💔Will our live surivive? ((AoT AU))💔

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~A/N~ Hi! This is an Attack on Titan AU! I will not be using any of the actual AoT characters, only mentions. This will be placed 30 years after the show is set, so all the canon AoT characters are Let's say dead by titans. The setting is the same as in Season 1.


**//Shuichi's POV//**

I stood in a salute as the higher ups walked by. Me and my squad had just graduated to being 'rookies', now all we had to do was wait to select a group to be assigned to.

"Hey Saihara! Can you believe it! We finally get to join the soldiers!" Kaede beamed, running over towards me, waving one arm in the air. She came to a quick stop in front of me.

"Y-yeah, that's great. I'm having trouble deciding on which group to join though..." I mumbled, looking away and resting a finger to my chin in thought.

"You and a few others managed to get high enough power to join the Military Police! Why not choose that!" She smiled, tilting her head slightly. It's true, I have been selected as one of the few. As far I as I know, the only people I've met that could join the Military Police was Me, Maki, Gonta, Tenko, and Kokichi.

"I'm not so sure about joining them...I don't even fully understand what they do." I muttered, looking back at Kaede.

"Well, I'd say do what your heart wants you to! I'm join the Survey corps with Miu." She smiled, patting me on the shoulder. I flashed her a smile and we both start walking over to selection.

All of the soldiers that have graduated this year all stood together in front of a large stage where the commanders of each group stood and other soldiers helping with the selection. First the Garrison's commander, Makoto, gave his speech about the Garrison and what they do.

I saw many hands rise and to who was going to join them. "Wow, that's a lot." I heard a small voice whisper besides me. I jumped slightly as I look to see Kokichi's Dioxazine purple eyes starring back into my own golden ones.

I didn't have any time to respond, the Survey Corps's commander, Hajime, began his speech. All of the things he had told seemed to be quite grusome and dangerous. As he finished his speech, only a few had put their hands up, I look over to see Kokichi's hand up aswell.

I could feel my arm moving upwards, towards the sky. 'Why?! I don't want this!' I thought as I tried to regain control of myself. As I gave up trying, I noticed myself walking off with the other new survey corps members towards HQ.

"Nishishi~ I didn't expect my Shumai to be joining such a dangerous group!" Kokichi giggled from next to me, flashing his adorable grin at me. Wait, adorable? What am I saying? I d-didn't mean that!....did I?

"Yeah, I guess that makes the both of us, huh." I awkwardly laughed. Feeling my cheeks get slightly warmer. I ignored the warm sensation in my chest as the shorter boy continued to talk  and crack jokes that I would laugh at. The only question is, 'what is this feeling?'

"Aww~ You're blushing~" Kokichi laughed, showing a smirk.

"W-what? No!" I stuttered, hiding my face from him. This boy could be the death of me.

**//Time skip because I'm a sh*t person and just feel like it//**

The survey corps all sat on their horses side-by-side in behind the large gate of wall Rose, ready to go and try reclaim wall Maria back from the blood thirsty titans.

Saying I was nervous was an understatement. I was horrified. It had been a few months since me and my friends has joined the survey corps, me and Kokichi started dating 1 month in.

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