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My hands roamed the surface of the wooden fence by the park. I watched kids swing on swings and parents spritefully push them.

I saw students holding hands; both young and older, experiencing their first love in a matter of time. I had a first love once. Mingi. He moved from Korea all the way over to America. I knew that we had a spark once he and I made eye contact. We began dating, and he was my first kiss. But then he announced his departure; as he was moving back to Incheon and he promised to stay in touch. We spoke for a couple of weeks until we both got caught up in our everyday lives; and well I guess we just stopped talking and just separated.

I mean he probably found himself a beautiful Korean girl for himself.

I sigh, remembering the days as if they were only yesterday, so I decided to set off to school like always. Finals were starting today so I had to be prepared.

I knew my shit; I studied day and night, with restless hours forged on coffee and popcorn to keep me going.

"HEY YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER COME ON; WE HAVE TO GET TO EXAM HALL!!" Minho flings himself onto me when I enter the school grounds.

He then takes a moment to examine my state. "Woah....Lottie? Have you lost weight? And...you're a lot paler than normal." He grips my shoulders. "I'll be fine. Let me just get some books to revise before the exam." He nods at those words and walks away fro me.

I find myself tripping before I take my first step onto the asphalt of the schools steps. "Oops. My bad." I find Mila standing over me as I rub my grazed ankle.

It hurts bad. I stand up; inevitably absorbing the pain and shoving her. You know what? This bitch has treated me like shit for years, and now I've finally come to my senses.

Plus; what have I got to loose?

She grins my hair and yanks at it with all of her puny strength. I push her to the ground and find myself being pulled away from her before I could cause any more damage to the bitch herself.

I'm dragged away, before I could take a glimpse of the so called saviour. "Let go off me douchebag." I wriggle around in agony.

I'm taken up onto the rooftop where I hideout here and there. And pressed up against the wall I'm faced with Hyunjin.

His lip is grazed too, and blood was at the seems of dripping down his chin. I felt my hand roam it's dried edges as I felt his pain.

"What are you doing?" I tried pushing him away from me but of course my strength compared to his is only mere.

"We're both a mess." He blurted out, looking shocked himself to have said that. Not as shocked as I though. "What?" I quirk an eyebrow upwards as I gaze at him with eager eyes.

"Shut up, it's nothing." He shakes it off with one shrug of a shoulder.

I sigh. "Fine, I'll go then." And I turn in my heels to only be pulled back into the same stance; the same scenario. "Don't get into fights." He says with a straight face.

My lips form an 'o' shape as I stare in pure confusion. "Why?" I blink rapidly; my heart palpitating from the flush of nervousness. He made my knees feel weak and my head feel dizzy.

I don't know why. Am I really developing a crush for this guy?

"Because...you'll get hurt." He musters up, before reclining away from me and propelling through the steel door of the rooftop entrance, and leaving in a bolt.

Hyunjin POV;
Why do I feel this sudden urge to protect Lottie. Why do I feel my heart pulsate at the sound of her voice. And then it jolts when she gets hurt; or when she is sad.

Lottie Davis, you make me feel ways I've never felt before. Never mind, shut up. It's nothing.

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