☁️💔Haunted (Ghost!Kokichi x Shuichi)💔☁️

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Hello! So I'm guessing this will be popular? Welp, just letting you know, this is just after chapter 5. Enjoy!


I sat alone in my room, it felt so much quieter, probably because of the trail yesterday. Why would Kokichi do this to himself? I knew he was planning something, but this was not what I expected...

My hand tightened, clutching onto what I had left of the supreme leader, a bloodied checkered scarf. A tear slid down my cheek as I remembered the hydraulic press, the blood still slowly oozing from it. Why do he make Kaito do it?

I stood up and left my dorm, heading over to Ouma's dorm. It was unlocked, like the rest of the dorms once belonging to my friends I've grown to like, that are now gone. I stepped into the dark room, the sent of grapes instantly hitting me. I flicked the light on and looked around his room.

The walls were a pale purple, a checkered pattered bed sat in the corner, still unmade. A whiteboard sat in the other corner, pictures of everyone on it. I walked closer to it, inspecting it closely. 'Trustworthy?' I thought as I placed my hand in the corner of my picture in the top corner of the board. 'He trusted me? But, I've said so much awful this to him...' I thought, lowering my head in shame.

I turned the board around to see if there was something on the back, which there was. It was his plan for the fifth trial, it had some writing on the board, as well as some drawings. I read other the writing, hoping it would give me an explanation on why he wanted this ending for himself.

It seemed more like a diary entry than a plan, but I could still see the plan in it as clear as day. The further I got into reading the plan, the more I felt that I wasn't alone. I pulled my focus away from the board and scanned the room, I didn't see anything strange, until I noticed something I wish didn't happen.

The door to Ouma's room, that I had closed behind me, was now open. My hands started trembling as my face paled. "W-who's t-there?!" I said, carefully darting my gaze around the room, making sure not to leave a single area unnoticed.

I looked back towards the door, noticing a silhouette in the door frame. I started panicking, breathing heavily. 'Who is that, and what do they want from me?!' I thought as I backed myself into the corner. "That's not a very nice way to say 'hello'~" I heard the person laugh. I knew that laugh, but how?

They stepped out of the shadow to reveal them self. Kokichi...

"B-but how? W-we all saw you d-dead!" I stammered. "That I am! Have you not noticed the amount of icky blood on my clothes?" I smiled, stepping, or should I say floating over. "H-how do I know I'm not g-going crazy?" I said to him. Kokichi floated over to the light switch and began flicking the lights on and off. I stared in curiosity as he did.

"Do you believe me now, Saihara~chan?" He smiled innocently. I slowly nod my head, still staring at the small ghost in front of me. "See something you like?~" Kokichi said, smirking at me. I felt my face go a light shade of pink. "I-I, sorry." I said, looking away. "H-how are you here?" I asked, taking a step closer to him.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember was the press coming down, then waking up like this in front of Monokuma." He said while phasing his hand through walls. "Oh." Was all I could say to this information. "Puhuhuhu~ Looks like Ouma was missed!" We both turn out heads to see the thing we hated the most, Monokuma.

"I thought I would bring back a few of your classmates, but the one who you missed the most." Monokuma said, looking up at us. "Y-you missed me? But why?..." Kokichi said, coming closer, tilting his head. "I-I'm not ready to a-answer that." I said, a larger blush spreading across my cheeks.


I floated around Shuichi, trying to make him dizzy. Why did he miss me? One of the reasons I lied to him was to make sure nobody would feel sad about my plan. Did I not do good enough? I mean, Maki wasn't upset, I'd say she'd be more happy I'm gone. Welp, sucks to be her, because I'm back now, and now her death threats can't effect me.

I went to give Shuichi a hug, I guess the both of us missed each other. I phased right through him. I pouted, 'I guess that's what you get when you die' I thought to myself. I sighed, glancing down at my feet. Wow, I really do have a lot of blood on me, my clothes are completely pink now! 

"Wait, why were you in my room anyway? And why are you near the board?" I asked, tilting my head. "U-Uhmm, I wanted to know more about why you made that plan." Shuichi said, reaching up to grab his hat, but then stopping remembering he didn't have it on.

"Well, I guess I could tell you now. It's not like the plan worked anyway." I said, leaning against the wall, but then accidentally falling through it. I heard Saihara laugh, so I continued to poke random parts of me in and out of the walls. Shuichi's laughing filled the room, 'Atua, why is his laugh so beautiful?' I thought to myself as I came back through.

"Anyway, I was trying to save you all. I guess something went wrong tho..." I said trailing off, I saw no point in lying at the moment. "How did it go wrong?" Shuichi asked.

**//3rd PERSON POV//**

"The game is still going, that's what failed." Kokichi replied with a blank face. The taller looked at  the other with shock. "I-I thought you liked this killing game!" Shuichi said. It would be an understatement to say he was confused.

"I never have, I just acted like it. Although, that could be a lie~" The ghost smirked. Putting a hand on the detectives shoulder, or atleast holding it there to make it look like he could touch him. 

"Welp, wanna surprise the others? I'm sure they might have a ghost with them!" Kokichi said, resting his hands behind his head. "Of course! Although I'm not sure Harukawa would like it much that you're back..." Shuichi said, averting his gaze.

"Who cares! She'll just have to put up with it!" The shorter male grinned, happy that he could at least see his crush. The two boys walked into the dinning hall, seeing the other survivors and their deceased friends.

Maki, of course, had Kaito with her. Himiko with Tenko. Kiibo with Miu. Tsumugi with Angie. They all had their ghost besties with them. "Oh come on! The filthy c*m dumpster's back!? Ugh!" Kokichi whined as he spotted Miu flirting with Kiibo, and the poor robot not understanding what Miu was saying.

"Seriously?! Somebody missed that gremlin?" Miu shouted, then proceeded to angrily mumble to herself. "Ouch, that hurt soooo much!" Kokichi said sarcastically, although deep down, he was upset by her words. "Nyeh, can everyone stop yelling?" Himiko lazily complained. "Yeah! Shut up Kokichi!" Tenko yelled, trying to cuddle the small mage.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, 'of course she wouldn't yell at the wh*re.' Kokichi thought, turning back to Shuichi. "Hey Shumai, I have a secret to tell you, or show you, yeah, show you." Kokichi smiled, motioning the other closer.

Shuichi leaned closer, as instructed. Kokichi gave the taller a kiss on the cheek, and backed up a bit. The detective was fully red, having a gay panic. Kokichi's smile faltered a little, 'does he not like me back? I guess I could see that coming...' he thought.

"I-I love you too" Shuichi smiled sweetly, knowing that was Kokichi's confession to him. Kokichi went a bright red, smile growing larger than before. "gAy!" Miu yelled from across the room, but the detective and supreme leader ignored it, too happy to care about her comments. This day was certainly the best day of both the boys lives.

~A/N~ was this good guys? I know some of you were waiting a while for this, so hope it was worth the wait! Next is the Trans AU.

Also, before I finish this, TYSM for all the views and votes! I really appreciate it! So as a thank you, take this cute Saiouma animatic!


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