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~A/N~ Okie, so I'll explain my AU! THIS IS IMPORTANT SO PLEASE READ! Also I thought this song would fit Kokichi, so listen to it if you want, it's one of my favourites ^^

After DRV3 ended, the staff of the team that made the show decided to open an amusement park on top of where the DRV3 game was. They had made life-like animatronics of the dead cast, the only differences where the fact they were robots (of course) and at least 2 meters (6.6ft like Gonta) because of the wiring and that it was as small as it could be because of the technology put into it. The three Shuichi, needing the money, came to work as the night guard. The thing is, the cast have possessed their animatronics.

Okie, onto the story.


I walked through the large gates of the amusement park, that was built over the rubble of where I had lost nearly all of my friends and loved ones. "Remind me why I decided to pick this job of all the opportunities..." I mumbled to myself.

"That's because you at least wanted to see something close to our friends!" Kiibo said. I had accidentally turned him on. After the Kiibo had blown-up the dome, we had found his hardware chip and uploaded it onto my phone, so Kiibo lives as a phone AI that can switch between me and the other survivors phones.

"Right..." I mumbled again while swiping my ID card into a slot to get into the staff building. I walked into the changing room and quickly put on my uniform. I rushed out of the building and towards the area I was assigned to.

I was a Night guard here, but instead of just sitting at a desk and filling out paperwork, I had more to my job. I had to perform maintenance (for some reason) and clean up. It would be a whole lot easier if the technicians did their job properly and and people just put their rubbish in the bins...

I slumped down onto a chair I front of a wooden desk with monitors, a phone and a small amount of paperwork on top of it. I only had one question. "Why is there a work table in the open like this?" I said as I glance around. This place is kinda giving me the creeps... it was dimly lit by old-fashioned street lamps and just slightly disturbing in general, giving where it was built.

The old phone started to ring. I slowly picked it up and put it to my ear to listen, the boss did say that there'll be a pre-recorded message every night for what I had to do.

"Hello? Is this thing on? *loud clattering noises of dropping the phone* oh, sorry. Hi! It's me, your boss. So welcome to the job, tonight will be pretty simple and light! Just fill out the paperwork I left on the table and watch the camera's.

If you see some of the animatronics start to move, don't panic, they're programmed to do that! Just...if they get near you were you can see them without the camera's and they start coming to you, maaaybe that's a problem. Just pop the clown mask on and it'll trick their sensors to think you're just a decoration! You...don't wanna know what they'll do if you don't make it in time... BYE!"

Well...that's not concerning...

I guess I'll just have to get this over with. I checked the monitors to see where everyone is, I have been told previously where they would all be stationed. They were all where they're meant to be. Perfect. I started to read through the paperwork and fill it out.  This'll be a frightening or really boring night...

**//Time skip to next week bought to you by crying myself to sleep at 2am//**

Something feels really off about this job...I've kept an eye on everyone, and of course using the mask MULTIPLE times. It's a lot scarier when they're MUCH taller than you and staring down at you, EVEN RYOMA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Even though he's shorter than the other animatronics, he still is sadly towering over me...

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