Fish boy (Siren!Shuichi x Human!Kokichi) Part 1

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 **//KOKICHI'S POV//**

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock, I groaned in annoyance as I slammed my fist on the top of the machine, turning it off. I reached out and grabbed my phone, unlocking it to see a text on the group chat.

8:30AM Feb 6th 2021

AvacadoLord🥑: Hi guys, I'm bored D:

StabStab🔪: I don't care 😑

SpaceMan💫: Maki~roooooooll! Don't be mean, also hi :D

StabStab🔪: fine-

 GayClown🍇: Imma go to the beach, who else wants to come?

PianoSimp and 11 others are Online

PianoSimp🎹: Me!

KinkyInventor🛠: Count me in b*tch!

SadGnome🎾 : Fine

DegenerateMales!🥋: I'm only going if Himiko-san is!

SmolMage🪄: Nyeh, I'll go

DegenerateMales!🥋: I'll go then too, Hi himiko! 😄

GayClown🍇: Okay! Everyone going meet at the cafe close to the beach at 9:10Am!

GayClown🍇: Or I'm gonna leave you all behind ٩( ᐛ )و

I turned my phone off and fell out of bed with a thud, "ouch" I mumbled as I dusted myself off. I started getting changed into my checkered pattern swimming trunks and purple shirt, not forgetting to put on my favourite checkered scarf. I put some sunscreen on and put it into a bag, along with my phone, a hat, my wallet, my keys and a bottle of grape Panta. I skipped out the front door, locking it and walking towards the cafe, where I'm supposed to meet my friends.

I walked to the cafe, seeing my friends Rantaro, Kaede, Miu, Kiibo, Tenko, Himiko, Ryoma, Gonta, Kirumi, Korekiyo, Kaito, Maki, Angie and Tsumugi. "Hi guys! The Ultimate Supreme Leader has arrived~" I giggled as I stuck a pose. The rolled their eyes at me for my childlike behaviour. We went into the Cafe to buy a few snacks, I bought two chocolate donuts. I went onto the beach with the others and started to swim, I decided to take a walk along the beach, I told Kirumi where I was going so she could find me in case she needed to.

I wondered down the beach alone, humming to myself, eyes closed. I felt myself hit something as I fell over, falling face first onto the soft, warm sand. The thing I hit didn't feel hard, like a rock. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, blinking a few times to get the sand out of my eyes, I looked down at what I tripped on. It was a boy with Navy hair and, I didn't see his eyes because they were closed, I looked to where his legs were to see he was covered in large rocks from the waist down. I carefully dragged the poor boy out from under the rocks, I gasped as I stumbled back a bit out of shock, he wasn't a human at all! He was a mermaid? Merman? It doesn't matter at the moment, he's hurt! I remember Rantaro and Kirumi always make me carry a first aid kit with me because they were always worried about my hyper personality getting me hurt.

I carefully wiped the blood of of the merman's tail, before bandaging it. I checked for a pulse, hoping he was still alive, I felt the small pulse on my fingers. I sat there, wondering what to do now, a few minutes later, I decided to take him back to my house so I could get better help. I carefully picked the Merman up bridal-style and ran off down the beach, making sure to avoid crowded areas, I had draped my shirt over the merman's tail to stop him from being discovered more than he already had. I finally reached my house, avoiding everyone by sneaking around in the alleyways to home. I quickly turned on the faucet for the bathtub, placing the merman in. When the water was high enough for it to be comfortable the the creature, I turned the faucet off and left the room to get changed. I texted my friends that I was feeling a bit tired, it was only a half lie, since I had ran all the way back home. 

((Time skip an hour 'cause why not?))

I was scrolling through my phone, trying to entertain myself while waiting the the merman the wake up. I heard splashing in my bathroom, I leap up from the couch and walk over to the bathroom, loads of different emotions swirling through my mind like a hurricane. I opened the bathroom door just a crack to peak in at the creature in the bathtub, it was definitely awake, it was looking around the bathroom, inspecting every little thing. I creaked the door open and stood in the doorway, waiting for it to notice me, it's eyes trailed over to meet with mine. As soon as he realised what I was, he started cowering in fear, curling up in the corner of  the tub with his arms up, as if to protect his head. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to help, that's all!" I whispered in the gentlest way I could, he slowly lowered his guard, turning his head to face me slowly.

