It was you! (Mastermind! Kokichi x Shuichi)

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~A/N~ Hi guys! So this might be a little different the way I'm doing things! Also this takes place in the 6th chapter! And just to make sense of thinks, Monokuma can call off a trail if he's feeling nice enough and himiko died instead of Kokichi in chapter five (story ;~;).


We were in the middle of the class trial of the mastermind. "All the evidence points at you, Tsumugi Shirogane, the ultimate cosplayer!" I yelled, pointing a finger at her. "N-no! You're m-making a mistake!" She yelled in defence, a shocked expression on her face. "Are you sure it's a mistake Tsu-MOO-gi?~" Kokichi giggled, putting a finger to his face.

"Please believe me! I'm not the mastermind! Could we please try looking for other evidence?! Please!?" Tsumugi cried, Turing around. She had he hands in a begging position as she pleaded Monokuma to let us look for more evidence. "Hmmmmm, sure! Only if you do something in return~" Monokuma laughed.

"Anything if it means keeping them from making a mistake!" Tsumugi pleaded. "Well in that case, sing the chandelier meme!" Monokuma said, leaning forward in his seat. "W-wha?...fine." Tsumugi said. Then she started to horribly sing:

Monokuma and Kokichi were dying of laughter while the rest of us were laughing lightly. "Okay! You have 2 days to investigate! Spend your time wisely, or don't! I don't care what you do!" Monokuma sighed as the elevator doors open. We all walked through the large doors of the elevator. The doors closed and started taking us back up to investigate.

We walked back out of the elevator and started going our seperate ways. "Shumai! Wait for meeee!" I heard Kokichi yelled out to me. I turned around in time to see Kokichi sprinting at me and jumping at me. I managed not to fall as he ran into me. "Let's investigate together! I might be able to help!" Kokichi said, giving me his usual big smile.

"Uh, sure! I guess I could use all the help I can g-get." I said, giving him a small smile. Ever since Kaede died, Kokichi was there for me, he usually pop by to check up on me if I was upset and stay with me. I can't deny that I may have slight feelings for him, I mean, what's not to adore? "Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the main building.

"So, mr dectective, what do you already know?" Kokichi said, slightly looking back at me, but not enough to see all of his face. "W-well, I think I might know where the secret room entrances might be." I said. "Well, where are they? If we find a way in, we might get a definite answer!" Kokichi said as we entered the large building.

"Well, the library and the female restrooms have entrances." I said as we stopped to talk some more about evidence. "Ooooh~ is Shuichi a perv? How would you know if it's in the female bathroom?" Kokichi smirked, putting his hands behind his head. My face went red as he said that. "I-I'm not a perv!" I shouted back. 'I wish I had my hat'.

"I know, I was joking!" Kokichi said. "Let's try and find how to open them?" I said, Kokichi nodded in response. We started walking to the library. We reached the moving bookshelf. "Here's the first one. It's a moving bookshelf, but I'm not sure how it opens." I said, looking at him then back to the shelf. 

"Maybe we have to pull it out?" Kokichi suggest as he started Tying to pull the bookshelf out, but obviously failing and falling on his back. "Ouch. I guess not." He said, getting back up again. "Maybe w-we have some sort of puzzle to it?" I said as I started pulling all the books on the shelf out a little to see if it triggered anything.

Kokichi started working on the lower shelves while I worked on the higher up shelves. There was now only 3 more books left on the middle shelf, I pulled the one on the right and Kokichi pulled the one to his left. They both didn't work. "This is the last book we haven't pulled." Kokichi said, looking at a rich dark purple book. He pulled it but it didn't go out as far as the other books.

We heard a click as Kokichi pulled the book and the bookshelf started slowly opening. We both looked at each other with shocked expressions and walk into the passage way. We made it into a dark room with a large monokuma head, but half it's face was just a bunch of wires strung into the head's shape.

I started looking around the room for something to help find the mastermind. I noticed that there were no camera's in this room, but there were monitors watching all the other rooms. "...Shuichi..." I heard Kokichi say from behind me. "Yeah, what is it?" I said turning around. Kokichi was looking at the ground, his bangs were casting a shadow over his face.

"I have something to tell you, but, please don't b-be mad." Kokichi said. "Alright, what is it Kokichi?" I said, now completely facing him. He shakily put his hands into his pockets and pulled out two hairpins, one was a black monokuma head, the other was a white monokuma head. He look up with a saddened expression on his face.

"...I'm sorry..." he said. I couldn't believe best friend...was the mastermind. I backed away a few steps, a mixture of fear, sadness and disbelief on my face. "W-why?...Why would you?.." I said, slowly shaking my head in disbelief. "No...I don't...want" I said. "It wasn't my choice, please listen." He said, throwing the hairpins away from him.

He seem sincere about his words, I could just manage to see a few tears in the corners of his eyes. I know he's being truthful at the moment, if he was faking his tears, they would have bursted out straight away. "F-fine." I said. He better have a good explanation for this.

"W-well, before this game had started, I worked for team Danganronpa as one of the people of who handed out the application flyers for the show. I never liked the 'killing' part of it, nor ever wanted to be even a part of it! But, I got a message from my boss saying I was going to be the mastermind of the show, to make sure it runs smoothly from inside the game. I...never wanted to hurt axanyone..." he sobbed as he fell onto his knees.

I looked at him, not with hatred like before, now with sympathy. He didn't deserve this. "I'll try to stop this game, I'll do anything to make up for it. Just, please forgive me." He said looking up at me with a tear stained face. "I-I...I might not f-fully forgive you, but I will at least try to." I said, sitting next to him.

"I think we should get out of here before somebody comes in." I said, standing up and pulling him up with me. We walked out of the passageway and closing it again. This was a lot to process, he had been telling us he was the mastermind, but since we all know he lies, we all assumed it was another one of them. Just proves how good he is at covering the truth with his lies as well.

We walked back into my dorm and sat down on the bed. "So...what now?" Kokichi asked, looking at me, then back at the ground. "What do you mean?" I asked, What does he mean by that? "Well, I'm the mastermind, so what will happen in the trial? Will I die, or will all of you?" He asked, looking back down at the floor.

I honestly didn't know what to do, what oils happen? Everyone would usually look to me for the trials, I mean, it is always me piecing together the information that the others have told everyone and what I have already found. I don't want Kokichi to go, he was what I had left from this game.

"Well, if you're the mastermind, don't you know how to get out?" I said. It would make sense if he knew all the information about the area, or at least most of it. "Yeah! I could show the secret exit for the masterminds! Usually they fake their deaths, which is why some of the survivors can find the masterminds to their games! Although some don't survive the executions..." Kokichi said.

"Great! But, wouldn't your supervisors be watching?" I said. Surely their would be people from the games company watching him. "True, but I know where their camera systems are, so if we mange to sabotage that, we can get everyone out before they can fix it from the outside." Kokichi said, now standing up.

"Well, let's get going! We don't have long." He said, running out of the room, pulling me by the wrist. I knew this will either end horribly or amazingly, but it will be worth the try.


~A/N~ Hi guys! Sorry if you didn't like the way I did it, could request a despair version of this if you'd rather those. The next chapter will be the personality switch! Have a nice day/nifght! Bye!

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