☁️💔⚠️Help! (Demon!Kokichi x Shuichi) PART 2⚠️💔☁️

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~A/N~ Hi guys! I just thought that this might be a nice song to listen to while you read, also, Do you guys rather music or photos at the start of the chapter, Let me know in the comments!

⚠️T/W: ABUSE⚠️ Please don't read if you have or have been through that, if you do and you still want to read, please read with caution.


'The weekend was finally here, I get to see Saihara~chan again!' I thought, humming to myself as I drew a picture of him on my bed. Ever since I met him I've had these weird feelings, my face would go light pink at the mere thought of the boy, and my long tail would wag like a puppy when I remember playing with the boys hair. I checked the time on the clock nearby, 8:30pm. 'When is he going to summon me? Did he forget about me?...' I thought, saddening at the thought of him forgetting. I got up off the royal purple bed and walked out of my room to the kitchen, Miu was sitting on the counter scrolling through her phone.

"Was'sup C*ckichi, you coming to jack-off in the kitchen?" Miu said, not looking up from her phone. "Of course a c*m dumpster like you would think that~" I replied with an eye-roll. "C-c-c*m d-dumpster?! H-heeeeee!" Miu squealed, drooling in the slightest at the insult. 'Ew' I thought as I grabbed a grape panta and made my way back to my room. I sighed as walked back, I felt a weird feeling tingle throughout my body. I stopped and looked down, I saw a pentagram forming underneath me. I gasped happily when I saw this, 'he remembered!' I thought to myself as the pentagram did it's magic, taking me to Shuichi.


I started drawing the pentagram like Ouma~kun instructed me to last week. I tried to keep blood from flowing from my nose, my uncles beating from a few minutes ago had left me black and blue. "Kokichi, Kokichi, Kokichi." I chanted like he told me. Light started to dance around the lines before shooting up to the roof. 'It worked!' I thought as I saw his two wings stretch out from the light beam. The light died down as the little demon stepped off the pentagram, "Shumai!" He happily shouted, trapping me in a hug. My heart was leaping out of my chest and my face went bright red. "H-hi Ouma~kun, c-can you not hug so t-tight? I-it kinda...hurts." I stuttered, although he wasn't hugging too tight, his arms were just hugging some of the places the beer bottle had hit me.

"Sorry Shu-Shu, I was just so excited to see you-" he smiled, his smile faded the second he was the bruises. "Who did this..." he said, now looking around for the first-aid kit. "M-my uncle..." I sighed, my gaze on his porcelain face remaining. He started to patch up my bruises and cleaning the blood of my face. "Look, I may be a demon and have done some bad stuff, but I'm gonna show that Satan wannabe why he shouldn't mess with my human." Ouma huffed as he finished putting on the last bandaid. "Y-your Sh-shumai?!" I asked, flustered. "Yeah!" I noticed the light blush on his face. "Stay here, I'm going to show your uncle what he's messing with." Ouma sighed, I noticed how he slightly growled when mentioning my uncle.

I sat on my bed for five minutes, wondering what was going on with Ouma and my uncle, until I heard a crash from the kitchen. 'Th-that could have been Ouma!' I mentally screamed, rushing out the door. I swung into the kitchen to see Ouma on the ground and my uncle with a broken beer bottle, Ouma got up and dusted himself off. "Is that all you got you pathetic mortal!" Ouma yelled, charging at him with the sharp pointed horns on top of his head. "Ouma! Stop!" I screamed. He stopped charging and looked other at me, "why? He hit me with his alcohol bottle and called you a weakling!" He screeched, obviously mad. I flinched as he yelled, he noticed. Ouma's face softened as he walked over, he cupped a hand on my cheek, "I'm sorry for yelling." He said softly, knowing I hated yelling. I saw my uncle walk over, still drunk. When he got close enough, Ouma turned around as landed a punch at him, directly at his nose. "Call the child's protective services, your gonna live with me now." Kokichi said, glaring down at my uncle, who he had knocked onto the floor. "I-in hell?" I gulped. "Yeah, it isn't as bad as humans describe it, trust me. The only bad thing in hell is that my roommate is a wh*re~" Kokichi laughed, putting his arms behind his head. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I dialled the number.

((🏳️‍⚧️Time skip bought to you by the Mardi Gra (I'm ✨Bi✨) 🏳️‍🌈))

The police walked out of the house, dragging my passed-out uncle into the police car. One of the police stayed behind to ask questions, "Do you have any other relatives that you're able to live with?" She asked. "No." Was the only response I could give. "Okay, do you want to stay here? If you do we'll have a cop over to check up on your every month until you're 18." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Okay, I'll stay here thanks." I said, glancing back to see if Kokichi was still there, he was standing behind me. "Alright, remember you can always call an orphanage if you change your mind." She said as she left.

**//3RD POV//**

Shuichi had the house to himself, finally free from his uncle. "Ouma~kun? C-can you stay with me? I-I don't want to be alone..." The human boy said, causing the smaller to blush. "Aww~ Does Saihara~chan love me?~" the demon giggled, holding Shuichi's hand. "M-m-maybe." Muttered the detective, pulling his down down, embarrassed. Kokichi didn't like that the detective wanted to hide his face, he snatched the hat off Shuichi's head and flew up to the roof , laughing at the other as he jumped up, trying to get his hat back. Shuichi heard a knock at the door, followed by the sound of it creaking open and footsteps coming closer. 

Kaede walked into the living room where Shuichi and Kokichi were. The pianist had already known about the demon from Shuichi's dreamily fantasising about him out loud to her, she didn't mind it though. "Hello Saihara~kun, I hope you don't mind me coming like this, I saw your uncle being taken away, what happened?" She asked, tilting her head. "U-uh hi Akamatsu~san, don't worry about it, let's just say I've gotten a bit more freedom now." Shuichi smiled, glancing back from time to time at the demon behind him. "Oh, have you been talking to your demon friend?" The girl asked, curiosity in her eyes. Kokichi flew over behind the pianist, stealing her clips and giggling like a child while Kaede looked shocked. To Kaede, it looked like her clips were floating. "Woah! They're floating, is the demon holding them?" Kaede asked Shuichi, eyes wide with amusement.

"Why not ask me, rude blondie!" Kokichi whined, puffing his cheeks out with a grumpy face. "Kokichi, s-stop whining, she can't ask you herself! She can't see you, remember?" Shuichi muttered looking at the winged boy. "Oh yeah! I guess I might have forgotten~ oooor I just wanted to complain~" Kokichi said with a sly smirk. Shuichi dramatically sighed as Kokichi laughed at him, Kaede sat there, beyond confused. 

~A/N~ H E L L O! I finished part 2! If you guys have anymore requests, please let me know! Bai!

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