Double date (Irumastu won the votes)

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~A/N~ Irumatsu won the votes! But don't worry, there might be more votes in the future! This is a non-despair AU! I hope you enjoy!

⚠️WARNING⚠️ Underage drinking! If you're uncomfortable with that, click off this chapter.


I wanted to do something special for Kokichi, but I have no idea what to do! I was sitting in the library, trying to think. The library was my favorite place to think, it gives me a relaxing feel. I noticed someone sit next to me, Keade was there next to me. "Hello, Saihara! What are you thinking about?" She beamed.

"W-well, I wanted to do something for Kokichi, but I don't know what to do." I said, still thinking. "Maybe you could take him on a date! I was going to ask Miu if she wanted to go on a date, maybe a double date!" Kaede said, nearly jumping off the book stack she was on. "That sounds good, do you want to come over to my dorm with Miu to discuss where or what we can do?" I asked.

"Sure, does 8:30 sound alright?" She asked, tilting her head. "Yeah, s-see you guys there." I said as she walked off, waving goodbye. I got up to go and tell Kokichi about the double date.

**//Timeskip bought to you by me questioning if I'm bi or lesbian 🙃(fr, I've been thinking for a year and still have no idea what I am-)//**

Me and Kokichi were waiting in my room for the girls to show up, they were 5 minutes late, they usually weren't. "What's taking them soooooo long?" Kokichi whined into the pillow on the bed. "I don't k-know, maybe they forgot to check the time?" I said. 

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to let Kaede and Miu in. "Sorry about the wait, Miu wouldn't stop tackling people along the way." Kaede said as she walked in, dragging Miu behind her. "It's not my fault Tenko challenged me to it." Miu complained.

"Let's just get to organising!" Kaede said, sitting down on the floor next to Miu. "You sound like an office lady who likes her job too much." Kokichi giggled, dangling his head upside down on the bed. We got talking and reserved a table at a fancy restaurant for dinner, I could tell the dinner might not go so well...

**//Timeskip to the date bought to you be the Apollo 13 movie (it's really good, I recommend watching it!)//**

Kokichi, Kaede, Miu and I stood in front of the carnival entrance. We paid for our tickets and walked through, admiring the rides and stalls scattered around the area. "What ride do you guys want to go on first?" I asked as we walked around. "Oh oh! Look at that one!" Kokichi yelled as he tugged on my sleeve and pointed at a large roller-coaster.

Everyone started agreeing, except me. "A-are you sure? It looks k-kinda scary for me." I mumbled as I pulled my hat down. "Shumai! Stop with the silly emo-hat! You'll be fine!" He said as he pulled me and the others into the line. We surprisingly didn't have to wait long in the line, which was a good thing, Kokichi gets cranky if he has to wait too long.

We got onto the ride and got strapped in, me next to Kokichi (obviously) and Kaede with Miu. The ride started off slow, going up reeeally high, then dropping really fast. We got off the ride after, the only thing I didn't like was the kid in front of us screeching as if he'd die, that kids scream could break glass! 

We walked around a little more, going on lots of different rides, like the swing ride, bumper cars and the carousel (inset me weirdly dancing to carousel by Melanie Martinez). "Hey guys! How about we get pictures in the photo booth! It would be fun! One with one couple, one with the other, one with the four of us, and then a silly face one!" Kaede smiled, pointing at the empty photo booth.

"Sure, sounds good." We all say walking into the photo booth, first was me and Kokichi:

" We all say walking into the photo booth, first was me and Kokichi:

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Next was kaede and Miu, then we all had one together. "How about we go to the fairs wheel! Imma give my babe a big kiss on the top!" I yelled, we got a few stares as she said that, but we didn't care, we were having fun and nothing can stop us from enjoying ourselves.

We got onto the Ferris wheel and it started going up, this one would be sunset over water view. "Hey Shu~Shu! We're nearly at the top! Are you ready for a big kiss?~" Kokichi smirked, moving closer. "Y-yes, I'm r-ready!" I stuttered, I was red in the face.

We got to the top, the sunset was really beautiful when it sparkles over the water. "The view is really pretty, but dis you now I can see something better than the sunset?" Kokichi said scooting closer and holding my hand. "What is it?" I said looking at him, tilting my head slightly. "You~" he said.

I felt Kokichi's soft lips press against mine. I kissed back immediately, that smooth little gremlin sure can kiss! (Help, I can't write a fucking kissing scene-) he wrapped his arms around my waist and I entwined my fingers in his hair. We parted for air as the Ferris wheel started to move again, that moment felt perfect, I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

We got off the Ferris wheel and out of the theme park, we started making our way to the restaurant. The inside was fancy, the walls were a beautiful cream colour and the floors were wooden, with matching chairs and tables. Kaede really did know the perfect restaurants for dates.

**//Timeskip bought to you by my motivation speeding of with Kokichi's sexy motorcycle (VrOoM vRoOm 👀))//**

Miu might have had a few too many drinks, and surprisingly, Kaede did too. Kaede had jumped onto the seat on the piano and started to play it while Miu got up and started dancing next to her.

Kokichi was laughing his head off, as well as most of the other people in the restaurant, and I was trying to get them to sit back down at the table and apologising to the staff about them. "Omigod! I'm going to show this to everyone!" Kokichi cackled as he continued to film the two drunk girls.

After the rather funny experience at the restaurant, we decided to call it a day and walk home, obviously I had to carry Kaede since she had passed out on the piano earlier. Kokichi has poking Miu with a stick to keep her moving forwards. "Hurry up you fat cow!" He complained to miu, who only responded with a 'weEeeeeeEeeee!'.

We got back to the house we shared with the our other 12 friends and shoved them into Kaede's room and payed them on the bed. We went back to Kokichi's room and got changed into our pyjamas, I usually kept a pair in his room in case he was feeling lonely and wanted to cuddle. He usually does. In my opinion, today was a great memory for the four of us.

~A/N~ Hello! As you could see, I had lost A lot of motivation towards the end. Sorry if you ship didn't get chosen, they will occasionally pop up throughout the chapters or will be voted for in upcoming votes (no promises that they will be soon), with that said, goodbye! 

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