His voice (Singer!Kokichi)

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~A/N~ Sorry for not updating, I've been kinda busy with assessments and just super tired. I couldn't be bothered to draw something for the cover of this chapter, so have this instead. In this, they're still in the killing game, but they're holding a singing and music competition. Okie, now that that's out of the way, enjoy!


Everyone was in the dinning hall eating breakfast. I sat next to Kaede and Kaito. Kaede sighed a dramatic sigh as the slumped down in her chair. "Are you alright, Akamatsu~san?" I asked as she turned her head to look at me. "Oh, I'm fine! Just bored, everyday is the same, nothing exciting happens." Kaede smiled softly.

"O-oh, well, maybe we could all do something together?" I suggested, putting a finger to my cheek in thought. Kaede quickly sat back up, a joyed expression on her face. "That's a great idea, Saihara~kun!" She squealed, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey everyone! I have something to say!" Kaede shouted for everyone's attention, but only a few looked over.

Kirumi walked over, next to us. "Everyone, please listen to Akamatsu." Kirumi spoke, getting everyone's attention. We all listen to Kirumi, she was like the group's mother. "Thank you, Tojo. Anyway, me and Saihara were thinking that we could all do something together today!" Kaede cheered.

Everyone started nodded and murmuring to each other. They eventually stop murmuring and agreeing. "So, any ideas for what we could all do?" Kaede asked the group. "Gonta think that bug meet and greet would be fun!" Gonta beamed. Lots of people shifted a bit uncomfortably, but kept a smile on their faces, not to upset Gonta.

"I could perform a magic show, but I'm low on mana...nyeeh." Himiko yawned. Himiko was sitting on Tenko's lap, Tenko looked overjoyed that the mage was on her lap. "Aww, that's too bad. I reaaaaally wanted to see your little magic show." Kokichi pouted as Tenko threw her spoon at him, that he easily dodged.

"Oh, I know! How about a little music and singing competition? I can try to convince Monokuma to have a prize for the winner!" Kaede suggested, everyone started to agree with her. "Great, let's get set up!" Kaede smiled as we made our way to the gym.

**//Timeskip bought to you by me now getting back into miraculous and FNAF//**


Everything was now set up. Microphones, speakers, instruments and everything. Saihara~Chan, Bakamatsu and Killer girl were the judges. Saihara was too nervous to sing but said he might later if he's up to it, Kaede is going to sing after everyone else and have avocado man take her place for the her turn, and Maki just doesn't want to sing.

Rantaro was up first, I already knew the song he was going to sing with him telling me. He started playing 'paradise' by Coldplay. 'Of course he would' I thought as I sat back and listened. ((I'll put in the songs for the characters that I will bother to put in)

I have to admit, he was pretty good, but I'm not that bad myself, they'll just have to wait and see.  "W-wow! That was amazing!" Saihara and Kaede compliment while maki just makes a thumbs up. They write down the scores they give him on the paper they have and moved onto the next person, Kaito.

Knowing him, he's going to sing something positive or something lovey-dovey to stabby-Mc'stabberson. "This one's for Maki~roll!" Kaito cheered before he started, making Maki blush slightly and look away. I called it. 'Something just like this' by the chainsmokers & Coldplay started playing, I guess I kinda called that too.

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