The end

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Hello everyone, it's me again.

So, you guys haven't seen me since March(?), kind of glad to say I'm not dead like some of you may have thought (probs around the first three months of my break).

I'd like to say that I can't do this anymore. I don't think I can even find slight motivation to write anymore for this book.

I've left the fandom ages ago in fact probably in mid 2022, so even then it was slightly tiring to write, and now I just can't. I've kept you guys waiting for months and I'm sorry.

Before I go, I have something to say. If you ever wanted to write a book here but you think your writing "isn't as good as the others" or "nobody will read this anyways", just do it. Write it. In fact go back and read my first few chapter and then my last few, that should be proof that you won't know until you try, and once you do it can be rewarding.

It doesn't matter if you're "bad at writing" or "don't have a good enough plot", if you want to write than do it, it's not like your book will be sold in bookstores, what's the harm? You'll only get better if you try, and if you're still nervous to do it, tell me, I'll be here to support you.

To those who've read my book and stayed for all the updates, thank you. I'm grateful that even a single person bothered to even read this, I personally didn't think I'd get this far to be ending here with 120K views on this, I didn't even expect 5K.

To those who comment and interact, thank you. I've read every single one of the comments on this book over the time it's been published and I've always gotten excited by the comment notifications and respond as much as I can. I know that whenever I used to post, I always looked forward to seeing what you'd all say.

Thank you all, you've been amazing and I hope to see you all again, I'll always stay active in the comment section.

If anyone needs tips for writing, starting a story, making a story or anything related, please let me know! I'll be happy to respond and chat with you!

Hello to any Genshin fans in here, I'd like to let you all know that I have a Genshin ship oneshot book for those interested! If you would like to head there to request from me, be my guest! I'll be glad to write for you there!

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