Fish out of the ocean ((Merman! Kokichi x Aquarium worker! Shuichi))

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~A/N~ Dirt.

**//Shuichi's Pov//**

I walked into the staff's change rooms in the large Aquarium I work at and change into my uniform. It was a white button down shirt with the aquarium's logo on the pocket with black pants, shoes and belt. I also usually wear a hat since I don't like making eye contact with people.

"Hey Saihara! Did you hear about the new attraction here that arrived last night?" Kaede asked, running over to me as I stepped out of the changing room.

"No, I haven't. What's going on? There's a lot more people here than MUST be something amazing then." I asked, tilting my head as I watched the blonde girl jump up and down in excitement.

"You'll see soon!" She said as she hurried off to the large new area that was getting built for whatever the 'special' thing was. I honestly am a bit curious why is was causing such a fuss.

I walked off towards large underwater tunnels ((y'know, where there's a tunnel with water outside it and animals like small s sharks and manta rays are?)) to start my day. My boss had told me it's my last day being the guide in the tunnel area seeming as tomorrow I'll be the guide in the new area.

I continued the rest of the day as usual, telling guest information on the animals and pointing out directions to different exhibits.

My boss, Mr Monokuma, usually makes me lock up the building after the aquarium closes. I thought I would take that as my chance to go and see whatever the huge fuss was about.

It was now closing time and the last of my coworkers had just left, leaving me and Monokuma at the entrance. "So, I'm assuming that you plan to check out the new attraction early, hmm?" Monokuma said, looking up at me.

"W-what? No!..." I stammered. Monokuma just have a knowing smile.

"You can't lie to me, wannabe detective. Just go, I already knew you'd want to puhuhuhu~" He laughed as he left. I shrugged my shoulders and left toward the new area and looked up at the sign above the large double doors.

"Mer people? They don't exist-" I sighed, pushing the doors open anyway and taking my first look inside. I was met by a MASSIVE room with and equally as big tank.

 I was met by a MASSIVE room with and equally as big tank

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((Just ignore the people and the shark in the tank))

"Pretty big room..must have been expensive." I mumbled as I walked in, the doors accidentally slamming behind me making me fall over from surprise.

I could hear high pitched chirp-like noises, not like any I hear before. I looked up at the tank from my position on the floor to see a head poking out from behind on of the rocks inside.

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