Gems ((Steven Universe Au)) PART 1

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"He's no use to us now."

"White, there's still more he can do.."

"Like what, Blue? He is a DISRUPTION and a DISGRACE to the us diamonds. He is a defect."

"Yellow! He's only young let him be! I think he's fun!"

"Quiet Pink. You have no say."

"Send him off somewhere and tell him not to return. He is no longer a diamond."





1000 year later - Earth - Beach City.

"SHUMAIIII!" A small purple gem ran across the beach screamed, flinging himself towards his favourite human.

"Ah! Kokichi wait!" Too late. The gem had already pounced on him, both falling to the ground.

"How's my faaaaavourite human in the whole of Earth?~" Kokichi smirked, kissing Shuichi's nose while he was red in the face.

"J-just fine." He stuttered, pushing himself out from under Kokichi.

"I was just talking to Kaito and him and the others were planning on having lunch on the beach together. I know you don't need to eat and stuff but-" Shuichi began to get awkward, to be interrupted by this boyfriend.

"I'll come don't worry Shu-Shu! This is my perfect chance to prank dumbass anyways Nehehe~" Kokichi smiled evilly, grabbing hold of Shuichi's hand.

The two stood awkwardly holding each other's hand. That is until the deafening silence was broken. "I don't know the way, Shuichi. Are we going or not?"

"O-oh! Yes! Sorry." He blurted out, quickly walking down the sandy beach, the amethyst's hand on his.

It didn't take long to find the rest of the group. There were 13 (besides Kokichi and Shuichi) there. The last 1 must have been even more late than the two.

If not already made obviously, there is something quite unique about this group. Only half of them were human. The other half, aliens from "homeworld" known as gems.

"Hello Shuichi....and Kokichi." Maki softly smiled, it turning into a grimace at the sight of the small amethyst.

"Sorry we're late." Shuichi smiled, letting go of Kokichi's hand, the shorter frowned slightly, then returned to a mischievous grin as he found his next prank target.

"It's fine, but why did you have to bring him?" Maki glances to Kokichi, who was now on the other side of the group, pulling paper poppers out of his gem, snickering as he did.

"He's a part of our group, and my boyfriend. Why should I not invite him? The group always has a big lunch together every week, of course he's got to come.." Shuichi sighed.

It's the same conversation every big lunch. Maki complaining about Kokichi. Shuichi has already grown tired of it.

"AHH! WHAT THE FUCK KOKICHI!" Kaito shrieked, jumping into Maki's arms.

Kokichi stood howling in laugher with a popped party popper. Maki dropped Kaito on the ground, watching him groan as he stood back up.

"Uhh...Just because you're a 'gem warrior' doesn't mean you have to be so cruel, Maki-roll.." Kaito sulked, rubbing the pain in his back hoping to sooth it.

"The fact I'm a Jasper has nothing to do with that. Look at Gonta, he's an emerald yet he's kind, gentle and helps others. Nothing like a normal emerald." Maki explained, folding her arms.

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