My hero! (Powers AU)

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~A/N~ Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was distracted by playing Pokémon Sheild 😅 I also fainted three times on Monday, so I wanted to take a break off thinking, and Tuesday I forgot. Anyways, I'm really sorry 😣 Enjoy!


Kokichi: Shadow morph (he can turn into a shadow, or somebody's shadow)

Shuichi: Lie detector

Kaede: Piano song (she can play emit piano music out of her body)

Rantaro: Vibe (he can basically give someone the feelings he wants to give you, for example, if your mad, he can use his powers to calm you down :P)

Keebo: Arm cannons (he can shoot massive lasers from his arms, basically chapter Six)

Miu: Metal bending

Ryoma: chains (he can create chains)

Kirumi: clones

Korekiyo: past sight (he can see into history as if he was there when he closes his eyes, but it can only last 30 minutes a day.)

Angie: Paint (her paintings come to life)

Tenko: warrior (She can learn any martial art from watching somebody do it for 5 minutes, as in watching for five minutes)

Gonta: Bug (he can turn bug size to study bugs better)

Kaito: Positivity (he can make anyone positive, even the pessimistic Ryoma)

Maki: inventory (she has an inventory of weapons that are only she can see, only others know when she has pulled out a weapon when it is out of the inventory)

Himiko: Magician (she can perform simple to extreme magic tricks)

Tsumugi: shape shift

Now onto the Story 😁


I walked through the long, empty hallways of the school we were trapped in. I felt so lonely, even though there were fifteen other students here too. I heard a distant, yet close laugh echo in the hallway. I looked around to see who was there. Nobody. 'Pull it together Shuichi, it's just your imagination' I thought with a sigh. I turn around to start walking down the hall again, but when I did, the short, purple haired boy I know as none other than Kokichi Ouma stood inches away from me.

"Hello Shumai!" He cheered as he bounced around like a child. "O-ouma! When and who did you get here?!" I stuttered, I had only looked in that direction a second before Kokichi popped up there. "Silly Saihara~chan! Did you forget my powers?" Ouma giggled, booping me on the nose. "O-oh, sorry. I'm assuming you're the one who was just laughing a minute ago?" I asked. I knew it was a dumb question, of corse it was him!

"Who else could it be? Anyway, I wanted to go to the arcade, and I want you to come with me~" He whined. "*sigh* Sure, I'll come." I said with a small smile, sometimes this boy can get on my nerves, but he is still an interesting person. We walked down the hall towards the arcade, he was rambling on about roasts he said to Miu, he never stops teasing people, does he. We reach the arcade, the neon lights blinding me the second I stepped in. "Bruh-bai Shumai, I'm gonna go play the claw machine without you 'cause your boring~" Ouma called as he ran towards the claw machein, filled with plushies. Lie. I was surprised, I didn't know he thought that way.

An hour passed and Ouma had nearly passed out on the floor from raging at the machines...10 times. I crouched next to him, he was laying on the ground, whining that the machine was rigged. I rolled my eyes as he complained. "Shumaaaaaaai! Can you get me a plushieeeee? Pleeeeease!" He wailed, dragging out some of the the 'a' and 'e' sounds. "*sigh* Fine." I sighed. Put the mono-coin into the small slot, starting the game. The claw came down and picked up a purple kitten plush, grabbing it by its tag. Ouma watched as the clawed dragged the toy closer and closer to the claim area of the machine, I saw his eye sparkle the closer it got. It dropped, but not in the right place.

The plush dropped just before it could be grabbed, Ouma groaned. "Ugh! You're so trash at this~ Even Ryoma would do better than you!" Ouma groans. Lie. "That's a lie." I said as I pushed another coin into the slot. Kokichi stayed silent, embarrassed that he had forgotten he can't tell me a full lie. The claw picked up the plush again and dropped it into the pic-up box, I handed it to Kokichi, "Happy now?" I asked with a small smile.


'AAAAAAAAAHH! HIS SMALL SMIKE IS. TOO. CUTE. TO. HAAAANDDDLLEEEE!' I screamed mentally as he gave me the plush. "Thank you, Shumai!" I cheered. I wanted to get something for him too, but for once in my life, I'll be honest. I'm trash at claw machines. "Hey Shu Shu! I'm gonna get you something too!" I shouted as I started transforming into a shadow. I passed through the glass of the machine, I turned back to my normal, fleshy self, but I was now inside the machine. I could see Shumai panicking on the other side of the glass, I giggled, it was funny how he reacted to this. I picked up a navy blue puppy plushy and dropped it into the pick-box, then turned back into a shadow and walked out of the claw game.

I grabbed the toy out of the box and gave it to Shuichi, he sighed and thanked me for the plushy. "Thank you Ouma-kun, but, I'm not sure it's a good idea to steal" He nervously giggled as he took the plush, his hand brushed against mine as he did. His hands are so smooth and soft, it makes me want to hold it more than I already do. "Aww! Saihara~chan, you shouldn't worry about that! Who's gonna stop me?" I said, my usual smirk planted on my face. "Anyway, I'm booooored! I wanna play a game with you!" I cheered. "Do I get a choice?" Saihara smiled with a hint of sarcasm, knowing the answer was obviously 'no'. 

"Let's play hide and seek!" I shouted like an excited kid. "But-" "You count first!" I interrupted him. He sighed and turned around, starting to count to 10. I turned into his shadow, 'he won't find me' I thought as he started looking for me. I followed his every move, making it look convincing. He was looking everywhere, I laughed mentally watching him check behind the arcade  machines. "*sigh* Ouma-kun! I give up, you win!" He called out to me, not know where I was. I came out of his shadow and giggled, "Nishishi! I thought that you would have found me, I guess I was wrong!" I laughed playfully. "N-not funny, Ouma-kun." He stuttered as we walked out of the arcade, "I'm going back to my room, I had fun hanging out with you Ouma-kun." He smiled, I always felt some sort of warmth when he smiled. "Okay Shumai, see you tomorrow!" I said as he turned the corner, leaving me by myself. I turned around to go back to the dining hall, since I wanted Panta. Kaito and Maki blocked my way, 'when did they get here?' I thought as I looked up, tilting my head, confused. "What were you doing to Sidekick?" Kaito asked, why was he so serious?

"I was trying to stab him~" I lied, rolling my eyes. Maki grabbed me by my throat and hoisted me up into the air, chocking me. She grabbed a knife from her inventory and held it too close for comfort under my chin. "Stay away from him you good for nothing gremlin." She hissed, gives me a cold glare. "N-no p-prom-mises!" I weakly laugh, I could feel her grasp on my neck tighten. "Maki, let go. I don't want to see a class trial so soon, Especially if your the blackened." Kaito sighed, Maki dropped me with a sigh and put the knife away. I gasped for air as I felt the hand leave my neck, I glared at Maki and Kaito. "Whatever, you guys are boring~" I said as I fell into the shadows quickly zooming down the halls by shadow transport. I sniffled as I tried to keep my tears in, they always do this when I try to talk or hang out with Saihara. I guess I'll go annoy Kii-boy or Gonta instead...

~A/N~ OMG I'm so sorry it took this long to update. Anyway, next chapter I'm making a part 2 to 'Million Stars', requested by  DreamilyWicca

Bai! Hope you enjoyed!

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