Chapter 34

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My heart was thumping loudly against my chest as I felt anxiety starting to crawl up my spine.

Where is she?

I stopped in my tracks as I heard quiet sobs. My eyes glowed blue, let me see in the dark. I followed the sound and it leads me to a tree. The person crying was behind it.

I swallowed the anger and spite that was stuck in my throat. She doesn't need a knight now. She needed a brother.

I went behind the tree and found my twin crying. Oh, and I know perfectly well who did this.

I knelt down beside her and hugged her. She was quiet for a second, then started to cry. It was a few quiet sobs until she was spouting words in between breaths.

"He- he..." She started to say.

"I know... I know..." I said as I started to rub her back in circles. I hugged her tightly, afraid she'll push me away again.

She was always a complicated piece of work. Yes, we rival each other. But we also still care for one another, as siblings do. Our bond was unbreakable. We made sure of that.

It was quiet between us for a few moments. None of us spoke. And she stopped crying. I still held onto her. "... What do you think she'll want me to do?" Brisk asked, breaking the silence between us.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes that were glowing purple. "She would want us to stand up for ourselves," I said, gently tucking a loose strand behind her ear. "She would want us to be happy and proud of who we are."

Her head fell to the ground as she was immersed in her own thoughts. She let out a heavy sigh and then looked back at me. "Thanks," she said as she embraced me in a warm hug. I smiled as I hugged her back. It's not all the time we would have a moment like this.

"... I'm totally winning that sapphire."

I pulled back and looked at her. That cocky smirk she would pull when she tries and "attracts girls."

My lips formed a curve, and then I was howling laughs. She laughed with me; that smile I used to adore when we were kids.

Hopefully, everything's going to be alright.


Jr.'s POV

I glared at my hands again. They just don't have the right strength. If I could just-

"You doing okay, Jr.?" Bronze asked as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah," I replied, "I just can't get the hang of that weapon thingy Dawn does."

He chuckled as he rubbed my head. "You'll get the hang of it. Just focus on floating for the meantime," he instructed and then walked away, going to Dawn's aid again.

I sighed. I lowered my hands and closed my eyes. Bronze said I should think of happy thoughts, or clear my mind when I'm going to float.

I closed my eyes and thought of home. I missed it. I missed my family. I miss my dad, my mom, my brother.

I could feel my feet lift from the ground. When I opened my eyes,  saw myself fly off the ground at least three feet. I smiled, I was ecstatic! As I was about to call Bronze for what I had accomplished, I suddenly lose concentration and face-planted on the ground. I groaned as I groggily sat up. I rubbed my cheek where some pebbles hit it and I was thankful I didn't damage my face, not that I know of at least. 

I looked over at Dawn's area and saw Bronze adjusting Dawn's hold on her weapon and laughing with her when she said a joke or something. I sighed. 

I turned my back and tried to focus on floating and not the fact that Bronze was having fun with my partner who was more advanced and more docile than me. Why did Bronze even pick me? 

Without me realizing it, I was already 6 feet off the ground and still rising. 

"Wow! Junior, you're doing great!" Bronze's voice rang out. I turned away from my thoughts and saw Bronze with a proud smile. I looked below me and realized I was flying. 

Wow, I... I can't believe it. I'm flying-

"Woah!" without a moment for me to enjoy my new accomplishment, I was now falling to the ground, but luckily, Bronze caught me with his levitation magic and lowered me on the ground. I gaze at him with an ecstatic smile on my face. "Did you see that?" I asked, happy that I know the answer was yes. "I was higher than last time! I was at least 10 feet! Or more!"

Bronze chuckled and patted my head. "Yes, I saw... And that was great improvement kiddo." 

I loved hearing Bronze's congratulations. I wish I could do it again and show-off to him. My eyes gazed back to Dawn's area and she smiled at me. She waved her unoccupied hand at me as if she too was congratulating me on my success. 

I smiled back. I'm getting better. What I did was a big improvement! Maybe I could summon my weapon too! Bronze would be proud! I wonder what weapon I'll get. Oh! I hope it's better than Dawn's!

"Why don't we aim at 15 ft?" Bronze asked. "And if you get past twenty, I'll give you some chocolate I stole from Chef's cabin," Bronze offered, winking at the last part. I smiled and nodded, excited to show Bronze I have more skills than he thought!

I wish it was that easy. 

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