Pokémon Au

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~A/N~ Hi! Sorry for not updating as quick, I was drawing the photo above for the one shot, hope you like the drawing and enjoy the story :)


I fell out a cold, dark locker into an empty classroom. "W...where am I?" I muttered to myself. I took my poké-ball out of my pocket, my shiny umbreon shot out from it and landed on the floor next to me gracefully. "Umbre! Umbreon!" My umbreon yipped, I named my Umbreon 'Inei'. "Hello Inei." I said as I gave him a scratch behind the ears, the purred and leaned into the touch. I heard a voice from behind me giggle, "Looks like I'm not the only one here~". I turn around the see a short boy with purple hair with matching eyes, beside him was a creepy mimikyuu. "Oh, hello, I-I'm Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective. Nice to meet you." I said as I held my hand out to shake his. "I'm Kokichi Ouma! The ultimate supreme leader!" He announced as the firmly shook my hand. I found it interesting how confident he was. "C'mon, let's go see if there are any other people in this place. Me and my mimikyuu, Mazoku, are looking for a good fight." Kokichi said, hopping down the hall.

I followed close behind, Inei following next to me. We found a blond hair girl with pink eyes and a jiggly puff down the hall, she turned around as she saw us and said, "Oh, so you two must be the two other ultimates that didn't show up yet, hurry! The others are waiting, by the way, I'm Kaede Akamatsu, ultimate pianist." She said, walking down the hall, with us following close behind. We reached the grass outside the building to see thirteen other ultimates there with their Pokémon, Kokichi gasped as he saw, I noticed the determination in his eyes as he looked at all the Pokémon there. "Hey! Anyone up for a Pokémon battle?" Yelled a tall guy with a galaxy print jacket, he had a Lunatone, it looked a little freaky. "Ooo! I wanna battle, fight meeee!" Kokichi called over to him, dragging out the 'e' sound.

Kokichi and the tall guy started to do a Pokémon battle, I sat to the side and watched. I used my phone to see the status of their Pokémon, I scanned the tall persons Lunatone, I saw it was a level 42, I then scanned Mazoku, seeing it was level 75. I quietly laughed, knowing the Lunatone was no match for mazoku. I was right, it only took one shadow claw to beat him. "Yay! I win! Good job mazoku" Kokichi cheered, jumping around like an excited child. "Now that's what I calla good battle! Now that everyone is here let me tell you what's going on!" And monochrome bear screeched, he started to explain that this was a killing game and the rules to it. We stood there in shock at this new information, we stood there silent, "Do you really think you can get us to kill each other?! Well, we won't let that happen, right guys!" Kaede shouted at the bear in a confident tone. "Hmm, not sure~ that guy other there looks like he might kill bug man over there~" Kokichi giggled pointing at the short man with the beanie. Everyone sighed in annoyance at his words.

((TiMeSkIp because woof woof))

I wanted to see if I could catch any new Pokémon because I had seen some pidges flying around, so I assumed that there would be other Pokémon as well. I walked through a forest-like area, I heard something shuffling in the bushes, I was ready to send Inei into a Pokémon battle. I saw Kokichi jump out of the bush and tackling me into a hug, "Nishishi~ Hi Shumai!" He laughed, "S-Shumai?" I responded, confused. "Yeah! It's the nickname I'm giving your so generously~" he giggled. I rolled my eyes at his childlike personality, "Do you not like the nickname?! WAAAAAAAAAH! YOUR SO MEEEEAN!" he fake cried, dragging out the 'e' sound. "W-why are you out here anyway? Are you looking for Pokémon too?" I asked. "Yeah, I wonder how they got in here. I think maybe they get in here from a secret little opening in the cage." He said in a somewhat serious tone. "Maybe, do y-you want to find some new Pokémon with me?" I asked, I genuinely wanted to hang out with him, even though I could tell the others didn't like him. ((HANG out...lol))  "Yay! Saihara~chan wants to hang out with me!" Kokichi squealed, hugging my arm as he starts to drag me around in the long grass.

((Omg my brother started watching Shrek-)) I saw a cute little rockruff after a little while of walking. "H-hey Kokichi, can I go catch the rockruff?" I asked, slowly approaching the rockruff. "Sure! I see another further along the trail, I'll see you when we catch them!" Kokichi said while skipping down the trail. Crouching down in front of the rockruff, I gave it a gentle pats on its head, he seemed to enjoy the pats because he started licking my arm and wagging it's tail. It sat there for a few minutes playing with the rockruff, it started sniffing my pockets for poké-balls. I pulled one out and stood back a little to catch him, I threw the ball at the rockruff, zapping him into the small ball. It rolled a few times before a little star popped out, signalling me that I had caught the rockruff. I threw the poké-ball up, letting the rockruff out, "Rock! Rockruff!" The rockruff barked happily, I smiled knowing I have a new Pokémon friend. "So you managed to catch him? Nishishi~ I caught one too!" I stumbled back from hearing Kokichi talk, I didn't know he was there. "I also caught a little other Pokémon while I was waiting!" Kokichi exclaimed bouncing up and down excitedly. A rockruff stepped out from behind Kokichi and a creepy Gengar floated down next to him, Kokichi started to giggle, the gengar copied him, sending chills down my spine.

I saw my poké-balls fall out of my pockets from Inei looking to see if I had snacks with me, I went to pick up my Poké-balls, the poké-ball that rolled into the bush glowed a bit. "Looks like a little Pokémon wanted to be your partner~ but what was it?" Kokichi asked as the ball made a ping sound, confirming I had a new Pokémon. I threw the ball out to see an absol, "Woah!" Kokichi and I said in unison, I didn't expect an absol to want me to catch it. I saw my rockruff climb onto the absol's back, the absol licked rockruff's paw, "I'm guessing it wanted me to catch it because it knows the rockruff like family and didn't want to leave him." I said, I thought it was cute how the absol took care of the rockruff.

Kokichi and I walked back to the dorms with out Pokémon, talking like old friends, even if we only just met today. We split off in different directions when we got into the dorm building, so we can go into our seperate dorms.

((Time skip to 12:00AM, the time I actually decide to sleep-))

I was woken by a dark silhouette of a person on top of me, "Hey Saihara~chan, guess what?" It was Kokichi, "W-why did you wake me up at this time?" I yawned, sleepily, "I wanted to tell you something and I reeeeally didn't want to wait until morning." Kokichi whined. "What is it?" I asked, still half asleep. "I evolved my rockruff into a Lycanrock Midnight!" Kokichi giggled, sounding tiered. "Cool" I mumbled, pulling Kokichi down into a cuddle, I could only just hear how flustered he was, but I didn't care at the moment. I drifted off to sleep again, only this time I had Kokichi with me, I don't think this killing game will be this scary if I have Kokichi by my side.

~A/N~ Sorry for the slow update, leave a comment on how you like the chapters or leave a request! Bai!

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