Found (Soulmate AU)

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~A/N~ Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait, I'll be taking more time to update because of school and the new book, but I'm still updating this one, it'll just take longer than before. I just wanted to explain that I've made my own little soulmate Au! Although there will still be the red string, it appears when one of them turns 16, the first one to turn 16 can see the string, but it will still be invisible to their soulmate if they are under 16. Also, they have a themed clothing they have to stick to until they both realise who their soulmate is. That's all for this A/N! Enjoy!


I sat at the kitchen table in my apartment, staring at the ticking clock above the fridge. 5:03 pm.  I stood up and grabbed some leftover ramen from the fridge. I sighed to myself as I watched the news, I had recently pulled a huge prank with my organisation, D.I.C.E, yesterday. It was a prank on the principal of hopes peak, but he was used to pranks by now.

I finished re-heating the instant ramen and sat down on the couch and watched Netflix. It was going to be my 16th birthday tomorrow, which means I'll get my soulmate. I'm not as excited about it though, mostly everyone I come in contact with hates me, so I wouldn't be surprised if they cut the string already or when they find out.

**//Timeskip bought to you by Oompa Loompa dog//**

I woke up the next morning, it was my birthday! I jumped out of bed and changed into my normal school uniform and tied my black and white checkered scarf around my neck. I made myself some toast and ran out to school, eating it on the way there. I arrived at school and burst into my classroom.

"G-good morning, Kokichi. Isn't it your birthday today?" Shuichi said, walking over to me. "It is!" I said with an excited grin on my face. Turning 16 was a big deal, and usually people are treated like kings/queens! "How do we know that this isn't another one of your lies, Ouma?" Kaede asked as she came over with the others.

"Oh come one! We've known each other since the 3rd grade! You should know that it's my birthday around this time of year!" I groaned, I was telling the truth for once. "I-I know, I got you something." Shuichi said as he handed me a small present. "Aww! Thank you, Saihara~chan!" I said as I give him a big hug.

I unwrapped the small box to find a small purple beaded bracelet inside. "Wow, thanks! It's pretty!" I said as I put it on, giving Shuichi a big smile. "So, who's your soulmate you fuckin' abortion?" Miu yelled at me. "I don't know, I haven't checked, bitchlet." I shot back at her. She made a squeal at the insult. 'Disgusting' I thought to myself as I glared at her. 

I looked at my hand, summoning the string. It had a glow to it when it appeared. "Guys, I just summoned the string, it looks pretty short, so I guess it could be one of you!" I said as I followed the path of the string with my gaze. The string connected to the hand of the the ultimate detective, Shuichi Saihara. He was my soulmate.

My face turned a deep shade of red as I started at the ground, I didn't want to spoil who it was, it was an agreement the whole class had made for this year. 

°。Flashback to beginning of the year。°

"Hey everyone, we're gonna find out who our soulmates are this year!" Kaede squealed as we all walked through the mall. "Yeah! I hope me and Maki~roll are soulmates!" Kaito cheered, earning a smack in the back of the head by a flustered Maki. "We also get spoilers for the biggest moment in life~" I replied. "Gonta not understand what Kokichi mean." Gonta said with a confused expression.

"You're completely right! I hate spoilers, it's the worst!" Tsumugi agreed. "Well, maybe if we get a soulmate w-who's in this class, we don't tell them." Shuichi suggested. I thought it was a pretty smart idea. "I think that's a great idea, Shumai!" I said, hugging his arm. He pulled his hat down, covering the blush on his face. "Ni-shi-shi!" I laughed as I snatched his hat.

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