💔Bring you back ((Dead!Kokichi x Mastermind!Shuichi))💔

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-{A/N}- Hi! So I'm going to try update more to make up for the amount of time I left you guys waiting on me, and sorry to the person who requested this months ago.


**//3rd Person POV//**

Darkness, cold, quiet. That's all that surrounded the navy haired detective. Hot pink blood dripping it's way down his hands. Shuichi stood over the body of the boy he just killed, his boyfriend, Kokichi.

Saihara stood in silence as he stared blankly down at the corpse, eyes still open wide in shock and fear. The boy sighed and began to walk out of the dark room, the evidence already being tampered with to lead to somebody else.

Shuichi entered his room and slumped down onto his bed, holding his head in his hands. 'Is this true despair?' He thought to himself.

"Upupu~ How unexpected if you Saihara! Killing the person who made you happiest! This will make up one hell of a trial~" Monokuma laughed, walking out from a shadow in the room.

"Shut it, bear." Shuichi replied, standing up and walking into the bathroom to change his clothes and wash off the sticky blood.

"Alright~" The robot chuckled as he waddled into a secret room hidden behind his drawers.

Shuichi watched as the blood painted the sink and filled into the drain, he found the darker patterns mesmerising to watch flow in the lighter shades.

He quickly changed into a grey T-shirt and black shorts and slipped into bed. He needed to have energy for tomorrows trial, he can't afford ANY slip-ups this time. The Bluenette closed his eyes and began to sift off to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a big day...











"H-huh?" Saihara stuttered as his eyes flicked open. This...wasn't his room. Everything was black, but he could see himself perfectly fine.

"Shuichi..." the voice called again. The detective began to follow the echoing voice into the darkness, following its calls to wherever it led him.

After what felt like a lifetime of searching, a ghostly white hand grabbed his shoulder. "H-hey!" Shuichi shouted and turned around, only to see nobody was behind him.

With confusion written across his face, he turn back around. The confusion quickly turned into shock. Kokichi stood right in front of him, his face only inches from Shuichi's.

"Why?..." Kokichi asked, backing up slightly from Shuichi.

"I..." was all that Shuichi could manage to say. Blood slowly started leaking from all the wounds on Kokichi's body and staining his clothes.

"Why would you do this to me?..." He spoke again, not breaking eye contact. Even if Shuichi tried to look away, he could still feel Kokichi's unblinking stare cast on him.

The detective couldn't say anything. He couldn't even remember exactly why he did it. Seconds turned into minutes and neither of them spoke a word.

Blood started to fill the room quicker as time passed, both boys waist deep in the liquid. "I thought we had something special...why betray me like this?" Kokichi asked again, his eyes now wide, bringing to bring fear to the other.

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