dropped me. And I could heard a sickening crack. "Noah!" Heather and Izzy ran towards me. Izzy snapped the ropes that were binding me, but I was still numb.

"That damn witch shot me with ketamine," I told the two girls and they both nodded. Izzy carried me bridal style and was already running with Heather. The two girls froze in their spots when they heard a roar.

"Go! Go! GO!" I yelled, breaking the two out of it. Heather ran as fast as she could with he heels while Izzy was jumping from one side to another, laughing like the maniac she is. What the hell did Brisk saw in this girl?!

I saw Emma's monster body running after us and was as close as ever. She was about to make a final pounce towards us and end us, but thankfully, a vine grew out of nowhere and found its way to grabbing Emma by the ankle. From there, the vine twisted around Emma, enveloping her with vines until she was nothing but a bundle of leaves and orchids.

We arrived at the exit and was greeted with the campers appearance. They immediately checked me of any injuries that may occurred and the others went and retrieved Emma.

I looked at Dawn who was bandaging my sprained ankle. I asked her if they're fine. She looked back at me and smiled, "Cody and Brisk are alright."

I sighed a breath I didn't know I was holding. They're fine. Everything's going to be fine. Then something hit me.

We are still in Chris's sick game.


A/N: I apologize for the wait. If you haven't noticed I had been doing other books. I had another plot block with this. Thank you for your patience.

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