Gems ((Steven Universe AU)) PART 2

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~{With Shuichi}~

Shuichi's eyes fluttered open as he regained conscious. The cold metal floor stung his skin, the light from the alien prison cell of the aquamarine's ship laser gate forcing him to squint and turn away.

Everyone else was bunched up in the one cell, there wasn't much room. Shuichi was the last to wake up.

"What?....what happened?" Shuichi groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head.

"That little prick kidnapped us, and homeworld took Kokichi..... not that that's much of a problem-" Maki spat, staring daggers at the back of the toddler looking gem navigating the ship beyond the cell before getting elbowed by Kaito.

"Maki-roll, don't be mean!" He spoke, trying to give a comforting smile to Shuichi as he went through what had just occurred before he blacked out.

"I would be careful with how loud you talk~ Pets who bark back will get punished." The aquamarine cooed, venom lacing her words.

"Auta says we must free ourselves and save Kokichi! Nyahaha!~" Angie beamed, clasping her hands together. Sometimes Shuichi wonders if she's ever stop smiling.

"No fucking kidding, dumbass!" Miu barked, slumping herself against the wall.

"Please keep your voice down. This may be a stressful situation, but do not attempt to make this worse with your volume of language." Kirumi sighed monotonously.

She's always so calm, but to be away from Kokichi in this situation must be eating her up...

Shuichi put his hand to mouth, deep in thought. If they could get out of the cell and get rid of the gem bug thing and her servants...

"Miu, you're a peridot, right. You know a lot about gem technology." He asked.

"You bet! I pretty much know all there is to gem tech~" she boasted, puffing her chest out in pride with a smirk.

"Then how do you get by these gates?"

"Uh uh, no way you're getting past those! They're designed to poof a gem if they even touch it!" She responded, shaking her head.

"Well good because half of us aren't gems." Shuichi stood up and pushed past the others to the laser gate of the cell.

Taking a deep breath and a bit of hesitation, slowly he stuck his hand out.

With almost no pain, his hand slipped through the field, making a small wrist-sized gap in the beams.

Slipping his hand back in, he turned to everyone.

"I have a plan, here's what we need to do..."

~{With Kokichi}~

Silence filled the ships, only the humming of yet another small prison cell gate filling the void.

Kokichi, to put simply, was bored out of his skull.

He had just been kidnapped, he has been separated from his boyfriend, he'll have to face the gems who had created him yet abandoned him, and he had no cell mate to annoy. How fun!....not.

Well, if you have no cell mate to annoy, piss off the guard!

"Ohhh guaaaaards!~" Kokichi hummed, an innocent smirk across his face.

The 2 amethysts standing guard at his cell turned to look at the diamond.

"Lemme ouuut." He pouted.

He was ignored. The two turned back around and continued to keep their guard.

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