💔Time Gone By💔

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{A/N} ~ hello, sorry I haven't updated in so long. I thought I'd make this while I had some inspo and while you all wait for Steven Universe AU part 3.

ITALICS - Kokichi
Normal - Shuichi

~{ Shuichi's POV }~

"We will always be together, you and I."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well, pinky promise!~"


"Pinky promise! A promise that we shall stay together, forever!"


A deal made between friends, at the age of 6. We had known each other from the first day of pre-school. Days we'd spend our days rolling down grassy hills and drawing ourselves messily in coloured crayons all over the walls.

Me and him.

Him and I.

Shuichi and Kokichi.

"Shuichiiiiii~ look what I found!"

"K-Kokichi?! What is that?..."

"A frog! I found it near the bin behind the canteen nishishi~"

"You sh-should really put it back in the bush... the teachers might see..."

"Wouldn't it be funny if I put it in the teacher's desk? Mwahaha!"

That smirk he had never left his face. It's almost like an accessory he could never leave home without, like a fidgety child with their favourite toy.

He'd always get us into trouble at every opportunity. The other kids in our grade called us the "Kokichi and his nervous sidekick." I didn't mind being in the shadows that much. If it meant I could watch my best friend have his moments, I want to be there to see it.

Kokichi and Shuichi.

Him and I.

Me and him.


"Kokichi we are o-only 2 months apart..."


".....will you calm down if I kneel down so you can be taller?"


"*sigh* fine.."

"Yayyy! Thank you shumai I'm much better now~"

I have known him for years, but one of the many things I still can't understand about him is how his mood would change in an instant. One minute he cries and within a second he's cackling like he pushes another small kid off the swings again.

I don't think I need to know why though. Some things are better left unanswered than with the burden of possibly knowing something you shouldn't. Maybe had I known his plan, I could have stopped him.

Together forever.

Forever together.

We are us against the world.

"Oma.. I'm scared."

"Of whaaat? No need to be a nervous wreak 24/7 Shu-Shu~"

"We are in a killing game Kokichi..."

"Yeah? And?"

"What if....W-what if one of us-"

"Hey. Shuichi, it will be okay. No matter what happens we'll still be together."

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