He was still shaking intensely, tears forming at the corners of this beautiful golden eyes. "Y-y-your n-not?" He quietly muttered, I only just heard him. "Why would I hurt you? I'm the one that got you out from under the rocks, so if I wanted to hurt you, I would have left you there" I giggled quietly, sitting next to the creature. "So, Mr Merman, what's your name?" I giggled. "Actually, I'm a siren, not a merman, there is a d-difference, Also my name is Sh-shuichi." Shuichi replied, now having his guard down and looking Kokichi in the eyes. "Oh, sorry, my name's Kokichi, by the way." I said, amused by the Siren in front of me. "Does your tail still hurt?" I asked. "Y-yeah, I think it's getting infected." Shuichi replied, I thought it was cute how he stuttered. "Hang on a sec, I'll get some stuff to treat the cuts." I said, rushing out of the bathroom to get the supplies. I came back with some disinfectant and some fresh bandages, I gently lifted is tail out of the water and took the bandages off. "This might sting a bit, so just get ready for it." I said calmly said while putting the disinfectant on the hand towel. I started to dab the cloth on his tail, I heard him hiss in pain a few times, I quickly finished and wrapped his tail back in the new bandages.

"Feeling better now?" I asked soothingly to try calm the siren down. "Y-yeah, the weird thing u put on before the b-bandages hurt a bit." He winced. "I have a few questions, if you don't mind me asking." I said. "S-sure" He said, ready to accept my questions. "First, what's the difference between Mermaids and sirens?" I asked, curious of the answer. "F-firstly, mermaids use their singing for love, us sirens use it to get food, it just so happens that humans hear us and end up AS the food." Shuichi stated, the bit about humans scaring me a little. I started to back up a bit, trying to hide the worry on his face. "O-oh, I d-don't eat h-humans! I just c-catch fish I-instead. S-sorry for s-scaring you." Shuichi winced, and as a skilled lier, I could tell the siren was telling me the truth.

It was a few minutes of silence later, it was starting to annoy me, "how's your tail, can you move it without feeling pain?" I asked, creeping a bit closer. Shuichi started to wiggle his tail around, "AAAAH!" he screamed when he moved his tail, I quickly come closer and started trying desperately to calm the boy down. "I guess not, you'll have to stay few for a while so you can recover. If you want, I can call over my friend, Kirumi, She's really good at speeding up recoveries  and can keep secrets." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "N-no thank you, I don't think I want another human seeing me." Shuichi said, I don't blame him, if I was in his situation, I wouldn't want much attention that I need. "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat if you want." I asked, crouching down next to him. "Yes please, I'm starving." Shuichi pleaded, "Well, I can quickly go down the the shops and get some fish and chips, or I can heat up some leftover Salmon from last night." Kokichi said, questioning which one he would like better. I looked back at Shuichi to see his eyes sparkle in delight. "Can I have some over the salmon please? I've always loved those types of fish!" He squealed, I thought it was so cute.

"Of course! I'll be back in a few minutes." I got up and walked into the Kitchen, I could still hear the splashes from the cute siren boy I had the luck of meeting. I began cooking the extra bit of salmon that I had bought yesterday, I realised I couldn't hear the splashing of the boy anymore, I put the fish on the plate and put it to the side to cool of a little. I turned around and jumped back a little in surprise, there lay Shuichi, he stared up at me with a cute little smile. "H-hi, I got lonely, so I wanted to help!" Shuichi said sweetly, I giggled at the adorableness. "I've just finished." I said as I bent down and gave him the salmon I just finished cooking. I watched as Shuichi started the gulp down the fish, 'this is going to be quite an interesting time with this little siren'. I thought to myself.

~A/N~ Hi guys! Sorry for the slow update, I'm usually a bit busy on Tuesday so I didn't get to upload the story! Let me know in the comments if you want Part 2! Bai!

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