There's a demon in the school (Demon!KokichixShuichi) Part 3 FINAL

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~A/N~ Hi! This will be the final part for the demon Kokichi AU! I hope you enjoy!


It had been months since the incident. I had stayed with Shuichi since then, occasionally returning home to visit Miu. "Kokichi! Can you come here for a minute?" I heard Saihara call from the kitchen. "Coming!" I yelled back, skipping out of the lounge room. I saw Saihara packing a bag with books and pencils. "I need to go to school, will you be alright here while I'm gone?" He asked, shoving a textbook into the black bag. "yep! I can handle anything!" I grinned, standing in a confident pose. "Alright, well I'm off. See you later, Kokichi." He smiled, walking out the door.

I stood there, alone. I sighed and walked into lounge room and watched anime. An hour passed and I was already bored as heck. I played with my tail as I scrolled through Netflix, looking through different shows to watch. "UGH! how long is this 'school'?! You know what? I'm gonna go annoy C*m dumpster." I complained to myself, walking to the pentagram I had under Shuichi's bed. Does he know about the pentagram? No! Do I care? Hmmm, nah. I arrived at the front door of the apartment I shared with Miu, back in hell. I crept inside, wanting to scare her. I saw her on the couch, sleeping. 'Perfect, nishishi! Wait, did I just say 'nishishi' in my mind?' I thought to myself, and evil smirk coming growing on my face as I tip-toed closer. "MIUUUUUUU!" I screeched as I jumped on her. "EEEEEEEEEEEK! WHAT THE F*CK!" She screamed, falling off the couch and onto the floor. 

"Nishishi~ Hi!" I smiled innocently. We talked for a few hours, until I had to go back up to the house, Shuichi would be home soon. I crawled out from under the bed, back in the human realm. I heard the front door open and Saihara walk in. "Shumaiiiiiiiiiii!" I happy screamed, charging at him and tackling him into a hug. "A-ah! kokichi!" He shouted.


I stumbled back a bit, trying to steady myself. I hugged Kokichi back, I knew he could be clingy at times. "Nice to see you too." I smiled, this way his normal way of saying hello.

"Shumai! Why were you gone soooo loooong!" Kokichi whined, pouting up at me.

"I did tell you I'd be gone for a while." I sighed, ruffling his hair. Sometime he can get VERY forgetful. I took his hand and dragging him into the lounge room, sat him on the couch and turned on the TV to his favourite show. I know this is how you stop him from complaining.

((Time skip because I have no soul))


I was sitting on the couch, watching my hero academia. I was rewatching the fourth season, "when are they fiiinally going to release season 5?!" I complained to no one.

"Ouma~kun! I'm going to school, I'll see you later." Shumai called and from the front door. I heard the door close and lock after.I decided it was a good time for my mandatory Panta break, for the morning at least. I rolled off the couch and into the kitchen, and if you think I got up, no, I didn't. I actually rolled on the ground all the way there.

I opened up the fridge and took a panta out, chugging the whole bottle. I was about to walk back to the couch ((my natural habitat-)) and continue watching anime all day, until something on the counter caught my eye. It was a small, blue, plastic box. I opened it to see food inside, but it was the food that Shu-Shu likes, I thought hard for a moment, I remember something like this from when I was alive, but I can!t seem to recall it's name or purpose.

I picked up the box and ran onto the pentagram, travelling to hell. This time, I'm visiting by brother, Nagito. I showed up in front of his house, he was staring at a fire he had started next door. "Bagel man! I need to ask you something!" I called over to him, he looked over at me, then to the food box thingy.

"Hello, Kokichi. Why do you have a lunch box?" I ask, now fully turned to me.

"Oooh, so that's what this is! Thanks hope simp!" I said a I ran back to the pentagram I hide in his bushes. I could hear a 'what the f*ck just happened?' From Nagito. A little while later I was back in Saihara's house. "I gotta get this to Shumai, he wouldn't mind me saving his life again!" I giggled while flying out of the door.

((Time skip to when he made it to the surprise adoption centre- I mean, school))

I flew around in the halls, looking for shuichi, I noticed that nobody was around I guess they're in class at the moment? I poked my head into all of the classrooms I came across, nobody noticed me, since they can't see me, except for a few who just looked at me funny.

'Class 53' I read the sign above one of the doors, I poked my head into this class. Unlike the other classes I saw, this one was full of energy. I saw a green haired girl kick a short boy out the window, the guy was even shorter than me! There was this really tall guy that looked a bit too old for school, looking at bug pictures that girl with long, blue hair was showing him.

I noticed Shumai sitting in the corner, looking through his bag desperately. 'I finally found him! Wow, he's even an emo in school?' I thought to myself. I skipped my way over to him, I had to duck along the way, I think that Kaedead had thrown a shot put ball at someone, he looked like an avacado.

"Shumai!!! You forgot your lunch!" I said as I jumped onto his lap, holding the lunchbox.

"K-kokichi?! You're not supposed to be here, but, thank you." He stuttered, pulling his hat over his eyes. "Your welcome! I alway knew my human would need my assistance." I beamed with pride. He rolled his eyes. "I'm going to mess with your friends now!" I said, jumping off his lap and over to a white haired girl. She was painting a picture of a dolphin, it was pretty realistic. I slowly picked up the hot-pink paint.

"Atua is moving the paint!" She cheered, watching as If it was the greatest thing she has ever seen. I then dunked it on her head. "AAH!" She screamed as she fell over, on top of a weird man, who was skimping for his dead sister.

I then skipped over to the green haired girl and a shirt red haired girl. They were talking to each over, they both had slight blushes. 'It's so easy to tell they like each other, let help they get together~' I thought as I push the green haired girl onto the short girl, making them kiss.

"Atua says that there is a demon in the class!" The paint covered girl yelled, to which the others agreed. The sister-simp guy started through in a weird powder around the classroom, I noticed immediately what it was. Is was demon powder, it makes the demon it touches visible to mortals. I moved directly I front of him as he threw the powder.

"BOO!" I yelled as I became visible to Shumai's class. Everyone but Shu-Shu and Kaedead screamed. "Oh, so this is what he looked like?" She turned to shuichi. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. I smiled and hugged onto Shuichi from behind. "Hello mortals!" I shouted, I think I hurt shumai when I yelled though.

"AAAAH! HE'S A DEAD GUY!" The space dork screamed, then he started running around in circles.  We all just watched him, until a maid looking girl smacked him in the back of the head, for some reason, calming him down. 

~A/N~ I have no idea how to end this ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ this is the last part for the Demon!kokichi AU! I hope you enjoyed! Next I will be doing a Postgame AU, there will be angst in the chapter. Bai!

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