Prehistoric ((Jurassic Park AU))

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-{A/N}- Okay so I know I said the Café AU was next but I had a brain fart, got a bad idea and this is what I made ( I told my friend and she helped me with the plot lol, the one time I actually plan the shit that happens here LMAO ). Anyways, enjoy I guess?-

**//3rd person Pov//**

The chilly wind of a winter afternoon breeze swept through the city. Kokichi wondered the streets, scanning the windows of shops for 'Help Wanted' posters stuck to the windows. He had started looking for part-time jobs as he had set his eyes on buying his boyfriend a gift for their 1 year anniversary.

"Geez,  barely anyone is looking to hire around here and the only ones that are taking newbies are minimum wage. If I took those, the best I could by Shuichi is a card, a box of thumbtacks and say 'I wOrKeD mY aSs OfF tO gEt ThEsE!' " Kokichi grumbled as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his purple hoodie.

Their anniversary was only in a week and he had nearly no time and no money to buy Shuichi a gift. That's what you get for spending all your savings on 3 big boxes of grape panta.

After a few more minutes of roaming the busy streets, a flyer that was taped to a metal pole caught Kokichi's eyes. At tue top of the paper it said 'NOW HIRING!', just what he needed.

The wind started to pick up, pulling the last of the remaining tape off the pole and sending the paper to slowly drift to the dirty ground. Kokichi bent down and picked up the poster and read it carefully.

 Kokichi bent down and picked up the poster and read it carefully

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( made it myself lmao, not that good but I guess it'll do? )

Kokichi smiled, his search was over. He pulled out his phone and took a photo of the phone number, then tried to stick the poster back to the pole. He quickly returned back to the large house he and his friends all shared. (They all share a house in this AU)

He quickly walked inside the house to be greeted by Gonta, who was making himself some tea in the kitchen.

"Ah! Hello friend Kokichi! Have you found a job?" The tall man smiled warmly as he pulled out a chair at the dinning table for Kokichi and then himself.

"Indeed I have! Well, sort of-" Kokichi replied, a proud look on his face as he showed Gonta the photo of the poster.

"THAT'S where I'm going to be working!...I hope." Kokichi exclaimed, arms folded and head held high, enjoying his lucky find like a lottery ticket.

"Wow! Kokichi will be working with real dinosaurs! Gonta happy for you!" He smiled, taking a sip from his cup.

"Yeah, we'll I still gotta have an interview, I called them on they walk back home and already organise one for tomorrow morning...which means I have to wake up early." Kokichi replied, grumbling on the last part. He isn't what you'd call...a morning person.

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