Stop, Thief! ((Phantom Thief AU))

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~A/N~ Hello! This is just gonna be the classic Phantom thief AU! Enjoy!


**//Shuichi's POV//**

I sigh as I stare at the crime scene I front of me. The local Museum had just been robbed last night by the most infamous Phantom Thief in all of Japan. All we know about him is that he has an organisation called "D.I.C.E" and that he calls himself "Checkmate".

"So, Mr Saihara. Did you find any clues?" My partner, Kirigiri, asked, not lifting her eyes off the scene as if it'd change if she looked away.

"No...not yet at least." I muttered as I started dusting for fingerprints, but as expected, there was nothing to be found. 'He's a local here, he mustn't be that far from here. We just need to find something to catch clues.' I thought as I glanced around for anything out of place.

My eyes landed on something slightly odd. Maybe it's a clue! I walked over to the T-Rex skeleton and slipped under the ropes. Thee was a card under the claw of the dinosaur, but not just any card, it was a Joker card from the Casino one block from here.

I flipped the card around to look at the back to see a message written in purple ink.

"Hello, Mr Detective~ I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now. Want to know more about me? Now'a your chance! This is your first clue, and a pretty easy one! Bye-Bye~


'Should I tell Kirigiri? No, if something happens to me and I'm just falling into a sick joke, I want her to be able to carry on with the investigation.' I thought as I slipped the card into my shirt pocket.

"Saihara? Did you find anything?" Kirigiri asked, coming next to me. She looked around the skeleton to try and find whatever I was looking at.

"No, Kirigiri-san. I was just looking at the T-Rex." I lied. She stared blankly at me for a few seconds, before replying. "Alright, just stop fooling around. We have a case to take care of and it won't solve itself by staring at a pile of bones." She sighed in a monotone voice before walking back over to where she previously was.

"Sorry, but it's for the best of you don't know." I said under my breath as I turned to look elsewhere for clues.

**//Time skip to the next night bought to you by me slowly dying inside//**

I stood in front of the large Casino building. Muffled sounds of music and laughing were heard from inside. I took a deep breath and walked inside to be hit with the overwhelming smell of alcohol.

I pulled out the card and looked at it again. It matches the design of the cards here, so I just have the right place. I do believe that the owner of the Casino here is Celestia Ludenberg, the famous gambler. I walk around looking for her, avoiding the men and women obsession over their games.

I finally made it to a crowded table. People were cheering and others complaining and stressing. I peaked over some of the shoulders I front of me to see none other than Celestia playing a game of Blackjack with somebody, her obviously winning.

After the game was over I approached her. "Excuse me, Miss Ludenberg? I have something important to ask." I said to her as he turned to look at me.

"Oh? And who might you be? Here to steal some gambling advise off of me, I assume?" She asked, putting her hand to her lips.

"I am Shuichi Saihara from the city's detective agency, and no, I have not come for any gambling advise." I said, straightening my posture.

"Then what must you be here for?" She asked curiously, tilting her head slightly.

"After and investigation at the Museum, I had found a card with a message written on the back on it from Checkmate. The print on the back seems to match the cards from this Casino. Have you seen any suspicious people lurking in here the could possibly be him?" I asked, pulling out the card and showing it to her.

"My, my! A card had been stolen from me with any notice? Hmm, I have not seen anybody that can come to mind, I am sorry to say." I said, shaking her head slowly.

"Alright, I'll be on my way. Thank you for your time." I said as I walked off and out the doors. I hear the soft sound of a woman crying in a small alleyway between the Casino and another building. Feeling bad for whoever it was, I walked into the alleyway.

I saw a lady in a short red pencil dress kneeling on the ground in a puddle. She had her face in her hands and was a crying mess. "H-hello? Are you alright ma'am?" I asked, slowly coming closer.

"NoooOooO! My husband *hic* cheated on me with that b*tch heee met only *hic* an hour ago!" She sobbed, not looking up at me.

"Wow...I'm so sorry to hear that." I said as I kneeled next to her, patting her back reassuringly. She looked over to me, mascara dripping down her face like a inky waterfall. She looked drunk af...

"Wow *hic*. Your so *hic* hooot~" she laughed as she stopped crying and started smiling widely. This made me slightly uncomfortable.

"U-um...Thank you?" I said, trying to break eye contact with her.

"Well, it l-looks like you're feeling better know. Sorry about your h-husband." I said as I began to stand up.

"Na-uh-uh~ *hic* I can leave a good opportunity *hic* behind~" she smirked, pushing me against the wall of the alley, pinning me against it. I started to sweat as my breathing quickened. What did she mean?

She started to lean into closer and closer, her hands running up and down my body. I tried to push her away, but she wouldn't stop. Soon enough her lips forcefully crashed against mine. She bit my lip, making my gasp slightly. She took this opportunity to slip her tongue in that tasted strongly of alcohol.

I kept trying to put her off, tears streaming down my face. 'I should have never came down here!' I mentally screamed as she continued to try take my clothes off.

((This is so disgusting to write ;-;))

"Oi b*tch! Hands off!" Somebody yelled. Next thing I knew the lady was out cold on the floor with a large fancy cane next to her. A short man with deep purple hair came over. He was wearing a white suit with a checkered tie and a clown mask.

He picked up the cane and turned to me. The male offered me his hand to help me up, which I gratefully took. "T-thank you so m-much, sir!" I stuttered, still in shock from moments ago.

"Well, you're lucky I found you!....Mr detective~" he giggled as he ran off, another Joker card falling down in front of me. I quickly picked it up and started chasing after him.

"H-hey! Wait up!" I called, but eventually loosing him in the crowd. I sighed as I came to a stop and looked at the card.

"Looks like you found the next clue! Maybe you're not as dumb as I thought! Aaannyways~ here is the next clue!

'Little kids love me and my shows of make-up and laughter. Do you like smelling flowers and and watching comedy's too?'


What could this mean? Make-up? Smelling flowers? Comedy? I guess only time will tell...


~A/N~ So, what do you guys think Kokichi means? Also, I apologise for writing that uncomfortable part. It disgusted me to write and I'm so sorry if I triggered any of you! Please forgive me!

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