💔Forgiveness (Postgame AU)💔

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~A/N~ Hi! This will be angst, sorry if I'm not good at writing it though. Just to make things clear, this is just after the game in the hospital. Enjoy!


Me, Maki and Himiko stood in front of the broken glass of the cage that once trapped us in the killing game. A blinding light kept us from seeing the outside. "Are you guys ready? We're finally leaving this hellish place." Maki spoke, I could only just hear the happiness in her normally cold voice. I gave a slight nod, same as Himiko. We walked into the blinding light.






Congratulations, Shuichi Saihara. You have survived Danganronpa.






I woke up with a jolt. Where was I? I looked around, letting my eyes adjust to the light. I was in a hospital room? How did I get here? Where is Maki and Himiko? I million questions shot through me mind. I heard the door knob turn, and a tall woman walk into the room. "Oh, you're awake. I'm guessing you're confused, am I correct." She spoke. She held a clipboard and had her long hair tide back in a neat bun.

"Yes, I am." I responded. "Well, I'll give you a quick check-up, then I'll explain." She responded in a monotone voice. She asked me questions about how I feel and went through a normal check-up.

"Alright, I will explain now. The killing game was simply a simulation. All of your friends are alive." She spoke, sitting on the chair beside the bed I sat in. My eyes widened at this information. "T-they are?!" I gasped, happy I didn't actually need to say goodbye to the people I learned to love. "Yes. You all had signed up for this years danganronpa." She passed me my phone that I had before the game. "I will leave you alone for now, the rest of your friends are on this floor." And with that, she left.

I looked at the cover of my phone, a monokuma phone case. I tore it off and threw it in the bin near the bed. I carefully lowered myself off of the hospital bed and to the door. 'Who should I visit first? Kokichi. I remember what I had said to him after the forty trail. I didn't mean to be that harsh, why did I have to hurt him?

I made my way down the hall, looking over the name tags above the doors. 'Tenko Chabashira. Himiko Yumeno. Gonta Gokuhara. Kokichi Ouma.' I read, stopping in front of Kokichi's door.


I lay in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, tears flowing down my cheeks. I thought over everything that had happened. Amami~chan's death...Iruma~san's death...Gokuhara~Kun's death...why did I do that? Why did I have to make him kill her...and Shui- Saihara~kun...I didn't mean for that to happen. Why did he say that? I sobbed into my pillow.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "H-hello? Are you in there Ouma~kun?" It was Saihara. What does he want? I lifted my head from the pillow. "Yes, I am. What do you want?" I answered, staring at the door as if it was a person. "I-I just wanted to talk. May I come in?"

"Sure." Why did I say that, I don't want to talk right now. The door creaked open and Saihara walked inside. Thank Atua the room was dark. "About the forth trail...I'm sorry..." he trailed off, staring at the ground, fiddling with his fingers. 'Nobody's apologised ((ApOlOgIsE!)) to me before! H-he must be lying!' I thought to myself.

"No, you're not. You're just like the rest," I said, "I bet you didn't even feel bad when I died, did you?" I said, looking away from him. "No! That's wrong! I care about you! Of corse I felt bad!" He exclaimed, taking a step closer. I knew I should have stayed silent. "Then explain the part where you said 'you're alone, and you always will be'!" I said, now getting slightly mad. He can't lie to me.


This wasn't what I was expecting. "I didn't mean it! I was mad and we all say things we don't mean when we're mad! Please, believe me!" I said, I was close to tears. I genuinely didn't mean to say what I had said. "Just leave, Saihara. I done talking..." he said, his head still facing facing away.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered as I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I let myself burst into tears as I sprinted back to my room. I locked the door behind me and curled up into a ball on the white hospital bed. I cried into my knees, letting it all out.


((Changing POV like brrrrr-))

'Why?...Why was I so mean to him?' I stared out at the pouring rain. 'I need to apologise.' I thought as I lifted myself into my wheelchair. I needed one since we had still felt the pain from our deaths, but not as bad as the actual death, and being crushed by a hydraulic press. I rolled myself over to a nearby desk, writing a note.

It went like this:

Dear Saihara,

I'm really sorry about a few minutes ago, I know you won't forgive me, and I can understand why. I was a stupid pig not to forgive it, after all, what you had said in the game is true...

I really hope you can forgive me, I got you a book you might like? Uuhhhh, I'm sorry.


I picked up a book that I was reading, it was called 'the outsiders'. I started rolling down the hallway, over to Saihara's room. I quietly knocked on the door, then placed the book and note down and quickly rolled away. I didn't want to show my face to Saihara, I couldn't possibly do that after what I've done. I locked myself back inside the dark hospital room that was assigned to me.

**//SHUICHI'S POV because I said so//**

I heard a knock at the door, then followed by the sound of...wheels? I sat myself up on the bed, looking at the still door. "W-who is it?" I weakly called to whoever was there. No answer. I pulled myself off the bed, over to the wooden door. I opened the door. Nobody. I looked down to see a book and a note. Picking it up, I walked back inside my room and sat on the bed.

I read over the note first. Kokichi apologised? He really has changed, hasn't he. 'But why is he apologising? I deserved it." I thought as I turned my attention to the book on my lap. I felt a small smile forming as I read the cover. 'I guess, I can accept the apology, he does seem to actually mean it.' I thought, now turning the page to start reading. I'll have to talk to Kokichi tomorrow, I think both of us need to clear our minds today...

~A/N~ Hi guys! Was the angst ok? I'm not very good at writing it, so if you have an tips, please let me know!

Next oneshots (in order):

1. Jealous AU

2. Ghost!kokichi x Shuichi

3. Kokichi x Trans!Shuichi

4. Double date

Hope you guys enjoyed! Bye for now!

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