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hey!! this is the second last chapter, meaning the next one will conclude this CRAZY series. but i would like to thank you all that have stayed up until now and have been patient and considerate with my uploads. obviously with everything going on in the world, things have been tough and i have switched to online schooling, and the mindset i've been in isn't exactly healthy to say the least. so i want to make sure you all are doing alright, and i will finish this novel very soon <3

 so i want to make sure you all are doing alright, and i will finish this novel very soon <3

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- fast forward, 2 hours into the future.

My hands encompass his face, shaking him lightly as tears fall from my eyes, trickling down to meet his flesh.

Pools of sweat formed on my forehead as I stare down at him. His face was pastey, as if his soul was completely wiped from him, and the life was drained from his eyes.

His limbs were loose, light and limp. Whenever I shook him, he wouldn't even flinch.

Because he's gone. He's dead. But he can't be. I look up and watch Yerim as she stares down at him, eyes tearing up, and the gun falls from her hand, clashing against the floor, where blood stained her rug.

How could she kill him?

I stand up, eyes narrowed, full of tears and a new found burning hatred for her.

I enter the lounge to be escorted by one of Yerim's familiar bodyguards. He takes me up a few stairs until I am met with a secluded area, filled with cushioned walls and weaponry.

This room was haunting, and only a psychopath would own such a room.

"Finally, you came. I was starting to doubt your love for him, maybe I was wrong."  She takes a long hesitant pause, her eyes lingering on my frightened gaze before turning to the right and nodding to someone.

And with a loud grunt, I see Hyunjin pushed into the frame, hands handcuffed together and his eyes as frightened as I was when they landed on mine.

"Let him go Yerim, this is way too far!" I step forward, before a hand blocks my path. I look up to see one of the bodyguards staring down at me.

"What are you doing here Lottie, leave-"

"Not so fast. Don't you want to know why I brought you here?" She stands forward, letting go of Hyunjin, as he exhales a sigh of relief.

"Go on." I cross my arms, eyes narrowed as I think of any possible ways to escape. But we were cornered, cornered by a bunch of men twice my size. It was impossible.

"Well. We both know you have something I want. And I don't stop until I get what I want."

She pauses, before inhaling and proceeding on.

"But you have his heart. And there's no getting in between that now. So I thought, what possible way could I end all of this, without having to feel stifled by my own unrequited love."

She smirks, reaching into her coat pocket.

"Then I realised. The only way would be to stop that precious little heart of yours."

As those words replay like a broken record in my mind, my face goes pale when I realise the unhinged truth behind that sentence.

She pulls out a gun, pointing it directly at my chest.

"I'm going to kill you Lottie."

Hyunjin groans, struggling in the arms of the two bodyguards, before breaking from their clutch.


"I waited all these years for you Hyunjin! Everything I did, was for you! And you choose her!? After everything she's done?"

"If you do this, I will never forgive you."

Yerim scoffed, a brief, curt laugh escaping her lips as her eyes only hold pure jealousy and hatred.

With the click of her loading the gun, I feel myself prepare for the unbearable pain that is to come.

"NO!" Hyunjin shrieks once she pulls the trigger abs the bullet comes spiralling down.

But before it could come in contact with me, I'm shoved to the side, and see someone stand in my place, taking the bullet as if it was theirs and falling onto their knees.

My eyes widen, and I let out a gasp.

Because the person who had taken the bullet,

was Jaehyun.

As if silence had encompassed the room, Yerim falls to the ground, head in her hands as she sobs, and my eyes swell with tears of sadness, as I watch all of the blood spill from Jaehyuns body.

There was no hope left for him, and I will feel overwhelmed with guilt for the rest of my life.

Because that was supposed to be me.

any stay army's out here ?

if you could, it would be amazing to support my newest novel, sincerely yours.

it is a jungkook fanfiction that is coming shortly, so support would be amazing !! <3

it's one of those best friends brother type stories.

but it's spicier.

i've decided to take my writing to the next level and display how much i've improved. this novel was written in 2019, and that was my first ever fanfiction ! 😳 so id like to show off how much i've grown since then.

thank you for supporting just a crush, i love you angels :)

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