☁️💔Million Stars (Demon!Kokichi x Human!Shuichi)💔☁️

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**//Kokichi's POV//**

Bored, that was all I felt as I flew around fire flaming trash heap know as Hell. I was gliding on back back, facing the rocky ceiling of the underworld. I felt at peace while I was flying, I don't know why though, I guess I just liked the feeling of being surrounded in a breeze. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard one of my classmates flying closer, "hey lying abortion! Have yo-" Mui started to say. "Wow, You...Decided to approach me, instead of running? Nishishi~ how funny~" I giggled as I smirked. "Anyway, Have you seen that fist-fight earlier between Harukawa-san and that random midget? It was hilarious!" Miu cackled, spitting a little as she laughed. "Hell yeah! The guy got BeAt!" I laughed as she flew away. Miu was my friend since pre-school (I'm an Aussie so idk what it like for u guys).

((Time skip bought to you by polish dancing cow))

It was late at night, perfect time for scaring the ever loving sh*t out out of small kids who got don't go to bed when they're supposed to- I mean, flying around the mortal world. I flew to the public Pentagram, a teleportation device for demons to go to the humans world, Earth. I Jumped onto the nearest vacant pentagram and thought of the place I wanted to go, Tokyo. I saw the red beam come out of the carefully drawn lines of the pentagram and wrap around me, I closed my eyes as I felt the swirl of wind crash around me.

It lasted for a few minutes before it disappeared as quickly as it had came, I opened my eyes to see the busy city of Tokyo, swarming with humans. I flew up and hovered in air, turning my body different directions, admiring the bright lights of the place I once called home. You see, when a human dies, their soul leaves their body, they either go to hell or heaven, based on their lives. I used to live in Tokyo with Miu, until we both died from abuse by our parents, oh, if your wondering why people aren't screaming, "look! It a monster!" Or "HaHa BiG wInG mAn", that's because most humans can't see demons or angels, only people under 20 who have experienced constant abuse, neglect or constant bullying (Ayo! Bullied squad, where u at? I'll stop-). I flew to an empty park, or at least I thought it was empty, I looked under a tree to see a tall navy hair boy with beautiful golden eyes. He was reading a phantom thief and detective romance book, I giggled, after reading the cover of the story, He looked up at me. 'Can he see me?' I thought to myself, "U-uh, hi?" He said, looking up at at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Y-you can see me?" I accidentally stuttered out of pure shock and curious it you. "O-of course it can see you, why wouldn't I?" He said, standing up. "Well, if you didn't notice, I'm a demon!" I laughed, he didn't look amused by this. "Aww~ do you not believe me~?" I mocked making a fake pout along with my tone. "Sorry, but I'm not in the mood for pranks at the moment." The Navy haired emo said to me, "Geez, I'm not lying this time, for once. Here, I'll prove it to you!" I huffed out, I started flapping my wings and hovering about the boy, he stood there staring up, pure horror written all over his face. "S-so y-your not j-joking?!" He shouted, I landed and put a finger over his lips. "Sssh! The other humans can't see me, so your making yourself look like a crazy person~ Nishishi!" I giggled.

"Why can I only see you and the others can't? Am I already going crazy?" The detective looking teen muttered. "No silly! Only people under 20 who have experienced lots of neglect, abuse or bullying can see demons and angels!" I said in my usual cheerful voice, although I was concerned for the boy in front of me. "So, what happened? What's your reason for seeing us?" I said a bit more seriously. We sat down on the soft grass under the cherry tree, he looked like he had calmed down a lot, maybe even comfortable.


*⚠️Warning: Mentioned Abuse and neglect⚠️*

I can't believe I'm talking to a real demon! I've read about them in books but I never would of thought the people have actually came in contact with these creatures, it still surprises me that one would be comforting me at the moment. I took a deep breath, finally ready to tell somebody about what has happened, " I was born into a rich family, my parents were famous screenwriters and actor, they never had time for me and sometimes would ignore that I existed. When I was around ten, my parents decided they had enough of me being near them, they dropped me off at my uncle's and auntie's house and left without saying goodbye. A few months after they dropped me off, my Auntie died, soon after my uncle started drinking and would beat me from time to time, or would sometimes come back with a strange woman." I felt really relieved that I could finally get that off my chest after so long, I soon after had flashback of all the things that have happened in my life.

**//3rd PERSON POV//**

The Taller male Started to cry his eyes out, the tears glimmering in the moonlight. The little demon had noticed this and had listen to every little word that came out of the taller males mouth, Kokichi couldn't help but have sympathy for the boy, since he had experienced something similar. Kokichi pulled Shuichi into a hug while whispering sweet nothings into his ear and gently drawing circle on his back with his pale fingers, they sat like that for what felt like hours, the atmosphere around them was comfortable, the only sounds being the gentle breeze blowing through their hair and Shuichi's occasional sobs. Kokichi played with Shuichi's hair gently, "W-what's y-your n-name?" Shuichi whispered to the demon, "Oh, how silly of me, I forgot to tell you. Anyway, I'm Kokichi Ouma!" Kokichi beamed, proudly. "I-I'm Shuichi Saihara, c-can we be f-friends, please?" Shuichi stuttered, making the Shorter male blush a light shade of pink. "Of course!" Kokichi replied, "Do you wanna meet here at midnight each Saturday Night?" The Panta loving demon asked, slightly nervous for the others reply.

"Yes! I would love that!" Shuichi beamed, giving The other a bright smile that was brighter that a million stars. Kokichi smiled, seeing the Shuichi happy sent a warm feeling into Kokichi's chest, He didn't know what this feeling was, but he was liking it. They talked for hours about anything and everything, Kokichi learned about Shuichi's school and his friends, Kaede, Kaito and Rantaro. Shuichi learned that He'll wasn't that bad and about kokichi's friends, Miu and Maki. "I need to leave Shuichi, if you ever need to talk just draw a pentagram and say my name three times, and I'll be there!" Kokichi Exclaimed. "Alright, goodbye, I hope I can see you soon!" Shuichi smiled. A small burst of red light swarmed around Kokichi, he was gone in a blink of an eye, back to Hell.


I opened my eyes to see myself back at the Public pentagrams back at Hell, I started flying off towards in the direction of the apartment I shared with Miu and Harukawa-san. I couldn't stop thinking about Shuichi and this feeling in my chest, it felt nice, but I didn't understand it. I carefully glided through the open window of the apartment and landed quietly on the soft black carpet, luckily the lights were off, so the others would be in bed. That's what I thought. I tip-toed over to the fringed and grabbed a Panta, I closed the fridge door to see Miu standing in front of me with a serious look on her face. "Where in the name of Satan were ya!?" She whisper-shouted at me, "Earth." I responded with no hint of regret, she just sighed and said, "Just get you virgin a$$ into bed." I giggled in satisfaction, knowing I had annoyed Miu and skipped off to bed, still thinking of the boy I just met.

~A/N~ Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a request in the comments below for what you want me to write about next, Cya next chapter! 😁

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