Electro-Charge my Heart ((Genshin AU))

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~A/N~ Heyo! So as you've seen from the title, it's a Genshin Au. If you don't know/understand Genshin, just search it because I could no joke write you an essay all about Genshin.

IMPORTANT: The Visions

Kokichi: Electro

Shuichi: Hydro

Kaede: Dendro

Rantaro: Dendro

Kaito: Visionless

Maki: Pyro

Miu: Cryo

Okie, let get into it ((get into it yuh- 💅))

**//3rd Person POV//**

"Somebody! Get him" the owner of a small bakery yelled as he chased a small boy down the busy streets of Inazuma city. The boy had only stolen a small bit of bread, the poor couldn't help but to take.

The boy's navy blue hair blew into his golden eyes as he ran, sometimes making him stumble. He would check behind him every so often, the baker and a few other chasing not to far behind.

In panic, the boy ran into an alley, trying to find somewhere to hide. Time was running out. They were getting closer and closer by the second.

"In here!" A small voice whisper shouted from under a trap-door, and small pale hand reaching out for him. The navy haired boy grabs the hand and was quickly pulled inside, and just in time too.

The two kids hiding under the trap-door stayed silent, not daring to make a single peep. The adults in the alleyway were looking around, and fortunately haven't found their hiding place yet thanks to the garbage bag pulled over the door.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting and fearing being caught, the adults left in defeat.

"Phew! You nearly got caught!" The boy with dark purple hair smiled to the navy blue haired boy.

"T-thank you so much for helping me." The taller said, smiling in relief.

"No problem! I'm Kokichi!" Said the boy, sticking his hand out to shake his new friends hand.

"Shuichi, Shuichi Saihara." The other smiled faintly, shaking Kokichi's hand.

"I'm gonna light the candles in here, it's dark." Kokichi said, waddling off into the darkness, then lighting a few candles, lighting up the room.

"So, why were you running from that guy?" Kokichi said as he sat down in front of a small table, most likely stolen. In fact, most of the stuff in the room was stolen.

"W-well. . . I got hungry and stole some bread from the bakery. . . I couldn't afford food otherwise." Shuichi some softly, smile fading.

"Oooh, I'm hiding from my mom, she's trying to teach me about her 'eternity' ideas." Kokichi mumbled, pulling a bottle of grape Fanta out of a box in the corner.

"What do you mean by that?" Shuichi said, confused. The only person who would ramble about eternity is. . . No, it couldn't be her, right?

"Exactly what I said. I'm pretty sure she'll show up sooner or later if you stick around long enough, it usually take mom a while to figure out I left, nishishi~" Kokichi laughed.

"W-well, do you mind if I stay? I can help look after the place." Shuichi stuttered, fiddling with his fingers out of a nervous habit.

"Yeah sure, if you let me call you Shumai!" Kokichi grinned, messing with Shuichi's ahoge.

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