Crimson Blood ((Vampire! kokichi x Shuichi))

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~A/N~ Hi! This is probably going to be a short Chapter, Idk.

*//Kokichi's POV//**

12:00am. I hauled myself out of bed and towards a mini fridge hidden under a mountain of boxes. I'm feeling a lot more hungry tonight and I'm not sure why, maybe because of the new killing game shit that build-a-bear reject is forcing us to play. I pulled out a blood bag and flopped back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

I finished drinking the blood, the taste never gets old. I just wish I could get the nice warm blood like before, now I have to stick with the refrigerated shit. I quietly sneak out of the dorm, trying not to wake the others up and draw suspicion to me. I climbed up the stairs into the rooftop of the dorm rooms, not much people come here, so it's my perfect getaway from them.

I stared up at the artificial stars on the dome that locked us in here. I don't even know if it's night or day, the dome made it hard to tell. What's outside? Is it a grassy meadow or a city? Full of humans and life? I guess only time will tell. Somehow, there's still weather inside this dome, at least. It's windy at the moment.

I heard a small creak from the door and light escaping from it. I turned my head slightly to see who had came up. Shuichi stood at the door, a confused and tired expression of his pale face. "Kokichi? Why are you awake?" Shuichi yawned, stepping onto the room and closing the door behind him. 'Shit! Did I wake him up' I thought. This can't be good.

"I was just planning a murder!" I said, mustering a big smile. I need to make him leave. "You and me both you that's a lie." He said, sitting next to me on the edge of the roof, but keeping a safe distance away in case I wasn't joking. Classic Saihara. "There's a lot of shape things on the roof." Saihara muttered looking around.

It's true, there was a lot of sharp stones and broken glass here. "Oh, I didn't notice." I said, looking over at him. Saihara was observing the roof, staring expectantly at the objects on the ground as if they'd attack. I looked back to the scenery, letting Shumai look at the roof for a little while longer.

Now instead of just the breeze making soft noises, there was now the occasional shuffling of Shuichi looking around. 'As much as I love him, I can't have him around for too long.' I thought to myself. I've always had an interest for him, that I will admit. His silky hair and his golden eyes have alway hypnotised me, but I know it's too dangerous for him to be near me.

A sudden, small Yelp bought me back out of my thoughts. I looked back over to Shuichi who was holding onto his wrist and looking as if he's holding in tears. "What happened?" I said, not moving any closer. "N-nothing, just cut myself on one of the the rocks." Shuichi said, looking towards me.

The scent of blood started wafting over, a smell Was hoping to smell again, but not like this. "You're bleeding, aren't you." I said, standing up. "Y-yes. How did you know that?" Shuichi said, slightly concerned. He was only bleeding slightly, not enough for humans to be able to smell. 'Fuck! I need a lie. Think you stupid brain!' I thought to myself.

"Well, you look like your about to cry, so I assumed you were bleeding." I lied. Shuichi just sighed and decided to believe me. "I'll go get a bandaid." I said and walked away to get a bandaid from a first-aid kit. I felt a small pain in my fangs, probably just my instincts wanting to drain the blood out of him, but I won't let that happen. Hopefully.

**//Saihara's POV (( SHORT ))//**

Kokichi's acting strange. He's been up later than usual now and sleepier in the day. I usually hear him wandering up here at this time, which slightly concerns me. I watched as he walked back down to the dorms to get a bandaid, not seeming to be at all tired, but as if he's trying to keep something important from me. Was he not joking about murder before?

That last thought struck a nerve in me. What if he's going to kill someone? What if he's getting a knife? No. I should at least have a bit of trust in him. I looked down in shame at my own thoughts, I shouldn't think this way about Ouma. I heard the door creak open and Ouma come back with a bandaid in hand.

**//Kokichi's POV//**

I walked back over to Shuichi with the bandaid and sat next to him. I put my hand out for his wrist so I could clean up the blood and put the bandaid on it. Bad Idea. As soon as his wrist was in my hand, I felt some sort of trigger in me. I could feel his steady pulse on my fingers and see a small line of blood slowly trickle down his arm.

I froze up, I didn't want to move. Every part of me wanted to sink my fangs into his soft flesh, but I had to resist. The pain in my fangs grew and grew as the seconds went by. I could see myself start to shake, and with no doubt, I bet Saihara could see it too. "Kokichi? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Shuichi asked, softly putting his other hand on top of mine, only making the temptations worse.

"S-Shuichi, I-it's not safe here." I stuttered, knowing what was going to happen if he didn't leave as soon as possible. "What do you mean? You're starting to freak m-me out." Shuichi said, backing up slightly. I could feel my fangs starting to extend and my claws slowly sharpening. I parted my lips slightly, just enough to show my fangs to him, to let him know to run.

Shuichi flinched at the sight and quickly stood up and started to back away towards the door, nothing but fear and shock in his expression. My vision was started to get blurry, and the pain only getting worse. I couldn't see properly anymore and I felt faint. I felt myself freeze up as my conscience slip away.

**//Shuichi's POV//*

I watched as Ouma shook. I felt bad about this, and bad for him. I grabbed a nearby pipe off the ground and slowly walked over to him. "K-kokichi?" I asked as he froze up. He slowly turned his head towards me, but I could tell something wasn't right, besides the fact he's a vampire. I couldn't see his eyes, the shadow of his bangs covered his eyes.

He looked up at me, proving that something was definitely wrong. His eyes were glowing red, a dangerous shade of red that you'd see from a predictor in nature. He lunged at me and swiped at me, knocking me over and leaving massive claw marks across my face. He jumped on top of me and started trying to bite my neck.

I shoved the pipe into his jaws and trying to force his face further away from me ((Like Tanjiro did to Nezuko at the start of Demon Slayer)). "k-Kokichi! S-snap out of it! P-please!" I shouted, tears pouring out of my eyes. I felt the pressure from Kokichi start to weaken. He started shaking violently and tearing up. "I'm sorry..." I muttered before fainting and falling onto my chest.

I laid there silently at stared at Kokichi. I felt bad, but why didn't he tell me? Well, obviously because he doesn't trust me enough, or anyone. I picked Kokichi up bridal style and walked him into my dorm room. I rested him on the bed and put the covers over him. I walked into my bathroom and looked at the massive cut Kokichi gave me.

It was bleeding heavily and dripping onto my white shirt. I took the bandages out from the draw and wrapped it around the cut. One eye was covered by the bandage, but I didn't mind. I took off my shirt and through it out, it was ruined by the blood. I don't think I could get rid of that stain.

I walked back out into the bedroom and looked at Kokichi. He looked peaceful, minus the tear stains on his face. I sat next to him and stroked his hair. I'll have to talk to him about tonight in the morning. I hope he's okay.

~A/N~  This was longer than expected. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! See you next chapter!

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