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I went on a hiatus if you didn't notice, so I apologise but I am back and busy!
School is hectic so i'm deprived of sleep... but i'll do my best to publish :)

 but i'll do my best to publish :)

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"Lottie." Hyunjin said, his breath unsure and rigid. "You know we can't."

I panicked. "But you want to." I mumble out like a whisper. "I know it. You would never lie."

"Lottie I love Yerim." He looked down. My hands became clammy and I retracted from him. I looked up to meet his eyes and suddenly the confidence had been drained from my face.

"Is that the truth?"

Hyunjin looked down, slowing moving his eyes to meet my gaze. He nodded.

He's lying.

"You know, I started to believe that I was delusional. I made note to never speak to you again."

Tears welled up in my eyes, dragging down my face in droplets. Genuine droplets.

"But..." I sniffled. "I can't help but crawl back to you. You're all I think about." I looked up to meet his eyes. "And it's driving me insane."

"5 MINUTES GUYS!" A member of staff yelled from outside the door.

But it was like we couldn't hear them. "I know that we broke up because I lied to you, but now i'm being honest..."

I inhaled. "Lottie don't—"

But I carried on instead. "But I don't think i'll ever be able to stop loving you."

His chest tightened and suddenly colour flew through his blood and his cheeks were a bright red. His lips now pink and his eyes a fluorescent gold.

"You always do this to me!" Hyunjin snapped, running a hand exasperatedly through his dark locks, turning around to face the wall.

"I'm sorry—"

"— And it drives me crazy." He panted, turning around and staring deeper into my eyes. He bolted towards me and held my waist tightly. My eyes widened and trailed their way up to meet his.

"Whatever happens after this doesn't matter. I don't care anymore. The idol image I kept up this whole time can fuck off." He paused, taking a breath.

"All that matters is you." He held my jaw with a loose hand, pulling his lips to mine, softly moving them together with a tender melody.

I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and I abruptly felt my legs wrap around his waist as he lifted me up, propping me on the long meetings table.

This kiss was powerful but sweet all in one. It was a well awaited kiss. A kiss we yearned for every day. Minute by minute. Second by second.

No matter the consequences, this was our moment. Our time. And nothing could stop it....

But the loud swing of the door and shocked gasps.


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