☁️Pregame motive (Pregame! Shuichi x Ingame! Kokichi)☁️

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~A/N~ Hi everyone! Sorry about the colouring for Shuichi, I haven't had a good sleep in a year and today it just decided to catch up to me, so I didn't pay as much attention to colouring as I should. After I upload this chapter, I'll start on the Alien Kokichi x Shuichi book! I will start the art later, for now, enjoy the chapter! (I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing with this chapter QwQ)


I sat in my lab, bored out of my mind. Nobody wanted to hang out, as usual. I mean, who would want to hang out with a heartless liar? I sat on the throne I had, draw a picture of me and D.I.C.E. 'I really missed them, I wonder what they're doing without me, hopefully they don't miss me too much.' Thought to myself as I added the finishing touches to my drawing.

I saw the monitor above the door flash on, Monodam, Monophanie and Monotaro were on the screen. "Father told us to tell all of you that there's a new motive!" Monotaro said, pointing his paw towards the camera. "ARRIVE-THERE-IMEDIATLY-OR-FACE-THE-CONCIQUENCE!" Monodam shouted in his robotic voice.

The monitor switched off as I started getting off the chair and making my way out of the lab and towards the gym. I heard footsteps behind me of one of my friends, well, they wouldn't call me that. I looked over my shoulder to see Shuichi further behind me, walking to the gym. "Shumai!" I called as I turned around and rushed to his side.

"O-oh! Hello Ouma~kun!" He said, as I came up next to him. We continued walking to the large doors of the gym. We walked into the gym to see that there were still a few people missing. "Hey Saihara~chan? What do you think the motive will be?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "I-I'm not sure, let's just hope nothing that bad will happen." He said, giving me a small smile.

Once everyone arrived, Monokuma popped up in front of us. "Hello everyone! Good to know you all know how to listen! So are you ready to hear what your new ✨amazing✨ motive will be?" Monokuma shouted to everyone in his usual annoying voice. "How the fuck did he say the 'sparkle' emoji out loud?!" I whisper shout to Shuichi. He just shrugged in response.

"Let's just get this over with." Maki sighed in annoyance to the robotic bear. "Well, one of you will get your memories back!" Monokuma shouted. Everyone looked at each other with shock. "Allow me to pick my victim!" Monokuma shouted. "Eeny, meeny, miny....moe." Monokuma counted, pointed at everyone, then landing his gaze on Shuichi when he said 'moe'.

Everyone looked at Shuichi with worried looks on their faces, I was no exception to this. "W-will it hurt?" Shuichi asked, more worried then all of us. Nobody blamed him, he had a reason to be scared, it was Monokuma doing this after all. "Hurt? Ohnonono! It will be painful!" Monokuma smiled wickedly as the same looking chain from Kaede's exacution dragged him off. (This is after the second chapter)

I fell forwards as I tried to pull him back, I had my arms tight around his waist. The claw was dragging him closer towards the opening in the wall, but slowly because of the force I was pulling at. Kaito came up behind me and started pulling me back to help drag Shuichi back, along with Maki and Gonta.

"Oh no! What will I do now!? How about this?" Monokuma said sarcastically as he slammed his fist on a button, making us let go of Shuichi and shooting him into the darkness and the door closing up after him. The four of us fell over from the force. We could hear the faint screams from Shuichi in the distance. "I'll drop him off in his room later when it's done! Happy killing!" Monokuma said as he walked away.

The rest of the class left, I walked back to the dorms, but not to my own. I started lock-picking Shuichi's door. "What do you think you're doing?!" Kaito shouted, seeing what I was doing. "I'm going to wait for Shuichi. When he comes back, I'm going to make sure he is okay." I said as I continued to lock pick. "Or maybe that's a lie! You never know~" I laughed, sending an evil smirk his way.

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