My fish (Siren!Shuichi x Kokichi) Part 2

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~A/N~ This is Part 2 for 'Fish boy', hope you guys enjoy!


It had been only a week since I had met this adorable siren, and I already found myself in love with him. 'Dang it, Kokichi! Why do I always get attracted to fish!?' I mentally screamed. It was true, I have always liked fish, both as a pet or for food. This time, it was for a whole other reason. His silky, navy hair was so soft, sometimes if I close my eyes, I feel like I'm stroking a cloud! And don't even get me started on those majestic, golden eyes. I sometimes feel as if I had to look away or else I'd become blinded by how bright they are. I was in the kitchen, making myself and Saihara some breakfast, for me I just got a Panta and an apple. I wasn't really hungry today.

I heard wheels rolling down the hallway, I had bought Saihara a skateboard to get around the house on, since it would be hard to move around without legs. Saihara rolled into the kitchen, laying on his stomach on top of the skateboard. He moved the skateboard around by using his arms to push him, I thought it was cute. "Morning Shumai! I got you something new at the shops, do you want to try it?" I asked looking down at the boy on the floor. "Y-yes please!" Shuichi smiled, his tail moved in a swaying, I could tell he was happy at the thought of something new. I pulled out some BBQ chicken from the fridge, ripped a bit off and gave it to Saihara. He took it and took a small nibble, he stated getting faster and taking larger bites. I sat and watched, it was quite amusing watching him guzzle it, I thought it was funny.

He soon finished the piece I had given him, making grabby-hands at me for more. I thouht it was cute how much he reminded me of a child at some times, even more that I act like one. 5 minutes later, he had ate the whole chicken. Wow. An entire chicken. "Wow, Shumai! You really can eat a lot!" I giggled, smiling as he looked away, slightly embarrassed. I gave him scratches behind the gills, he likes that a lot. He smiled as pushed himself up enough to give me a hug, we have gotten really close this past week, and we're both glad we had met each other. I started to unwrap the bandages on his tail, to see how those cuts were healing. They were pretty deep when I had met him, so I'm estimating around two months u til full recovery, maybe more? Maybe less? The point is, I think he will be here for a while.

((Time skip bought to you by nagiTOES))

I sat sitting on my bed, a sleeping Saihara was curled up next to me, softly snoring. I was reading a book, I was bored and I didn't know how to pass the time. I put my hand on top of Saihara's head and started to stroke his hair, I felt him lean into my touch. I blushed as he did, "he's so dang cute! I wish he could stay forever." I mumbled, gazing at the siren's fins. They were a nazy blue, like his hair, but at the tips of the fins, they faded to a black. I gently glide my fingers down the caudal (tail) fin, they were so smooth. I heard Saihara starting to stir in his sleep, his eyes fluttered open and our gazes met.

"Did sleeping beauty sleep well?~" I giggled, causing the fish boy to blush. "I-I did." He stuttered, averting his gaze from mine. I put my finger under his chin, making him look up at me. "Why are you so embarrassed? Did Shumai have a dirty dream?~" I smirked, Saihara went even redder that the tomatoes in the fridge, I bet if those tomatoes were human, they would be jealous of how red his face was. "I-I d-d-didn't! I s-swear!" I yelped, embarrassed. "Nishishi~ I was only kidding, no need to go all red! Or is Shu~Shu lying to me?~" I asked, my smirk only growing wider. "I wasn't lying!" He blurted out, sitting himself up more. "I know, I was just love how embarrassed you get! I was only playing!" I smiled innocently.


((I spelt 'POV' above and it autocorrected to 'poverty'-....I-))

Ever since Ouma~kun had rescued me, I been feeling these weird sensation in my chest, and my face heats up whenever he speaks. I don't know what this feeling is, is it a good thing? I sat next to Ouma~kun, who was currently laughing at my reactions to his daily teasing. I honestly didn't mind his teases, I think it makes him special. Back in the ocean, it felt like my pod all either shared a personality or act up to other sirens expectations of them. I love how Ouma~kun will express this side of him without worrying how people will react, it's one of the many thing I love about him. He has been showing me all these human things that I thought I would have never seen if that shark didn't chase me too far into the shallows, for once, I'm actually grateful for that shark attack.

When those rocks fell on me, I thought I would be dead, I remembered all of the good things in my life that had happened, and all the things I wish I could have done. Like find a lover, or see the sun and the moon for above the surface. My life had changed ever since I woke up in the 'bathtub' as humans would call them, Ouma~kun has been so kind to me, I want to repay him for all he has done for me! But, what would I be able to do for him? I'm useless on land...

I smiled to myself I thought of the perfect plan, this has to work! All I need to do is go home to get something to complete my repayment! I picked up a 'notebook' and 'pen', inventions humans had made and started to scribble my plan onto the paper of the notebook. I saw Ouma~kun looking over my shoulder with a confused look on his face, thank Auta he can't reach the siren alphabet.

((✨Timeskip✨ To a few months later))


It was midnight, I carried Saihara back to the beach where I had found him.




It was time for him to leave me....forever...

I tried my hardest not to cry, 'don't make yourself look weak, Kokichi. It's pathetic for a supreme leader to cry...' I thought to myself as I helped Saihara into the water. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I stepped back from the cold ocean waves. Saihara didn't leave yet. "Ouma~kun? Can I say something?" Saihara softly spoke, looking into my eyes. "O-of course Saihara~chan." I spoke with fake confidence, I cursed myself for the stutter.

"W-well, thank you. You have been so kind to me, a-and...I'll never forget what you've done for me." He smiled up at me, he had more to say though. "I wanted to repay you for the kindness that you've shown me." He said, swimming up onto the shore in front of me. I kneeled down, meeting his eye level. "Will you come with me?" He asked, holding out his hand. "I've found a spell from the past sirens that can transform a human into a siren, of course you can switch back when you want, but it kinda hurts you a bit to do the spell...a lot actually..." he muttered, looking away for a second, before gazing back into my eyes. "O-of course, anything to be with you." I leapt onto him, gi wing him the biggest bear-hug you'd ever see. "I-I thought I would l-loose you tonight... I-I *hic* didn't want you to go...I love you..." I smiled into the crook of his neck,tears tailing down my face. We sat on the sand on the beach, hugging. The calm breeze blowing through our hair, I can't believe I don't have to loose him. My pants were soaked the the waves, but that didn't matter, as long as I was with my beloved Shumai, I was happy.

~A/N~ That's it for this chapter! And TYSM for all these views and votes! I didn't think my book would make it this well! For those who are wondering, here is the next parts I will be making, in order from what is next to last (as in for the requests, I'm not finishing this book, don't worry!)

1. Demon Kokichi x Shuichi part 3

2. Postgame AU (angst)

3. Jealous AU

4. Ghost Kokichi x Shuichi

So that's what I have planned for the next chapters, the ones after the Ghost kokichi oneshot, I have no idea. Some guys said I was innocent-

If you were the guys that said that, or u think that, them I'm more than happy to prove you wrong by writing a short smut chapter after request 4 above. Just say if you want it and I will write it. That's all for today! Bai!

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