💔☁️Late night Cuddles☁️💔

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I woke up in bed to my dark room, I sighed before I looked at the time. 12:30AM. 'Great, I just have to wake up at this time of night' I thought sarcastically. "I might as well make myself tired enough to to sleep again." I mumbled to myself. I looked around my room, the navy blue curtains blowed genially in the breeze, sending a chill down my spine. I hauled myself out of bed to the door, I yawned as I opened the door. I walked outside of the dorm building onto the soft grass, I looked up at the night sky, painted with billions of stars, I can understand why Kaito loved the stars so much.

As I was about to sit down to look up at the stars, I heard a faint sound from behind the dorm building, it sounded like...crying? 'Who else could be up at this hour?' I thought to myself, I slowed walk over to where I heard the crying, I peeked around the corner, and to my surprise, I saw Kokichi. "K-kokichi?" I stuttered out. I heard a small gasp from the shorter boy, he quickly turned his head from me. "H-hi Shumai, what are you doing awake?" Kokichi spoke in his usual cheery voice, but I knew that it wasn't how he really felt. "I heard you crying, are you okay?" I asked as gently as I could while stepping closer to him.

**//3rd PERSON POV//**

Shuichi sat down next to the little leader. "Please tell me what happened Kokichi." The navy haired male said. "Nothing! Why would the Ultimate Supreme Leader ever cry! Silly Shumai, thinking I was crying!" Kokichi laughed out in a fake laugh. Shuichi frowned slightly at this, he pulled the shorter male in close in a protective hug. "You don't have to lie to me Kokichi, I just want to help you." Shuichi whispered. Kokichi didn't respond. Shuichi lifted kokichi's face to his. Tears were streaming down his face, the taller male wiped the tears off of kokichi's. Kokichi leaned into the touch.

"Do you want me to take you back to your room, and tell me about it t-there?" The detective asked as he played with the little leaders hair. "O-okay" kokichi responded, a little nervous about telling Shuichi, you see, kokichi has had a small crush on the detective since he payed eyes on him. Shuichi picked up the shorted male bridal-style and carried him back to his dorm, ignoring the growing blush on both their faces. They entered Kokichi's dorm and they sat on the bed, it was a bit silent at first, until kokichi spoke up, "S-so, uuh, I had a nightmare..." Kokichi mumbled, embarrassed he was showing weakness to the detective. "What happened in the nightmare?" Shuichi asked concerned for his friend. This surprised Kokichi, he had expected the detective to laugh at him and called him pathetic. "W-well, I was with my family...they started to beat me and scream a-at me...I-I..c-can't take i-it anymore...all the ha-hate, from everyone..." Kokichi sniffled. Shuichi hugged kokichi and played with his hair to calm him down, he listened to everything Kokichi would tell him.

"Kokichi, you don't have to be alone and never will, I'm alway here for you, whether you like it or not." Shuichi whispered into Kokichi's ear. They talked for a few more minutes until Kokichi started to drift off to sleep, Shuichi tucked him into bed and was about to leave, but he felt something tug at his sleeve.


I tugged Shuichi's sleeve, I didn't want him to leave, I was finally feeling love, the love my parents never gave me. He turned around and looked me in the eyes, I alway thought those golden eyes of him could brighten up anyone's day. I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes as I said, "please don't l-leave S-shumai..". I cursed myself for stuttering. Even though it was pitch black inside my room, I still could tell that Shuichi was blushing. He climbed into the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me, it felt safe in his arms. I started to drift off to sleep with Shuichi next to me. "I-I love you." Shuichi mumbled, probably thinking I was already asleep. "R-really?!" I asked, shocked that he loved me the same. I heard a a small high-pitched squeak from the taller male next to me, 'cute' I thought. "Y-y-yeah." He mumbled. I tightened my hug around him and said "I-I love you too!". I could hear crying, but it sounded like happy crying. We cuddled until we fell asleep, happy I had found someone to love, someone to hold me close.

((Time skip bought to you by my trashy writing skills ;w;))

**//3rd PERSON POV//**

It was 7:00AM, the morning announcement went off "*ding dong bing bong* WAKEY WAKEY DISAPPOINTMENTS! IT'S 7:00AM!" Monokuma s reached from the large monitor hanging from the wall of Kokichi!s messy room. Kokichi groaned as he tried to sit up, nearly forgetting what happened last night, he was being held down by shuichi's arm, he was still sleeping. Kokichi peered down at shuichi's face, 'He looks so peaceful.' Kokichi thought as he gently shook shuichi awake.

Shuichi's eyes slowly fluttered open to see Kokichi shaking him awake. "Morning sleepy head~" Kokichi said with his usual smirk on his face. Shuichi didn't need to look in a mirror so know you could compare his face with a tomato. Before Shuichi could say anything, Kokichi tackled him into a hug. "Thank you, for last night Shumai, I really needed that." Kokichi said softly as he buried his face in the crook of Shuichi's neck. They sat there in a comfortable silence, hugging




Until Kaito kicked open the door and yelled, "Oi Kokichi! Have you seen Sidekick-". Kaito stood there staring at the two as the two stared back at him, making the atmosphere around them awkward. "U-uh, I'll see you guys at the dinning hall then." Kaito mumbled as he slowly back out of room, closing the door behind him. Shuichi and Kokichi looked at each other with blank faces before deciding they should go get changed and ready for the day.

**//??? POV//**

I watched through the window as Shuichi and Kokichi hugged, acting all lovey-dovey with each other, I felt my heat breaking and tears streaming down my face the longer I watched. I look at Kokichi...'how dare he take my love away from me, I will make him pay...' I thought in rage and I clenched my fists and stomped away. 'I will make Shuichi love me, no matter the cost' I thought. ((A/N - I SWEAR TO ATUA, STOP SAYING IT'S KAEDE! I'M SICK OF HAVING TO EXPLAIN IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.))

~A/N~ (Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed my fist Oneshot! As you might see, I'm not the best at writing, so I would really appreciate it if you gave me some helpful tips (ω ). Also please leave some requests! Bye for now!

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