Android (Robot! Kokichi x Shuichi)

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~A/N~ Hello! So, I know that it was requested to have been a Detroit: Become Human AU! but I have VERY little information on it, so I'm very sorry sara_mjrb, I'll try to some something that I know about it. Sorry again and enjoy!


I sat inside my office, working on a case. I had until the end of the week to solve the case, but I've been finding myself more stressed with even more pressure being piled onto me by my co-workers. I let out a sigh and rested my head on top of the desk. A knock of the door interrupted my short time for peace. "Come in." I mumbled, lifting my head back up.

"Hello, Mr. Saihara. How's the case doing." My boss asked, opening the door and stepping inside. "Stressful." I admitted. He took a moment to reply, but eventually said "as you seem to be." He chuckled. "Well, I've come to offer something. Something that can help you." He said sitting down in the chair opposite of me, and leaning slightly closer.

"And that is?" I asked, urging him to continue, raising an eyebrow at the man. "Well, we've contacted CyberLife and placed some orders for androids to help with out with work. We're giving you the opportunity to accept the help of one of the androids, like an assistant." He said, one of his body guards placing a clip board and pen with the paperwork down on the table.

"So, do you accept it?" The boss asked. I stared at the contract for a minute, quickly reading it over. I hesitantly picked up the pen and wrote my signature down the bottom of the page on the dotted line. "I guess it would be nice to have help." I sighed, pushing the contact back to him, this time it had been signed.

"Great. You'll have the Android by lunchtime tomorrow." He said as he stood up and walked back to the door with his guard. "Oh, and good luck with that case." He said before they walked out. I couldn't help think about what I had just agreed to. Was it a bad idea? Did I get scammed? I guess all my questions can be answered tomorrow.

**//Timeskip to the next day because I have a random thing where I'll start laughing for no reason and can't stop until I can't breath-//**

I walked back into my office, I had just got back from getting McDonalds for lunch. ((Fuck- now I want McDonalds 🥲)) I saw as large box in the centre of my room. "Probably the Android the boss told me about." I mumbled to myself as I unboxed it. I finished stetting it up on a charging pad. ((Idfk if they even need that or if that's how they charge ;-;)).

It had beautiful purple hair, curled up slightly at the ends. A pair of matching purple eyes unblinking and staring straight ahead at the wall. It looked child-like and short. 'I guess I should let it charge up.' I thought as I wondered back over to my desk.

Thirty minutes of silence went by in a flash. I had gotten a bit further into case and had down to three suspects. I heard a faint sound of gears moving, of corse coming from the Androids direction. I looked over to see the Android staring back at me. I stepped off the charger and made it's way quickly over to me.

"Hello Sir. What do you need done today?" The Android said, surprisingly human-like, but still with a tinge of robotic noise to it. "U-um. This?" I asked, pushing the case over the him, or them. I didn't know if the Android even had a gender! It took the case from me and quickly scanned over the work.

It pointed to suspect number 2. "He is innocent. He is too." The Android said, moving it's metallic finger across the page from suspect 2, over to suspect three. I started at the work in shock. It did make sense, everything does now! I bundled up all of the evidence and called the boss to the room to collect the case.

**//Timeskip to a week later because I feel like going on a swearing rampage because I feel like it.//**

Something was bothering me, and by something, I mean Kokichi, my Android. It bothered me that he had no personality, and only did as instructed. I was on break at the moment and Kokichi was charging. I decided to call my best friend, Kaede. She had an Android too, and somehow it had a personality and acted on it's own decisions. How did it get like that?

I picked up the phone and typed in her number, then waited for her to pick up the phone. "Hello?" She answered. "Hi Akamatsu-san." I said. "Oh! Shuichi, what's up?" She asked. "Well, the thing is, I have an android. It's great, but, how can I get him to have a personality, like yours does?" I asked, glancing back over to Kokichi.

"Well, I took her around to some fun places and showed her to some things. The next day she was acting like how I showed you a few months ago." Kaede said. "Thanks Kaede, bye." I said. "Bye?" She said as I hung up. 

**//One month later because yes. Also, have you guys seen the music video for Symphony by Clean bandit? It's so beautiful and sad at the same time, I nearly cried at the very end.//**

It had been a month since I met Kokichi. Sure he acts like a cocky 10 year old, but he's one of the best things to have happened in my life. We were in my office, I had just finished a few more cases with him and was doing a 'try not to laugh challenge'. It was Kokichi's go to try make me laugh. He stood on his hands and walked on them around the room while quickly saying a random story about somebody taking a shit on a pot plant. 

I bursted out laughing, along with Kokichi. Although it was very random and immature, it was still funny to hear. We immediately stopped laughing when we saw the boss standing outside the door with a 'wtf' expression on his face. We just sat there and stared at each other with blank expressions. After a what felt like 100 years, he slowly started to continue walking down the hall.

~A/N~ This is the second chapter I posted today (the other was on one of my other books). I have one more thing to say





Rawr 🦖 

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